[The reason why there is such a subspace storm is actually ...... Or is it because of the Aeldarns!]

[Just when the human "Federation" stepped into the galaxy and gradually colonized the universe, the empire of the ancient spirit race had just reached the peak of its prosperity!]

[For millions of years, driven by depraved and decadent desires, the spirits fell into the abyss of desire and began to indulge their emotions without restraint. 】

[Their powerful psionic energy not only gave birth to a terrifying negative energy entity in the subspace, but also swept up a psionic storm that swept through the entire subspace!]

[That's right!]

[The ...... that completely ended the golden age of mankind The subspace storm was inadvertently created by the Aydarin. 】

[Under the influence of this storm, subspace has become a terrifying place. 】

[The human "Federation" ship that enters it will either lose its path and be trapped inside forever. 】

[Or...... It was swallowed up by the energy storm in the subspace, and there was not even a bit of residue left. 】

[This kind of turmoil in the subspace is meaningless to the Aydarins.] 】

[Because, these pointed ears travel faster than light...... Relying on the network left by the ancient saints!]

[Even if the subspace is turned upside down, it will not affect the spirit race. 】

[However, for the Human Federation, which relies heavily on subspace, this can almost be called a fatal blow!]

[The original Empire of the Dreadnoof collapsed and fell into a civil war because the colonized planets could not communicate with each other, let alone communicate. 】

[And the same scene is playing out in the Human Federation.] 】

[Soon, the various colonized planets of mankind began to passively close themselves off from the outside world...... and the relationship between Mother Earth. 】

[Coupled with the ban on artificial intelligence caused by the "intellectual machine crisis", unbelievable things have happened.] 】

[Originally, the humans on the colonized planets were accustomed to relying on artificial intelligence and relying on the STC (standard building template) driven by it. 】

[Now, when these are unusable, the level of technology on these planets, and even the civilization itself...... All quickly collapsed. 】

[Some humans try to skip artificial intelligence and take control of advanced technology and machinery on their own.] 】

[But with the human brain and body, there is no substitute for ...... AI that is countless times more advanced than them!]

[It is in this situation that more and more scientific creations are being discarded, because humans simply do not know how to activate them.] 】

[Within the realm of the entire Human Federation, the level of science and technology is regressing in great strides!]

[Countless high-tech weapons and equipment have been turned into unusable scrap!]

[There are many main reasons why the Human Federation collapsed so quickly. 】

[In addition to relying heavily on artificial intelligence and STC, there is another reason...... The colonized planets are heavily dependent on trade with each other. 】

[At that time, some mining planets didn't even produce food!]

[They only rely on the minerals mined by artificial intelligence machines to trade with other planets to maintain their own food supply.] 】

[After the subspace storm completely blocks the communication between the planets, these colonized planets that cannot be self-sufficient will fall into real hell!]

In order to compete for limited food and resources, civil wars have broken out on countless colonized planets. 】

[In the end, some human inhabitants even began to use cold weapons to kill each other!]

[Manufacture and use of these primitive weapons...... There is no need for artificial intelligence!]

[In just a few hundred years, many colonized planets have degenerated into a dark world like the Middle Ages. 】

[In some of the most remote places, some humans have even degenerated into primitive people and lived a life like slash-and-burn!]

[Even the home planet of mankind...... Earth Terra, no exception!]

As the core of the Human Federation, Terra is also heavily dependent on the resource supply of various colonized planets. 】

[After humans stepped into space, the earth even abandoned farmland and converted it into countless cities!]

[The food needed by the inhabitants of the city was all brought from the colonized planets. 】

[Moreover, these extremely prosperous big cities also rely on artificial intelligence to operate.] 】

[When the two "elements" of "artificial intelligence" and "colonial resources" collapsed at the same time, the collapse of Terra was not surprising. 】

[As if the situation wasn't bad enough, after the collapse of Terra's civilized order, those remnants of the military forces made their last efforts...... A terrible extermination attack was launched. 】

[They have waged a nuclear war against each other!]

[Countless mushroom clouds soar into the sky over Terra, razing those gorgeous cities to the ground!]

[After the nuclear winter gradually fades, most of the areas of this human home planet have become a deserted wasteland!]

After utter chaos and civil war, Terra's population has shrunk to an incredible level. 】

[And the unlucky people who survived only found themselves ...... It is also deeply under the rule of some "technological warlords". 】

[The most advanced and greatest golden age in human history has completely collapsed!]

[This subspace storm that destroyed the entire human federation lasted for thousands of years. 】

[By the 28th millennium, there is almost no trace of human civilization on the earth. 】

[Even if you look closely with a microscope, you can only find some nests built by "tech barbarians". 】

[The civilization level of these barbarians has almost lagged behind to the extent that Ru Mao drinks blood. 】

[And the only one that can relate them to technology...... It is some "ancient" scientific and technological weapons in their hands. 】

[Of all the colonized planets of the Human Federation, science and technology are preserved best...... It's Mars. 】

[As a ...... thousands of years ago The largest industrial base of the Human Federation, Mars's technological reserves, even surpass Earth's Terra!]

[But even so, in thousands of years of isolation, the human inhabitants of Mars have developed a bizarre religion that deifies science and technology...... Cult of the Mechanics!]

[The priest of the Cult of the Mechanica, relying on advanced technology and weapons, has eliminated the awakened psionics on Mars. 】

But when these priests returned to Earth, they immediately came to the conclusion:]

[This planet has completely degenerated into a primitive and wild world!]

[Completely incurable!]

[Just as human civilization is degenerating and regressing...... While dying and struggling, a man was quietly waiting for the opportunity. 】

[He's waiting...... The storm in subspace receded. 】

[This day has finally arrived. 】

[Due to the madness and indulgence of the Aeldarin, the fourth evil god of the subspace...... Slaanesh was born. 】

[At the same time as the birth of Slaanesh, it also drew a stop to the empire of the Aydarins. 】

[However, the birth of this subspace evil god has also brought a turning point for human civilization. 】

[The birth of Slaanesh consumed the energy that had raged in the subspace for thousands of years. 】

[At the moment when the Spirit Empire came to naught, the subspace storm that had lasted for 5,000 years stopped here. 】

[And the man who was called the "emperor" by later generations of mankind had foreseen all this a long time ago. 】

[He knows that faster-than-light communication and navigation will be restored again!]

[Now, it's time to stand up...... It's time to save humanity!]

in the live broadcast room.


Seeing this, little Wanda's face opened wide in surprise.

After a long time, she said in disbelief:

"If that's the case, wouldn't that mean Slaanesh...... Indirectly saved humanity?"

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