[With Greta's encouragement, Captain Tom finally wakes up Susie, a female crew member who is sleeping in the sleeping pod.] 】

[Tom asks Susie what she remembers.] 】

[Result: Susie replied...... I've been dreaming about it!]

[And just as the two were talking, Susie saw Greta next to her, and immediately became hostile, and even yelled loudly:]

["He's not Greta at all!"]

[While yelling, Susie rushed up.] 】

[She snatched the statue of the Virgin from Greta's hand, and used this statue to leave a small wound on Gretta's neck. 】

[But Greta was also prepared, and immediately used the sedative in her hand to let Susie fall asleep again. 】

[Seeing Susie who resisted fiercely, Greta didn't seem to be surprised at all, but said calmly:]

"Let's wake her up later, no matter what...... How many times do you have to try!"]

[But Susie's fierce resistance also made Tom suspicious.] 】

[At night, Tom casually brushes Gretta's hair, only to find ...... The scar on her neck was completely gone. 】

[What is this possible?]

[It has only been a few hours since Susie scratched her neck, and it is impossible for the human body to heal so quickly!]

[Seeing this, Tom finally understood, and he said to Greta who seemed to be asleep:]

["Susie's words are right, you are not the real Greta!"]

[Hearing Tom's words, Greta knew that she couldn't hide it, so she had to say:]

"I told you...... It's not all a lie, you're on a space station right now. "】

["And it's true that you came here because the acceleration device was malfunctioning."] "】

[And while Greta and Tom were talking, the shadow cast by "her" on the wall had turned into a monster covered with tentacles!]

[Hearing these words, Tom seemed to be blessed to the heart, and suddenly guessed part of the truth!]

[If this woman is not Greta, then this "reality" where she is may also be fake!]

[All of this may be an illusion!]

["Tell me!"]

[Tom yells:]

["Who instilled this false reality in me, and this fake Greta?"]

[Greta said helplessly:]

"It's me. "】

[Tom is furious and wants to know the whole truth, as well as the true face of this Greta in front of him!]

[Greta insists that Tom is not ready to know everything.] 】

[But in the face of Tom, who refused to give up no matter what, she still shed tears helplessly:]

"Okay...... Tom. "】

["Then you must understand that I really care about you"]

["I care, all the lost souls who have fallen into this place......]

[In the next second, a skinny old man with messy hair got up from the dormant cabin with a confused face. 】

[He's Tom!]

[However, Tom looks like a wild man in the Savage Lands at this time.] The age is even older. 】

Tom struggles to stand up and looks left and right in a panic. 】

[But everything he saw only made him more frightened. 】

[It turns out that Tom seems to be in a spider's lair at the moment! 】

[Not far away, there are two dilapidated dormant pods, in which the bodies of two crew members lie.] 】

[It turned out that two of his subordinates had already died, and they had even been turned into dried corpses...... Even skeletons!]

[In the distance, his Blue Swan spaceship is being densely bound by countless cobwebs, like flying insects stuck in cobwebs. 】

"Hello, Tom. "】

[Just then, Greta's voice rings in Tom's ears.] 】

Tom quickly turned around, and saw a beautiful woman walking towards him in the distant cave. 】

[But when this woman approached, Tom was horrified to find that "it" was actually a terrifying monster full of tentacles and spider legs, like a mutant spider!]


[Faced with the terrifying image in front of him that almost shattered his three views, Tom let out a desperate scream. 】

[Now...... He has understood everything. 】

[Due to the accident of the "acceleration device", their spacecraft has been exiled to the end of the known universe "beyond the constellation Aquila".] 】

[And I, who have spent an unknown number of years in the dormant cabin, has become an old man in his last years. 】

[Two of his crew members are already dead and can't die anymore, and the ship has been reduced to scrap metal.] 】

[I will be trapped at the end of this universe, and I will be in the company of the terrifying alien monster in front of me!]

[After Tom figured out the truth of this horror, it was ...... in the next second]

[Young Tom wakes up from the hibernation pod again.] 】

[And Greta opens the hatch again and appears in front of Tom.] 】

[This time, Tom is the only one in the ship, and all two of his crew members are gone.] 】

[Tom seems to have completely lost his previous memories and starts a conversation with Greta with a surprised expression.] 】

[Everything...... Back to square one. 】

in the live broadcast room.

Looking at the dim screen, everyone's expressions were extremely exciting.

After a long time, Peter Parker said in a voice that was almost like a divine seal:

"What's going on? The bug...... She, what the hell is it ......"

Hearing Peter's exclamation, Tony Darkk sighed slightly and said in a low voice:

"That bug...... I guess I'm stuck in this place. "

"And the reason why it created that illusion was because it wanted to be with Tom...... Keep each other warm. "


Little Wanda turned his head to look, and Peter and the two looked at each other.

