[Image continues.] 】

["Electric eyes are pressing!"]

[Just when Black Tiger Ah Fu shouted loudly and his eyes bloomed with thunder, a deafening voice suddenly came from upstairs. 】


[It's 9 o'clock in the evening, and this bell tower has begun to ring the clock.] 】

[The huge bell caused a vibration inside the bell tower, shaking Ah Fu, Jackie Chan and others...... All of them are unsteady on their feet!]

[At this moment, the position where Ah Fu was standing actually changed. 】

[It turns out that whenever the clock is struck, the mechanical pig in the bell tower will be transferred outside by the mechanism, and then the gong in his hand will be sounded. 】

[Good to die, in order to take off the pig charm, Ah Fu happened to be standing in front of the mechanical piglet!]


[Just when the mechanical pig struck the gong, he just stunned Ah Fu who was standing next to him!]


[Ah Fu accidentally fell from the stairs, and finally hung on the hand of the hour hand. 】

[Next, Tru also walked out of the bell tower and wanted to rob his father of the dog charm!]

[But how agile is Daddy's movements now?] 】


[Tru threw himself into the air, and suddenly fell from the bell tower. 】

[However, although this guy looks five big and three thick, his movements are quite agile, and he even grabbed the minute hand of the clock. 】

["Damn! you guys!"]

[Grabbing the hour hand of the clock, Ah Fu raised his head angrily, looking at the father and others on the bell tower, and his eyes lit up with dazzling light again:]

["Electric Eye Forcing ......"]

[And just as Ah Fu was about to unleash the electric eye attack again, another unforeseen thing happened. 】

[Because Tru's weight is too heavy, the minute hand of the big clock can't support it...... It's starting to lean in the direction where Ah Fu is!]


[Looking at Tru's body with the minute hand together...... smashed at him, Ah Fu's breathing instantly stagnated, and an expression of disbelief suddenly appeared on his face. 】


Why...... I'm so unlucky?]


[In the end, Tru's body still smashed Ah Fu's body, and the two of them fell from the bell tower at the same time. 】


[If the two of them are lucky, there is a truck full of chocolates parked under the bell tower. 】

[These two unlucky bastards...... Unbiasedly, he fell into the pile of chocolates on the truck. 】

[Ah Fu was pressed down by Tru, and almost all of them were pressed into small cakes. 】


[Ah Fu made a suffocating sound, and as soon as his right hand was released, the "electric eye" pig charm fell to the ground. 】

[After defeating the enemy, Daddy also explained to Jackie Chan...... Why did you become so strong? 】

"This is all the reason for the dog charm. "】

[Daddy took off the dog charm hanging around his neck and handed it to Jackie Chan. 】

["Jackie Chan, thanks to you, my dad is young again. "】

[After doing it, Daddy suddenly shrugged his shoulders again:]

["However, there's nothing good about being young!"]

["It's too dangerous and tiring to take risks like this!"]

[This time, Jackie Chan and others not only kept the dog charm, but also harvested the pig charm from Ah Fu!]

[Among the twelve charms, the only one that has not yet been born is the last tiger charm!]

Seeing this, the chat group also became lively.

Hermione Granger: Wow, I didn't expect that dad to be really good and good at kung fu.

Morty: I didn't expect it, I saw him punch Tru hard, but the other party didn't even shake it.

Daddy: Hmph! When Daddy was young, he was a well-known kung fu master!

Dad: I'm just getting older now, and I don't compete with young people.

Stephen Strange: Even if you can use magic to exorcise the Holy Lord who is attached to Xiao Yu, you are also so strong, Dad!

Hermione Granger: Ah, do mages still need to practice kung fu?

Stephen Strange: At Kama Taj, all the mages practice martial arts!

Stephen Strange: The Ancient One thought that this would help us strengthen our minds!

Hermione Granger: This ...... Practicing Kung Fu is good for magic? I've heard of it for the first time. ( ̄△ ̄;)

Agent J: Speaking of kung fu, what's wrong with that black tiger Ah Fu?

Agent J: Why does he have to pronounce the names of those weird moves every time he makes a shot?

Ganata, the Star-Swallowing Daughter: Probably this guy's quirk.

Daughter of the Swallowing Stars, Ganata: I've also watched a lot of kung fu movies, and none of the main characters in them have this hobby!

Captain Mi Guo: This red-haired Ah Fu, although his personality is a bit eccentric, his strength is indeed very strong.

