Seeing this, the chat group became lively again.

Ida: Wu Fengji, who is that? It sounds like an oriental name.

Stephen Strange: Hundreds of years ago, this woman named Wu Fengji once fused with Kunlun's dragon power, and then... Surrendered the phoenix that descended on Earth!

Stephen Strange: At the time, she was even called "one dragon and phoenix"!

Ganata, Daughter of the Star Swallower: Submission of the Phoenix ??? (⊙o⊙)

Daddy: The Dragon of Kunlun, it can't be the Holy Lord, right?

Wanda Maximov: How is it possible, where do you think of it, it is definitely a real dragon!

Ida Wang: Unbelievable, it turns out ...... Our dragon in the East can still compete with the "Phoenix".

Seeing now, King Ida also has a vague idea of the strength of the phoenix.

That can destroy the world and even the entire solar system in a snap of a finger.

Oriental Dragon ...... It's so awesome!

Daughter of the Swallowing Stars, Ganata: Dragon! I do have some anime on Earth...... Seen such mythical creatures.

Ganata, Daughter of the Star Swallower: I didn't expect that dragons not only exist, but also so powerful!

Ganata, the daughter of the Star Swallower: The planet Earth is really incredible.

Torrecchia: Indeed, I find it a little incomprehensible.

Torrecchia: Why do so many powerful people appear in each multiverse...... Or do they converge on Earth?

Torrecchia: What's so special about this planet?

The more he thought about it, the more curious he became, and Torrecchia only felt his heart itching.

Nick Fury: Now it seems that the only one who can defeat the Five Apostles of the Phoenix is a "Dragon Fighter" like Wu Fengji!

Nick Fury: Those superheroes, they probably have to go to Kunlun.

Wanda Maximov: Hehe, there's no need to go so many people, the answer is already obvious.

Wanda Maximov: There is only one ABC who can become the new Wu Fengji!

Wonder Woman Diana: This girl will become a dragon fighter, gain dragon power, and then defeat the 5 apostles...... Finally one with the Phoenix?

Wanda Maximov: yes, that's the only way.

Wonder Woman Diana: But ...... Is that really the right thing?

Wonder Woman Diana: Those five apostles have blessed all mankind with their own powers, bringing peace and countless blessings to the whole world!

Wonder Woman Diana: If they are destroyed, the earth will fall back into war and strife.

Bruce Wayne: ...... on Earth There is no need for living gods.

Wonder Woman Diana: Oh? Who made that? Bruce, is that you?

Kratos, God of War: I agree! If the gods appear in the mortal world, it will definitely cause disaster!

Tian Xiaoban: Actually...... If those 5 apostles were determined to be "good gods" and let them rule the world...... Yes, too.

Darkseid: Hehe, human......

Just then, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[In order to contain the Phoenix Five Apostles, the Avengers, led by Iron Man and others, are determined to attack Utopia Island and host the Phoenix as its true host...... Hope took away. 】

[It's a pity that as soon as they set foot on the island, they were discovered by Cyclops and the White Queen.] 】


[The laser eye crossed the space and landed on the spot! Then just a glare, and the strong laser light knocked Thor out of the air!]

[In the face of the power of the Phoenix Apostle, the so-called Avengers are simply vulnerable. 】

[Seeing that the Avengers were about to be wiped out, a woman appeared in front of everyone. 】

["You! It's you!"]

[Looking at this red-clothed witch, Cyclops and the White Queen with the power of a phoenix, they even hesitated. 】

"Take me away, I don't want to stay here. "】

[Hope stands behind Scarlet Witch and wants to leave with her.] 】

["No, you are not allowed to go!, they will use you against us!"]

[Cyclops hurriedly came up to stop him, but when his hand touched the Scarlet Witch, it was like an electric shock, and he actually retracted.] 】

"Scott, I don't want to hurt you, I just want you to understand...... My power"]

[Scarlet Witch left a faint word, and then opened the portal, taking Hope and all the Avengers away.] 】


[Seeing the wanton behavior of the Scarlet Witch and the Avengers, Cyclops finally became angry.] 】

[After having the power of the phoenix, he also thought about reconciling with everyone as a god. 】

[Now it seems that I am still too naïve!]

["From now on...... No more Avengers!"]

[Angry Cyclops, summoned all the Phoenix Apostles and launched a general attack on the Avengers' base. 】

[This time, he not only wants to completely defeat the Avengers, but also take down the sinners of the mutant race......]

[Scarlet Witch!Wanda Maximov!]

[But against the Scarlet Witch's chaos magic, even the Phoenix Apostle, it seems that it is still slightly inferior.] 】


[One of the Five Apostles, the "Secret Guest", was quickly defeated by the magic of the Scarlet Witch. 】

[The new Phoenix Apostle has rushed forward again!]

