"If Mother has any plan for us, I will believe her. "】

[Atreus walked to the mural and pressed his hand against the wall as he spoke:]

"Besides, her prophecy has not been wrong until now. "】

[After saying that, Atreus shrugged his shoulders as if he didn't care, and left the dilapidated temple directly:]

"Come on, we're almost at the end."] "】


[Kratos sighed lightly and wanted to leave with his son, but at this moment, a gust of wind suddenly blew, lifting the curtain on the wall, revealing the last mural!]

[In this mural, a bald man falls to the ground, and next to him is a teenager with a quiver on his back, who is none other than Atreus.] 】

[The weirdest thing is that from Atreus's mouth, it seems that a long snake-like monster spits out!]


[Looking at this weird and terrifying mural, Kratoston's heart was shocked!]

[This bald man who fell to the ground, is it ...... Is that me?]

[Until now, the prophecy of "Fei" has not been missed!]

Doesn't that mean...... Will I die in front of Atreus in the future?]

[If that's the case, what is that "snake" that came out of Atreus's mouth?]

[After a moment of silence, Kratos suddenly turned his head and rushed out of the temple without hesitation, leaving behind the murals and the terrifying prophecy. 】

Next, the father and son climbed to the top of the mountain. 】

[Standing on the peak of the Nine Realms, both of them saw the scene below the mountain. 】

[Under the highest mountain of the Nine Kingdoms, there are actually layers of corpses of giants!]

[Jotunheim, the former home of giants, has become the grave of giants at this time!]

[Looking at this amazing scene, the father and son had no extra thoughts to sigh. 】

[At this moment, there is only one thing they care about! That is, to fulfill "Fei"'s last wish and scatter her ashes from the mountain peak. 】

["Let's ...... together"]

Kratos and Atreus take turns reaching into the urn, removing the ashes and scattering them into the air. 】


[The golden ashes drifted in the air and gradually disappeared without a trace.] 】

[Along the way, the two fathers and sons have experienced countless adventures and encountered unimaginable enemies!]

[And after going through so much, the relationship between them has not only become deeper and deeper, but both of them are also in many places...... Grow. 】

[After scattering the ashes, Atreus looked at the corpse of the giant under the mountain, and finally broke the silence:]

["Those giants really left, they left nothing behind, except these corpses~'. "】

["Let's go......"]

Kratos didn't answer the question, just turned around and prepared to leave. 】

[However, Atreus seems to be talking and keeps saying:]

["If my mother is a giant, then I am a half-giant and a half-god!"]

["But there's one more thing I can't figure out......"]

[Looking at his father, Atreus showed a hint of doubt in his eyes. 】

["I recognize the words on those murals ......"]

["On the painting, those giants call me Loki, what does that mean?"]


[Kratos pondered for a moment and seemed to remember something:]

["That's the name that "Fei" wanted to give you when you were born. "】

["She must have told her people this name......]

And seeing this, the chat group suddenly exploded!

Thor: Luo ...... Rocky !! (⊙o⊙)

Loki Odinson: No! (mouth)!

Rocky Odinson: How could this damn imp be......


Standing in the main hall of Asgard, Loki's eyes were straight, his face was bloody, and he stared at the screen above his head, his body shaking involuntarily.

Kratos's son turned out to be a "variant" of himself!

How can such a thing happen in the world?

"Odin's beard......"

But Thor, the god of thunder beside Loki, was also taken aback, his mouth was open like a duck's egg, and the expression on his face was completely stiff.

After a while, Thor turned to look at Loki, who looked like a clay sculpture, and scratched his head and said:

"Noroki, how could that little imp be you?"

"His father is a Greek god!"

"Shut up!" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Hearing Thor's words, Loki clenched his fists and roared, his whole body trembled, and a bright light suddenly flashed in his head.


The imp named Atreus, whose mother was a giant, was called "Fiye......


At this time, Odin, who was sitting on the throne of the main hall, suddenly exhaled softly:

"That giantess, his real name should be Laufey......"


Thor, the god of thunder, turned his head to look at the god king on the throne, his eyes were wide open, and his eyes were almost bulging out of his sockets!

"Laufey, isn't that the former king of the ice giants, Loki's ......?"

Halfway through speaking, Thor finally reacted, swallowed his saliva, and swallowed the rest of the words.

Loki stood in place with his head bowed, his heart was like a river overturning, and the expression on his face was even more exciting.


In this world of gods, "Laufey" actually became Loki's mother!

To be honest, if this incident alone, although Loki would be very surprised, he would not be shocked to such an extent.

What really made him break the defense...... Or Kratos!

The Spartan barbarian, who only knew about killing and destruction, turned out to be the father of his own "variant"!

As soon as he thought about it, Loki felt tightness in his chest and almost vomited blood!

Wanda Maximov: Loki, what's going on? How did you become Kratos' son?

Rocky Odinson: Shut up, damn imp!

Mage Mordo: The King of the Ice Giants, Laufey, turned into a woman and had a son with the Greek god of war!

Mage Mordo: That's crazy.

Valkyrie Brünnhilde: Strange, what are you surprised about?

Valkyrie Brunhilde: As far as I know, Laufey in the Pantheon is a giantess, huh?

Diana, Wonder Woman: That's right, in traditional Norse mythology, "Laufey" is a woman.

Diana, Wonder Woman: But even I didn't expect her to be married to Kratos......

Now you know, if you get tired of Greece one day, you can take a trip to Northern Europe!

Deadpool: There, you can not only find a wife, but also give birth to a very interesting son!O(∩∩)O haha~

Loki Odinson: Damn pervert, shut your stinky mouth!

Kratos: Ice giant Laufey? I remember the name.

Kratos: If I have the chance, I will go to Northern Europe and see this woman with my own eyes, see [Qian Zhao's] ...... Did she predict my coming?

Rocky Odinson: No, you...... (△;)

In the face of Kratos's speech, Loki, who has always been eloquent, only felt that his tongue was knotted, and his mind was even more chaotic, and he couldn't even sort out his thoughts.

But he is on another plane, can he still stop this god of war?

However, if this guy really gave birth to a "Loki" with someone else, then he is in the group...... How should I deal with myself?

Just when Loki's mouth was full of bitterness and his heart was inexplicably sad and angry. Something suddenly occurred to him.

Loki Odinson: Wait, Kratos, you won't forget the prophecy on the mural, will you?

Loki Odinson: In that prophecy, "you" died in Atreus's arms!

Rocky Odinson: If you really dare to go to Northern Europe, maybe that's the end for you

Kratos: Hmm, do you think this can scare me?

Wonder Woman Diana: Wait a minute, Badr's death, Loki spits out the serpent... Fen...

Wonder Woman Diana: The mural. It wouldn't be Ragnarok that was prophesied!(⊙⊙).

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