Captain Mi Guo: In the end, it is still necessary for Jackie Chan and Daddy to join forces to defeat him!

Starlight: Hey, the evil side is getting stronger!

Starlight: Jackie Chan's side...... Only the old man and the little girl helped.

Starlight: It's really not optimistic.

Rampage Lori Jinx: Cut, these guys are completely self-inflicted.

Rampage Lori Jinx: They've harvested so many spells, if they use them, they can defeat these enemies in minutes!

Daddy: No, the spell should be kept in a safe place, sealed!

Daddy: Otherwise, if it is snatched back by the Black Hand Organization and embedded in the Holy Lord, then everything will be over!

Flash Barry Allen: It is precisely because of this concept that Jackie Chan and them ...... Have you been using your own strength to fight against the Black Hand organization?

Barry Allen, The Flash: That's admirable.

Rampage Lori Jinx: Inexplicably, if you lose, what's the point of the idea?

Daddy: How could it be said that Daddy had already recorded all the locations where the spells appeared!

Daddy: When Jackie Chan collects them all, he can thwart the conspiracy of the Black Hand!

Starlight: Will it go this well......

Just then, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[On this day, in order to find the last charm, Jackie Chan and others came to a big stomach king competition. 】

[This spell is buried in a pie in the arena, and the only way to find out is ...... It's just eating. 】

["Uh-uh-uh...... I'm about to run out of food. "】

[Just when Jackie Chan, Xiaoyu and Tru were frantically stuffing pies into their mouths. 】

[An old man actually ate that spell from a pie!]

[After a scuffle, Jackie Chan successfully took away the tiger charm, and Tru made a mistake...... Became the champion of this big stomach king competition!]

[After Jackie Chan returned to Daddy's antique store with a charm, Daddy cracked the ancient text on the tiger charm by querying ancient books!]

["Jackie Chan! The Tiger Charm has the power to balance yin and yang. "】

[Daddy looked at Jackie Chan and said with a serious face:]

["In each of us, there are two forces that conflict with each other. "】

["Yin and Yang, Light and Darkness, Good and Evil......"]

[Xiao Yu looked at the tiger charm in his hand and asked curiously:]

["Does Uncle Long also have a bad side?"]

[Jackie Chan squatted down and said with a smile:]

["Of course there is, it's called Xiaoyu!"]

[And just when Jackie Chan was holding the tiger charm and preparing to send it to the thirteenth district to seal it, this charm ...... It actually cracked in his hands!]

["What? How is this possible?"]

[Looking at the broken tiger charm in his hand, Jackie Chan was suddenly shocked. 】

[But a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in his mind, and he thought of something. 】

[In that big stomach king competition just now, the old man put the tiger charm in his mouth and bit it hard, and then he realized that something was wrong. 】

["Do you say...... Just because of his bite, he bit the tiger charm through?"]

[Just when Jackie Chan's face was full of incredulity, the tiger charm in his hand made a "snap" sound, and it completely cracked. 】

[And at the moment when the tiger talisman shattered, a dazzling light was released! 】


[When Jackie Chan reacted, he suddenly saw another self in front of him. 】

["Wow! what's going on?"]

[Wait until Jackie Chan takes a closer look to see clearly, what he sees is himself in the mirror in front of him. 】

[But then, Jackie Chan found that only half of the tiger charm in his hand was left!]

[The other half of the charm is in the hands of another Jackie Chan!]

[The collapse of the tiger charm just now really made Jackie Chan ...... Turned into two people!]

[Separate these two Jackie Chans, one inherits the good side of Jackie Chan. But he was so kind that he would cry out loud in grief even if he stepped on a bug to death. 】

[Another Jackie Chan inherited all the evil side in Jackie Chan's heart, and stole Xiaoyu's candy to eat as soon as he was "born". 】

[When they found out that Jackie Chan was divided into two, Dad and Xiaoyu were surprised. 】

[According to the records in the ancient books, Dad believes that as long as the two tiger talismans are combined into one, the two Jackie Chans will be recombined into one. 】

[However, whether it is a good Jackie Chan or a bad Jackie Chan, they don't want to be involved with each other, and they all refuse to merge again!]

[At this moment, Tru and the others actually killed Daddy's antique store directly!]

[In the face of this group of gangsters organized by the black hand, "Bad Jackie Chan" didn't say a word, he shot directly, and kicked Tru to the ground with one kick. 】

[Seeing this scene, the rest of the gangsters were dumbfounded. 】

["Hey, you're too much, he hasn't finished speaking!"]