They were too young to understand the sentimentality in Tony's words.

And Young Master Wayne first frowned and thought for a while, then his brows gradually relaxed, and he said:

"Tony is right. "

"This space station may be some kind of 'cosmic graveyard'-like existence. "

Magneto couldn't help but swallow his saliva and asked in a low voice.

"But...... What's that alien bug? ...... it."

Tony Stark shrugged:

"Didn't that Greta say it before? It was also sent to this place by the accelerator and trapped here. "

"That's why it's so good to Tom. "

"Because except for this human, it's in this cemetery...... There were no other companions. "

After listening to Tony's explanation, Magneto's face was still not good-looking.

"However, this alien bug is indeed using some kind of illusion...... Bewildered Tom. "

As soon as he saw this mental illusion, Magneto instinctively thought of his old friend...... Professor Charles.

That feeling of being mentally controlled, he didn't want to try it again anyway.

"There's no way around it. "

Tony spread his hands:

"If that bug doesn't do it, Tom and it...... There is simply no way to coexist. "

"The virtual space in the fantasy world is the only place where these two creatures can live together. "

And at this, the sentry scratched his head and suddenly asked:

"How did Tom seem to have forgotten everything in the end, was that bug washing away his memory?"

Tony and Wayne glanced at each other, and they both saw the helplessness in each other's eyes.

And in the end, it was Master Wayne who spoke:

"I guess, Tom himself chose to forget. "

"This man...... It's not the first time I've been awakened!"


Hearing this, little Wanda suddenly said as if he had a sudden realization:

"No wonder, that Greta said before when she woke up the female crew that she would try again, no matter how many times she tried!"

"It's not the female crew member that this alien bug wants to try to appease, it's Tom himself!"

"That's not right!"

Peter Parker shook his head as he listened, his face full of puzzlement:

"Isn't that crew member long dead? Why is Tom's fantasy ...... Will there be her?"

Young Master Wayne took a breath and said with some heaviness:

"You remember, that Matrix, right?"

"In this virtual illusion, because everything is too good, the human subconscious will rise up and resist. "

And the female crew member "Susie" may have been created by Tom unconsciously! to rebel against this illusion.


There was already a hint of sadness in Bruce Wayne's eyes.

"After seeing the brutal status quo with his own eyes, Tom's anti-anti-consciousness has been completely wiped out. "

"He recognized...... I had to survive in this environment, so I gave up everything, even that cruel memory!"

Hearing this, everyone was speechless for a while.

The thought of being trapped at the end of the universe and being left to live with a terrifying alien bug until death.

Even Loki, who has always looked down on the unruly, even showed a trace of fear in his eyes.

If this kind of tragedy really happened, maybe ...... The only way out is to escape into the illusion!

And when everyone's hearts fluctuated and they couldn't calm down for a long time, a new image suddenly appeared on the screen.

This one, a calm narration sounded.

[This is a new parallel universe.] 】

[On this cosmic earth, a group of researchers are developing the latest type of lactic acid bacteria. 】

[Their initial experiments all failed.] 】

[Among the researchers, someone took the failed lactic acid bacteria out of the lab, then made them into yogurt and put them in their refrigerators.] 】

[But that same night, the researcher made the yogurt without permission...... Got smart. 】

[On the morning of the second day, the researcher took out the yogurt from the fridge and poured nuts and cereal into it for breakfast.] 】

[But right in front of his eyes, the cereals and nuts in the yogurt were arranged and combined by themselves to form a sentence:]

["We...... It has mastered the technology of controllable black fusion and transformation. "】

[And the second sentence of yogurt is:]

"Take me to your ruler. "】

[After a series of changes, the yogurt was finally brought into the White House conference room.] 】

[The president of the United States and the military generals from all walks of life all stared at this small bowl of white liquid, their eyes full of doubt and disbelief. 】

[At this time, the yogurt no longer needs nuts and cereal, and directly vibrates the air to make a sound:]

"We can solve your country's problems. "】

["But the condition is...... Give us Ohio. "】

【“............ Hahahaha!"]

[Hearing the yogurt lion's mouth, everyone in the conference room burst into laughter.] 】

[These inexplicable dairy products, as soon as they come up, they want to go to a state!]

[What kind of international joke is this?]

[But the yogurt said the next sentence, which immediately made almost everyone shut their mouths.] 】

["It's okay if you don't give it, we'll go to the big country in the East!"]

"They promised us a province. "】


[The laughter of the generals came to an abrupt end, and only the president was left giggling there. 】

After a while, all eyes were on the president, who seemed to finally sense that something was wrong and stopped laughing. 】

[At this moment, everyone's expressions changed.] 】

[Are you kidding?]

[If you let that big country in the East ...... Got this mysterious yogurt, and the technology of controlled black fusion, then what else?]

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