[In the palatial banquet hall, a gorgeous engagement ceremony is underway.] 】

[But not everyone is happy about this marriage. 】

[Standing behind Arthur, the king of the sea, his younger brother Orm said in a deep voice:]

"Arthur, it's too late to cancel this foolish marriage. "】

[Arthur didn't even look back, but said with some regret:]

["Aum, you can't see the benefits of this move to the two countries, and even the whole world, you really disappoint me......]

[At this time, on the side of Paradise Island, the same drama is also being staged. 】

["Oh, Diana, you look so beautiful!"]

[Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons. Holding his daughter in a gorgeous costume, he said with a look of relief:]

["The righteous vision you have shown in this marriage...... Just what a queen needs. "】

[In Hippolyta's view, her daughter's choice to marry Arthur just proves that she is a mature ruler. 】

[But even she didn't expect that her daughter was just in love with that man. 】

[Standing aside, an Amazon woman turned her face away with an unhappy face and muttered in a low voice:]

["Sister, you are exaggerating, this is just a political marriage. "】

["Besides, we Amazon women don't need men at all!"]

[She is none other than the Queen of the Amazons, Hippolyta's sister, and Diana's aunt...... Penthesilea. 】

Although there was opposition on both sides of the Amazon and Paradise Island, the rulers of both sides agreed that the marriage was meaningful. 】

[Soon, under the watchful eye, Queen Hippolyta came to the banquet hall with her daughter. 】

["Dear friends and guests, we will hold this solemn and sacred wedding according to the ancient customs of Paradise Island!"]

["Now, let's listen to the wedding ......!!! of these two couples"]

[Before she finished speaking, the queen suddenly noticed a cold light on the second floor of the hall!]


[Looking at a trident...... Flying down from the balcony on the second floor, Queen Hippolyta didn't have time to think and stood in front of her daughter Diana. 】


[With a scream, Queen Hippolyta was stabbed by this trident and died on the spot. 】


[Diana was terrified, holding her mother's corpse, and her whole body stiffened. 】

[She never dreamed that such a tragedy would happen on her happy day. 】

[At this time, Hippolyta's sister ...... Penthesilea suddenly pointed to the second floor of the banquet hall and shouted:]

["Look, that murderer is an Atlantean!"]

[At the same time, on the second floor of the hall, a sudden battle also broke out.] 】

"Damn! you woman...... Actually killed...... Your own queen!"]

[An Atlantean general looked at the woman in front of him with a horrified face, his eyes full of anger and incomprehension. 】

[He couldn't understand why this woman would do such a thing?]

["Ha! you talk too much nonsense! It seems...... Orm's words are really right!"]

[The Amazon woman seized the opportunity and kicked the Atlantis general in the head, knocking him unconscious. 】

[Next, the woman lifted the general up again, gave a loud shout, and threw it down to the balcony on the second floor. 】

["I've caught the assassin, this is it!"]


[Looking at the fallen general, Arthur's eyes widened, and his face was full of horror and disbelief. 】

["Gas! How could you ......"]

[Although this general named Garth was seriously injured, he still tried his last breath and said:]

["Your Majesty Arthur...... Your brother Orm...... He ......"]


[Before Gars could finish speaking, a trident was inserted into his murderous mouth, making him shut up forever. 】

[Holding the trident that had just taken her mother's life in her hand, Diana looked at Arthur and the others in front of her, her face full of grief and anger. 】

["Before I change my mind, get me out of this island!"

[Seeing that love was about to be killed, Aquaman Arthur was also furious. 】

[But in the face of such a chaotic situation, he didn't know what to do, so he could only retreat with his subordinates in a daze. 】

[That night, after Diana finally fell asleep, her aunt Penthesilea walked calmly into the secret room. 】

[The woman who killed the queen of Paradise Island with her own hands and blamed the Atlanteans is standing here waiting for her. 】

["I was aiming for Diana, but Hippolyta spotted the reflection of the weapon and blocked my shot. "】

["It doesn't matter, anyway, the marriage has disappeared. "】

[Listening to the report of his subordinates, Penthesileaa said casually:]

["Go and inform Orm, next...... It's time for him to make a move. "】

Seeing this, the chat group suddenly became lively.

Invincible Young Hero: This ...... What's going on?What's going on?(⊙o⊙)

Looking at the twists and turns in front of him, Mark was stunned, and he couldn't understand it for a while.

Nick Fury: What a righteous conspiracy!

Nick Fury: This woman is supposed to be conspiring with Arthur's younger brother Orm to seize power in their own country!

Invincible Young Hero: Huh?

Loki Odinson: Hmph, the King's brother and the Queen's sister...... Joining forces, are you ready to eliminate each other's side of the thorn?

Wanda Maximov: yes, you're a professional stab in the back. In comparison, that Orm can only be considered an amateur. O(∩_∩)O haha~

Loki Odinson: Phew! I haven't done anything like that!

Thor: yes! Loki and I still have a good relationship.

Loki Odinson: Stupid, don't you pop out of nowhere and talk!

