Seeing herself lying miserably on the ground on the screen, Starlight sighed softly, showing no special expression on her face.

For the truth, she really can't understand it.

Even if she has never had a boyfriend before, there is no need to fall in love with a man like Huey!

Look at the guy on the screen, obviously see that he was knocked to the ground, but he was still stupidly led by Butcher.

Want a boyfriend like that...... What's the point, exactly?

Next, a new change appeared on the screen.

[In an operation against criminals, the motherland descended from the sky and killed all the criminals in the house with laser light, even the hostages. 】

[And after venting, the motherland announced in public that he had also found a tube of compound No. 5 in the house. 】

[This news immediately caused panic at the top.] 】

[Now, there are many villains in the world who have possessed Compound 5 and transformed into supervillains!]

[In the face of such a huge threat, the army... Although Fang knew that Walter Company was hiding a terrible shady scene, he could only pinch his nose and cooperate with them. 】

【Army·· Fang cooperated with the Walter Company, and the black-robed pickets became victims. 】

[Frankie and the others in the safe house were soon attacked by a surprise attack, and they were all captured, only Butcher and Huey, who were out of the house, escaped. 】

[At this time, the picture turns, and I come to Starlight's home.] 】

[It turns out that their family has always been a single-parent family, and Starlight's father ran away from home when he was very young.] 】

[Originally, Starlight thought that his father had abandoned their mother and daughter, but after learning about Compound 5, Starlight already had doubts in his heart. 】

[Under Starlight's questioning, her mother finally did something.] 】

[When Starlight was very young, her mother accepted Walter's proposal to inject Starlight with compound No. 5 to make her daughter a superpower. 】

And the reason why the mother did this was just to raise a woman who was different, and then let the world think that his daughter was a gift from God. 】

[It's all about vanity and fame.] 】

[I thought that I had to get up at five o'clock since I was a child and undergo all kinds of strange training. Participate in countless stupid beauty contests, all to fulfill her mother's dreams!Starlight is furious. 】

[Her mother's dream may have come true in her, but what about her own dream?]

[Finally, under Starlight's questioning, the mother says something even worse.] 】

[It turned out that Starlight's father didn't say goodbye with the family's savings because of the failed investment. 】

[He is becoming more and more unreceptive to this ...... I had to lie to my daughter every day, so I finally ran away from home. 】

And even though the truth is told, Starlight's mother still thinks that everything she did is right, and it is all for Starlight's happiness.] 】

[Looking at her mother, Starlight's face was full of disbelief, and the sadness in her eyes finally turned into despair, and she turned around and left the house. 】

Seeing this, whether it was in the live broadcast room or in the chat group, there was silence.

For the twisted love of Mother Starlight, basically everyone disapproves.

But who is qualified to say anything about this kind of mother-daughter thing?

"This ...... Daddy!"

Sitting in his room, Starlight's eyes had turned red, and his whole body trembled slightly, and he was almost about to cry out loud.

At this moment, she really regretted that maybe she shouldn't have watched this video in the first place.

If you had been kept in the dark, you wouldn't have to endure such horror and pain!

Now the idol in his mind, the goal of life, and even the image of his only relative, have all collapsed!

Everything in his life seemed to be just a series of jokes!

Just when Starlight was in a stirring mood, she wanted to rise up and run away from the door, and never looked at it again...... Suddenly, someone in the group spoke.

Carol Danvers: That little girl named Starlight, don't have any stupid ideas.

Starlight: What...... What did you say?

Carol Danvers: You know...... What year did I become a pilot?

Starlight: Huh?

Carol Danvers: That was in the '70s! At that time, everybody advised me that I should get married early as a girl and become a pilot.

Carol Danvers: Now that I think about it, it seems that only the position on that fighter plane was something that I really earned with my own hard work and sweat.

Carol Danvers: Later, although I got superpowers by chance and became Captain Marvel across the universe, I ...... To tell you the truth, the happiest time of my life was spent on that fighter jet!

Starlight: What the hell are you trying to say?

Carol Danvers: Hmph, it's very simple, if you want to really feel the joy of life, go after what you want!

Carol Danvers: Otherwise, no matter how successful you are, you won't be satisfied.

Deadpool: Huh...... I didn't expect you, a fierce woman, to say such reasonable things.

Carol Danvers: Ugly bastard, shut your mouth, I'm not talking to you!