[But at the same time, Jackie Chan didn't dare to fight at all, and fled directly from the back door with Xiaoyu. 】

[Although Bad Jackie Chan is unruly and has a fierce personality, after all, his two fists are invincible to four hands, and he was defeated by Tru's sneak attack from behind, and was brought back to the headquarters of the Black Hand Organization. 】

[Through the introduction of the Holy Lord, Wa Long learned about the Tiger Talisman, which can divide people into good and evil!]

[So he directly used money to lure and confuse Jackie Chan, let him sneak into Area 13, and steal all the spells sealed inside!]

["As long as you give me those charms, I can make you rich!"

[Hearing the conditions offered by Wa Long, the corners of Bad Jackie Chan's mouth raised, and he nodded with a sneer. 】

["Okay, your conditions sound good. "】

[Next, Bad Jackie Chan went directly back to Area 13 and put all the charms here in a box and took them away. 】

[Although Jackie Chan found out about his actions, he didn't have the courage to stop him at all, and just told Xiaoyu about it. 】

[After Xiaoyu learned about it, she went alone to stop the bad Jackie Chan, and had a conflict with him, and even broke his sunglasses. 】

["Damn little ghost, I love these glasses very much!"]

[Bad Jackie Chan threw away the broken glasses, and as soon as his expression changed, he was about to make a move on Xiaoyu. 】

[And at this moment, Jackie Chan suddenly plucked up his courage and stood up!]

"How can you hit a little girl? "】

["Stop talking nonsense, get out of my way!"]

[The two disagreed, a big battle between Jackie Chan and Jackie Chan...... Start here!]


[Just when the two city towers were fighting, Tru suddenly came out and took Xiaoyu, who was holding on to the charm box, and took it away with the charm!]


[Seeing that Xiaoyu was taken away, Jackie Chan hurriedly turned around and said to the "self" in front of him:]

["He is our child, we must save her......"]

[Looking at the indifferent expression on Jackie Chan's face, the good Jackie Chan suddenly had an idea and made a fist and palm fight. 】

["That way, you have more bad guys to fight."] "】


[Bad Jackie Chan smiled coldly, and his eyes really burned with fighting intent!]

[On this side, in the headquarters of the Black Hand Organization, Valon inlaid the spells that Tru took back one after another on the body of the Holy Lord. 】

["Eight...... Nine...... Ten ......"]


[Feeling the charm become one with the body again, the Holy Lord smiled proudly!]

["It's amazing, I can feel my strength returning!"]

["It's 11 and a half spells in total!"]

[After putting half of the Tiger Talisman into the Holy Lord's body, Wa Long suddenly turned his head and shouted:]

["Where's the last half of the spell?"]

[And at this moment, two Jackie Chans also entered the headquarters of the Black Hand Organization!]


[Under their joint efforts, not to mention Tru and the others, even the Holy Lord's Ghost Ninja is vulnerable and has been defeated one after another!]

[Looking at the two Jackie Chans in front of him, the Holy Lord's eyes flashed red, and he roared angrily:]

["Neither of them has a charm on them, where is the charm?"]

["Not on Jackie Chan?"]

[Upon hearing this, Varon immediately reacted!]

[As soon as he turned his head, he saw Xiaoyu who was tied to the side!]

["Little ghost, where did you hide the charm!"]

[By the time Jackie Chan rushed to Wa Long's side and kicked him away, Wa Long had already reached out and grabbed one of Xiaoyu's shoes!]

[The last half of the tiger charm was hidden in Xiaoyu's shoes. 】

[Seeing this, Xiaoyu was suddenly shocked and shouted loudly:]

["Hurry up and stop him, the last spell is in his hands!"]

[But Wa Long has already run to the Holy Lord's side, and the half of the Tiger Charm has also been embedded in it!]


[Just when the tiger talisman was merged into one, the two Jackie Chans screamed at the same time, and their bodies were also fused together. 】

["Hahaha! Game over! Jackie Chan!"]

[In the smug laughter of Varon, the statue of the Holy Lord gradually absorbed all the 12 charms into its body. 】

[Then, hands and feet grew from the body of this statue!]


[With a roar, a half-dragon, half-human monster stands.] 】

He is the Ancient Demon...... Holy Lord!]


[After being sealed for hundreds of years, the Holy Lord finally raised his head and let out a roar full of joy!]

["I'm resurrected!"]

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