Wonder Woman Diana: Mother......? How could such a thing happen? (⊙_⊙)

Bruce Wayne: Diana, do you really have such an aunt?

Wonder Woman Diana: My Mother...... There was indeed a sister named "Antiope". Since I was a child, she has been training me.

Diana, Wonder Woman: But I've never heard of Penthesilea, huh?

Bruce Wayne: Hmm...... The changes in this universe seem to be even greater than imagined.

Stephen Strange: No! Diana's mother lived for at least a thousand years, and I don't think Reverse Lightning will go back that long...... to modify space-time.

Bruce Wayne: Makes sense, that is...... Before the change in this flashpoint universe, the queen of Paradise Island had such a sister!

Wonder Woman Diana: Damn! If you're from the Amazons, why would you collude with outsiders? Is it just for the sake of power?

JH: Hey, there's usually only one reason why a woman and a man join forces.

Diana, Wonder Woman: What? You mean...... (⊙o⊙)

Bruce Wayne: Was Diana's aunt in love with Arthur's brother?

John Constantine: It's very likely, and why they're against it...... Diana and Arthur's marriage was just to pave the way for their own marriage!

Invincible Boy: Oh my God! I'm dizzy when I hear it. ╥﹏╥

Barry Allen, The Flash: That's why these two guys started this ...... The Great War That Spreads to the World?( ̄口 ̄)!! !

John Constantine: Love and power, the wars that have been caused by these two events are too many to count in history......

And just when everyone was emotional, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[On the third day after that "blood wedding", Diana was holding her mother's funeral on Paradise Island. 】

[As the only daughter of Hippolyta, she has now succeeded her mother and become the new queen. 】

[At this time, she was informed that Arthur had landed on the island again with the Atlanteans.] 】

It is said that they came for peace. 】

[Although her heart is full of anger and pain, Diana has not lost her mind at the moment. 】

[She decided to give her former lover another chance. 】

[But at the same time, her aunt ...... Penthesirea also began to carry out a new step in his plan. 】

[With a few men, Arthur came to Diana. 】

[Looking at the lover in front of him dressed in a queen's costume and full of grief and indignation, he sighed, lowered his head and said:]

["Your Majesty, I am here...... Just wanted to offer condolences. "】

["Moreover, the tragedy in Lingtang has nothing to do with us Atlanteans. We must find the real murderer......"]

[Seeing that Arthur and Diana were together again, Penthesilea immediately gave an order in secret:]

"Do it. "】

[In the next moment, terrifying explosions and fires swept through the entire paradise island. 】


[For a time, the earth shook violently, and the flames rushed straight into the sky, and the smoke billowed out, even covering the clouds in the sky. 】



["We've been attacked!"]

["Enemies! These Atlanteans are enemies!"]

Arthur's face was full of horror, looking at the tragedy that was happening around him, and his mind was confused for a moment. 】

And at this moment, a thunderous fist slammed into his head. 】

["You vicious bastard, I'm going to kill you!"]

[Diana rushed up with tears on her face and grief and indignation. 】

[Just now, there was still a glimmer of hope in her heart to get back together with Arthur.] 】

[But now, with the firelight and screams that spread throughout Paradise Island, everything is gone.] 】

"Your Majesty, retreat quickly, those women are crazy, they are attacking our ship. "】

[Orm reports to Arthur nervously, and his brother still wants to try to tell:]

["Diana, calm down, we are all framed...... Ahhh......h

[At this moment, Diana has been completely carried away by hatred and anger. She drew her sword and slashed at Arthur, nearly splitting his face open!]

["Protect Your Majesty!"]

[Seeing this, Orm hurriedly rushed up with someone, and ran to the shore with the injured Arthur. 】

[At this time, Penthesilea also seized the opportunity and dragged his niece to a dark room on Paradise Island. 】

["The enemy has entered Paradise Island!Now, in order to destroy these damned Atlanteans, we have to destroy the seal!"


[Diana is shocked to hear this.] 】

[It turns out that there is an ultimate seal on Paradise Island, called Tartarus, which refers to the underworld in ancient myths and legends. 】

[As long as it is unraveled, it will detonate the submarine volcano underground, burn the entire paradise island, and bring hell to the world!]

[But this is just a trick to die with the enemy in a desperate situation!]

[Penthesilea's voice said:]

"I was worried from the beginning...... These Atlanteans will betray, so I have all the people on board the Helicarrier!"

["Now Arthur and they are still on the island, as long as the seal is broken, they can all be killed!"

["Do it, Diana! Avenge your mother!"]

[The mentality was unstable, and under the urging of her aunt, Diana finally pulled out her weapon and destroyed the seal in front of her. 】

["O people of the Amazon, please forgive me for ......"]


[After the seal of "Tartarus" was broken, a terrifying vibration swept through the entire paradise island!]

[The earth cracked, and endless magma gushed out from the ground!]

[There are even large amounts of lava containing terrifying energy that turn into fireballs and shoot them out in the air! 】


[Under the infinite power of the earth itself. Countless hideous and terrifying rifts have appeared on Paradise Island. 】

[Then the rift began to widen, and the entire island fell apart!]