Although his heart was still agitated and he couldn't completely calm down, Starlight actually calmed down for a moment when he saw Captain Marvel's speech.

At this point, she asked herself, and suddenly there was only one question left in her mind.

"I don't know anything but being a superhero, but is this goal really what I want?"

"Will I be happy to be a real superhero?"

Slowly, the annoyance and pain on Starlight's face faded away, replaced by a thoughtful look.

[Video continued]

Starlight chooses to come to the church in frustration. 】

[But she didn't expect that Huey also ran over, and Huey was still bold and asked Shin Kong to help them deal with Walter Company.] 】

[Faced with this nonsensical request, Starlight refused without hesitation. 】

["Huey, just because I knew you, I was almost killed by the motherland!"]

"Finally. Or is it because they believe...... I'm a fool you've used up and discarded!"]

[Starlight gets angrier the more she talks, and she looks at Huey and yells:]

["And now you want me to help your psychopathic killer friends?

[In the face of the angry starlight, Huey somehow, the mouth escape skill instantly rose to level 10!

"Because the Walter Corporation is doing some very nefarious things. "】

["And you're a superhero!"]

[Listening to Huey's gushing mouth, Starlight was stunned for a moment. 】

[But Starlight is angry now, and she doesn't want to help at all, so she refuses.] 】

Seeing this, a hint of an intriguing smile suddenly appeared on Loki's face:

"This kid is good, I'm starting to like him. "

"It looks like he could make a good liar. "


Little Wanda stood next to him and took a sip with an unhappy face:

"What the hell? Do men only cheat on girls nowadays?"

"And this Starlight too!"

Little Wanda stomped his feet lightly, with a look of hatred that iron does not become steel:

"Have you forgotten what that Butcher did to you before? He didn't hesitate to shoot you. "

"And what was this Huey doing? He didn't do anything, but ran away with that Butcher!"

"Such a scumbag, you should kill him when you meet!"

Tonisdak gently touched little Wanda's head at this time, and said earnestly:

"Well, Wanda, you have to remember what you said today, and if you meet this kind of man who likes to talk like to talk in the future, you must hit it as soon as possible...... Well, don't kill it, just leave half a life. "

"I'll help you solve the problem of the lawsuit!"

Listening to Tony's tone of mentioning "man" in a deliberately aggravated tone, little Wanda rolled her eyes, and a mouthful of groove rushed to her throat, almost throwing it out.

Such a man...... There's one standing right next to me!

Shall I beat him half to death right away?

Ask online!

It's urgent!

[Video continued]

[In the evening, in the Walter Building, a grand celebration banquet was held. 】

[Walter Group and the Army·· Fang officially reached an agreement, and superheroes can henceforth be able to work with the army·· Not only that, but the military also provides $40 billion a year in lease fees to the Waters Group. 】

[For this achievement, the number one person of the Walter Group, the black boss Edgar, is very happy. 】

[He was very satisfied with the work of the female vice president and invited her to move to the office on the 82nd floor. 】

[And Edgar also promised that as long as he retires, the female vice president will take his place and become the head of the entire Walter company.] 】

[After Edgar leaves, the Motherland pulls the female vice president aside and tells her that he already knows about Rebecca.] 】

[Moreover, the No. 5 compound that keeps appearing around the world is also emitted by him under his order to be emitted by the locomotive!]

Next, the two came to the sofa. 】

[After a period of time, the motherland told the female vice president that she should never hide anything from him in the future. 】

[The female vice president gently said that there would not be a second time, and she was also very sad about Rebecca's miscarriage that year. 】


As soon as he saw this, Tony's expression immediately changed slightly.


He remembered very well that just now, the old man "Falcone" told the people of the motherland that Rebecca died in childbirth during childbirth!

How did it become a miscarriage when you got here?

It's two different things entirely, okay?

At this time, Tony only heard Bruce Wayne whisper:

"It looks like the baby's situation isn't simple......"

Hearing this, the Black Widow, who had been silent, also nodded slightly:

"If the child is really dead, whether it is a miscarriage or a difficult birth, there is no need to lie. "

"But the white-haired old man and the female vice president's statements are so inconsistent, I'm afraid there is only one ......"

Tony Darkk and Bruce Wayne glanced at each other and shouted out almost at the same time:


"The kid isn't dead!"