[In the face of the strong men who went forward and succeeded, the Scarlet Witch could only retreat again with the Avengers in the end. 】

[Now, these most powerful superheroes on the planet have been reduced to lost dogs! 】

[Fortunately, Scarlet Witch is still the nemesis of Phoenix!]

[In battle, she defeated Namor, the Sea King, one of the Five Apostles of the Phoenix, and also took one of Namor's mutant students!]

[At this critical moment, a guest from the East came to Wakanda, where the Avengers were hiding. 】

[He is the guardian of the Oriental Holy Land "Kunlun"...... Lei Gong!]

[Lei Gong told the Avenger the story of Wu Fengji hundreds of years ago, and claimed:]

["For now, you must hand over Hope to me, and let me train him into a new Iron Fist!"]

[At this moment, Namor, the king of the sea, actually came to the door!]

["T'Challa!, you dare to harbor the Avengers!"]

[Because of the defeat last time, Namor felt that he had lost face in front of Laser Eye and others!]

[He has lost his mind due to shame and anger. 】


[With the help of the power of the phoenix, Namor, the king of the sea, attracted a monstrous sea water, submerging most of Wakanda!]

[Seeing this, Lei Gong took Iron Man, Wolverine, and Hope and hurriedly passed through the portal...... Fled to the Kunlun Holy Land. 】

[And the rest of the Avengers work together to stop the sinner who flooded Wakanda......]

["Namor, you madman, do you know how many people you've killed?"]

[Led by Captain America, all the Avengers are on fire in their eyes and rushing forward desperately!]

[Under the tragic situation of flooding the Seventh Army, at least half of the people of Wakanda have died!]

[In the face of such a human tragedy, who can calm down?]

["You humans, get out of here!"]

[Under the siege of the Avengers, Namor, the king of the sea, also showed his full strength!]

["Boom, boom!boom!"]

[Not to mention Captain America and the Avengers in general, even Thor, the god of thunder, was easily defeated by Namor. 】

[To this point, the ...... who can compete with him It's just that woman. 】


[The Scarlet Witch screamed, and her figure floated into the air, casting chaos magic, and ...... with this terrible Phoenix Apostle The final showdown has begun!]

["Boom, boom!"]

[Under a series of terrifying energy bombardments, Namor, the king of the sea, and the Scarlet Witch finally lost both!]


[With an exclamation, the Scarlet Witch fell from the sky, fell to the ground, and fainted.] 】

[And she fell to the ground at the same time, as well as Namor, the king of the sea, ]

["Phoenix Apostle. Knocked down!"]

[An Avenger is a little excited: "Did we win?"]

["Win?" Black Panther T'Challa said angrily:]

"We gave everything to bring down this apostle. "】

["Look at my country, my people, it's all over!"]

[At this moment, a stronger golden light suddenly lit up in the sky. 】


[Four men and women, like four new suns, appeared in everyone's field of vision. 】

[At the moment when Cyclops and the others arrived, something even more amazing happened. 】


[From Namor, the king of the sea who fainted to the ground, a golden stream of light swelled!]

[The flow of light flew into the sky, split into 4, and merged with the other Phoenix Apostles!]

[After the Sea King Nanamo was completely defeated, the power of the phoenix in his body did not disappear and was absorbed by the other 4 apostles!]

[Now, Laser Eye and the others have become stronger than before!]

[In the face of the seemingly invincible enemy in front of him, Captain America can only activate the teleportation device developed by Tonysdack and take the other Avengers with him...... Fled to the Kunlun Holy Land. 】

[In this battle, the Avengers lost again. 】

[Although Wakanda was almost wiped out, the power of the Phoenix Apostle was not weakened at all!]

[After the Avengers fled, Professor X ...... Charles Xavier is in contact with Cyclops again. 】

"Stop, Scott, you've disappointed me so much. "】

["Charles, you are no longer qualified to lecture me. "】

[Laser Eye coldly rejected his mentor:]

["Get out of my head!"]

[Before "leaving".] Professor X left the last word. 】

"Scott, you must stop, or ...... I'll do it!"]

Seeing this, the chat group also became lively.

Wanda Maksimov: I didn't expect "me" to be so powerful, even the power of the phoenix can be defeated! ^_^

Charles Xavier: Scarlet Witch's chaos magic, which nearly wiped out the mutants of the 616 universe.

Charles Xavier: Perhaps, it's not the power of the phoenix that she's restraining it, it's the mutant race.

Wanda Maximov: Huh?? (⊙_⊙)

Magneto: Charles, you're still on the side of the humans!

Charles Xavier: Calm down, anyway, that mutant who calls himself Aquaman...... It's too much, indeed.

Charles Xavier: The whole of Wakanda, almost wiped out by him!

Rocky Odinson: Hmph, if not for the Avengers...... Endless battles with the Phoenix Apostles, how can there be so many things?

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