["Oh God, what did these women do?"]

[Running frantically with Orm, Arthur looked at the scene in front of him as if hell had descended, and his hair stood on end, and his head was covered with cold sweat. 】

["Your Majesty, run away, these Amazons hate us to death!" Aum exclaimed:]

["They even want to destroy their own homes to kill us!"

[The two Arthur brothers ran desperately for their lives, and finally jumped into the sea at the last moment. 】

[Soon, with an earth-shattering loud bang! A huge black mushroom cloud rose in the sky!]


[Under the power of the submarine volcano, the entire paradise island was shattered into countless fragments and slid into the depths of the sea. 】

[The homeland of the Amazons has come to naught. 】

["I...... I lost everything. "】

[Looking at the smoke billowing in the sky, Diana shed tears of grief.] 】

[The vast majority of Amazon women have already boarded one Helicarrier after another at this moment and escaped their mortal fate. 】

[However, their home is gone.] 】

[Penthesilea lowered her head slightly and said to her niece:]

"Your Majesty, don't worry, we will find a new island to call our home. "】

["And through the decisive decision just now, you have become a true king, and have won the right to conquer the world!"]

Seeing this, the chat group suddenly exploded.

Deadpool: I'm rubbing! That woman is really crazy, he didn't kill his sister enough, he destroyed the whole paradise island!

Invincible Young Hero: This ...... What does that mean? Why did she do it?

Invincible Young Hero: If this woman wants to seize power, why should she destroy her country?

At this point, Mark was confused again.

Penthesilea's almost insane self-harm really scared him a lot.

And...... This kind of behavior seems to be logically incomprehensible!

Loki Odinson: Hmph, now I understand why the Amazons are running to invade the Underworld... Country. Originally...... They are looking for a new home.

Nick Fury: Conquer the world? The woman named "Penthesilea" had planned this from the beginning!

Nick Fury: Only by destroying Paradise Island will those Amazon women be desperate to conquer other places!

Wonder Woman Diana: This ...... I...... How is that possible?(⊙o⊙)

looked at the terrifying images on the screen, and heard the analysis of the black braised egg and others.

A creepy feeling swept through Diana's whole body in an instant, making her even cold hands and feet!

In this flashpoint universe, on a paradise island, there is actually such a terrifying careerist!

Rocky Odinson: If I'm not wrong, the dog man and woman "Penthesile" and "Orm" will hide behind the scenes, instigating Diana and Arthur to attack each other and conquer the world by the way!

Rocky Odinson: When the time comes, they'll kill these two fools who are in the dark, and then through marriage...... Unite these two races!

Rocky Odinson: By then, the whole world ...... It's theirs!

Captain Rice: Damn! These two damn madmen, isn't there a real hero in this world...... Will they be able to defeat them?

Barry Allen, The Flash: Superman should be able to do it, but ...... I don't know where he went.

Tony Stark: Then again, these Amazons are so technologically advanced that they can use so many carriers!

Wonder Woman Diana: ............

Bruce Wayne: Something is wrong, in the previous images, the Amazons fought with cold weapons, maybe this universe is a little different.

At this time, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[After the destruction of Paradise Island, the Amazons and Atlanteans have completely torn their faces from then on. 】

[The Amazons, under the leadership of Diana, conquered the Yin Kingdom and named the entire island New Paradise Island. 】

[In the midst of the war between the two races, Arthur of the Sea King married the new queen...... Mela actually acted alone, preparing to assassinate Diana. 】

[As a result, she was beheaded by an enraged Diana instead.] 】

[Not only that, Diana also took off Mela's helmet and put it on her head. 】

[Seeing the corpse of Mela who was sent back by Diana, Arthur was also completely angry. 】

["Aum! activate the final weapon!"]

[The muscles on Arthur's face twitched wildly, and a terrifying murderous aura shot out of his eyes:]

"Drown them and kill them completely. "】

[On his face, the wound cut by Diana's sword was even more distorted at this time, making the originally handsome Arthur look more and more terrifying. 】

[Under Arthur's orders, the Atlanteans unleashed their newly developed superweapon in an attempt to completely destroy the three islands of Yin and Lun, sinking Diana and the Amazons into the sea!]


[A terrible shock wave rushes from the bottom of the ocean to the earth's crust!]

[But unexpectedly, a female orphan adopted by the Amazons suddenly awakened her superpowers and lifted the Yin Ge Lan soil into the sky, avoiding the attack of the great wave of extinction.] 】

[But correspondingly, the Continent Continent is not so lucky. 】

[The shockwave released by Aquaman Arthur was originally aimed at the Yin Kingdom, but even with it destroyed the West... Beat the crust of the continent!]

[The whole West... The Assault Continent fell apart and slipped into the sea!]

[More than 100 million people died!]

[And at this time, the rest of the world finally realized ......]

[This war between the Amazons and Atlantis is not a world-world-world-great war, but a war to destroy the world!]

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