Little Wanda was dumbfounded:

"It's terrible! If the motherland has a child who falls into the hands of the Walter Company, then they ...... Are you trying to take this kid hostage?"

"No ......"

Surprisingly, Clark Kent suddenly shook his head:

"Your personality as a native of the motherland, coupled with his superpowers, if he wants to kill people, there may be no one in the black-robed universe who can resist it. "

"Threatening such a terrifying person with his own child, unless the people in the Waters company want to find ...... death"

At the end of the day, Clark's face was also a little gloomy.

With such a crazy variant of anti-design, his mood is not good.

[Video continued]

[Without Starlight's help, Huey actually infiltrated the prison alone, trying to rescue Frankie and the others who were being held here. 】

[But they will soon find out, and they will be surrounded by guards.] 】

[At this critical moment, Starlight in an old-fashioned battle suit suddenly appeared and quickly knocked down all the guards!]

[But at this moment, the locomotive suddenly appeared!]

[In the face of this veteran superhero, although Starlight tried her best, she still fell behind!]

[Who knows...... Due to the recent use of compound No. 5 in the locomotive, the side effects in the body suddenly broke out, and I completely fainted. 】

[Immediately afterwards, the picture turned to the home of the female vice president.] 】

[In order to take revenge, Butchel strapped bombs to the female vice president and took her as a hostage to come to the motherland. 】

[But no one expected that the motherland would actually run over with the child of the female vice president. 】

[This time, it suddenly scared that woman to death!]

[But that's just the beginning.] 】

[The people of the motherland already know that Butcher hates him because of his wife Rebecca. 】

[Moreover, he even guessed Butcher's revenge plan:]

[It was to blow up the female vice president in front of him, hoping to hurt him by killing this woman who was loved by the motherland!]

[No one expected that the hearts of the motherland were also full of anger at the moment. 】

[He also found a flaw in the words of the female vice president, and went back to confront the "Falcone"!]

[Moreover, now the motherland has figured it out...... A woman who never loved him at all!]

[From beginning to end, she just used him as a tool!]

[Next, the motherland did not hesitate and directly burned the female vice president alive with a laser light. 】

[Seeing this scene, Butcher was completely stupid. 】

[He didn't expect to hurt anyone in the slightest, he just hoped to hit him by killing the woman he loved the most. 】

[But now, this woman was killed by the motherland first!]

[Is this still hairy?]

[Faced with a desperate situation, Butcher was heartbroken, and directly pressed the detonator to detonate all the bombs on the female vice president. 】

[After a flash of white light......]

[Butcher finds himself waking up on a lawn.] 】

[Unexpectedly, the motherland actually rescued Butcher and took him outside this house. 】

Soon, a mother and son walked out of the house. 】

[That boy is not only blonde and blue-eyed, but can also emit laser light in his eyes! There is no doubt that he is the son of the motherland. 】

[And the boy's mother turned out to be Rebecca, Butcher's wife who had been missing for 8 years!]

[Seeing the motherland and the child standing together, Butcher lying on the ground felt like a galloping horse, and seemed to have a green hat on his head. 】

At this point, the picture on the screen suddenly dimmed.

[End of "Black Robe Picket Team 1"]

"Oh my God, this man is miserable. "

Seeing on the screen, Butcher was like being struck by lightning, his face was like ashes, and it seemed that his whole person had been completely destroyed.

The expressions of the adult men in the live broadcast room have become a little strange.

This kind of thing, for a man, is almost the ultimate blow!

It's not good, this Butcher really can't get up again in the future.

At this time, Peter, who was standing on the side, asked weakly:

"You say...... Why did that countryman save Butcher, was it just to see his desperate appearance?"

"Who knows?"

Tony shrugged slightly:

"That motherland man may not have a normal head, maybe...... He found it more interesting to break Butcher's spirit than to kill him. "

Little Wanda gritted her teeth and said.

"Damn! in that world...... Why isn't there a real hero who came out to kill this madman?"

At this time, the sound of the system sounded again.

The second random live broadcast is on. 】

【Ding...... Pick a random lucky member ......】

[Selected: Captain of the United States.] 】

[Start streaming the relevant multiverse live.] 】

[The content of this broadcast is decided to: "What if"]

[The second live Q&A will start in one minute!]

PS: Ask for collections, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for monthly passes, ask for full support

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