Standing stupidly on the palace hall of Asgard, Thor's eyes widened, and his body froze in an instant, as if petrified.

What did he just hear?

"Myself" was adopted by the Frost Giants?


It took a long time for Thor to come to his senses, and then he erupted into a roar!

"Something must be wrong!"

"How could I be with those...... Dirty frost giants get involved!"

"What did you say?"

As soon as he heard Thor's words, Loki, who was standing on the side, suddenly felt frosty, and even clenched his teeth.

Before, due to the "system substitution", he was inexplicably removed from the live broadcast room.

Moreover, instead of returning to Earth, Loki was sent back to Asgard by the system!

That's why he's now with Thor at the Asgard Hall.

But Loki never expected that as soon as Thor opened his mouth, he would speak so vigorously!

Although he has always refused to admit that he has the blood of a frost giant, Loki knows it in his heart...... That's the truth!

And Thor's words, like nails, pierced deep into his heart!

"Huh, Loki, did I say something?"

Seeing Loki looking at himself hatefully, Thor looked confused again, and reached out and scratched his head.

At this time, sitting on the throne high in the main hall, Odin's brows also furrowed slightly.

Under normal circumstances, how could Thor be raised by the Frost Giant?

Even if he really fell to Jotunheim for some reason, could it be ...... Won't he go and save his son?


Just thinking of this, the pupils in Odin's single eyes suddenly shrank slightly.

If this really happened in some parallel universe, there was only one possibility.

"Yourself"...... It's dead!

At that moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[A quiet narration sounds.] 】

["Here, it's Earth 22260."] "】

["In the Nine Realms of this parallel universe, a great war broke out again!"]

["Boom, boom!"]

[For thousands of years, the Asgardians and the ice giants of Jotunheim...... It's all rivals!]

[As the king of Asgard, Odin and the king of the ice giants "Laufey" have finally started a final showdown!]

["Surrender, Laufey, this is ...... You can put an end to this pointless bloody battle!"]

["Shut up, Odin! we ice giants will never bow to you!"]

[On the ice field of Jotunheim, these two first-class powerhouses in the Nine Realms have been fighting for an unknown amount of time!]

[In other parallel universes, they have always been invincible, defeating all the challengers in the Nine Realms. 】

[But this time, the situation is different......]


[After a long battle, Laufey found a flaw, waved the Frost Hammer in his hand, and beat Odin to pieces with one blow, and died tragically on the spot!]

[Odin, the king of Asgard, died in battle like this!]

[After killing Odin, the king of the ice giants, Laufey, did not stop, but further counterattacked and entered Asgard!]

[The elite soldiers and strong generals have all been taken away by Odin and died on the battlefield. 】

[Asgard is now almost defenseless!] The Frost Giants easily stormed the palace. 】


[The ice giant broke the outer wall of the palace and rushed in unscrupulously,]

["Thor! Hide behind me!"]

[In the face of the fierce enemy, the queen of heaven Frigga drew her sword and prepared to desperately protect her son. 】

"You are Asgard's last hope, and you must not die here. "】

[But she was alone, and she couldn't resist the army of ice giants, and she was quickly knocked to the ground. 】

["Hahaha, if Odin can see this scene, I'm afraid it's in Valhalla...... You won't have to rest in peace!"

[Laufey, the king of ice giants, walked into the main hall with a smile and issued an order:]

"Take this woman away, as Odin's wife, she will be our greatest trophy. "】

["Who dares to touch my mother?"]

[With a childish roar, a blonde and blue-eyed boy rushed towards Lau Fei with a sword. 】

["Oh, is this Odin's imp?"]

[Laufey easily knocked the sword in the young man's hand and lifted him in the air casually:]

["Yes, although it is still very immature, I see endless potential in you. "】

["Come with me, as a trophy, I will treat you as my own son......]

[That being said, when he returned to Jotunheim, the young Thor found ...... It's a frost prison!]

["It's so cold, when I grow up, I'll definitely raze this damn place to the ground!"

[In the room covered with snowflakes, Thor was blue and shivering from the cold. 】

As the prince of Asgard, he really can't adapt to the cold climate here. 】

[And just when Thor secretly hated it, an equally immature voice suddenly came from the side:]

["Are you going to ruin this place? Wow, maybe I won't stop you, because ...... This place is really bad. "】


[It was the young Thor who looked back and saw a boy with a bare head and a double horn pattern on his head appear in front of him. 】

[The boy claims to be Loki, Laufey's son.] 】

"No, you don't look like an ice giant at all."] "】

[Looking at the short boy in front of him, Thor's face was full of surprise. 】

["Your words...... Sounds like everyone else. "】

Loki sighs, casually takes off his fur coat, and draped it over Thor's trembling body. 】

"I heard...... You will become the prince of Jotunheim in the future. "】

"So, you can't let people see you shivering. "】


[Feeling the warmth of the fur coat, Thor asked suspiciously:]

["I don't know you at all, why are you so good to me?"]


[Little Loki smiled bitterly:]

["Here, everyone hates me, so ...... You may be my last hope. "】

[Speaking of this, little Loki's eyes already faintly revealed a trace of longing. 】

[In this lonely world of ice and snow, he wants to ...... A friend. 】

["Hahaha, okay. "】

[Seeming to sense little Loki's sincerity, young Thor smiled slightly:]

"For your sake. When I kill all the people here in the future, I'll let you go. "】

"Wow, you're such a nice guy. "】

[Loki doesn't seem to care about Thor's offense, and instead unties a wooden pendant from his neck and gives it away as a gift.] 】

["This is what I made with my own hands, so let this ...... Let's be a symbol of our brotherly love. "】

Asgardian Basilica.

"Odin's beard!"

Looking at the screen, Thor's eyes were round, his lips trembled slightly, and even a cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

So that's it!

In this unknown universe, he was killed by Laufey, and he ...... It was also used as a trophy by Laufey and captured Jotunheim!

How could this happen?

"I'm going to die at Laufey's hands?"

Odin on the throne narrowed his eyes slightly, but the next moment, he suddenly relaxed.

Over the course of his thousands of years of life, he has been ...... with Laufey, the king of the ice giants I've beaten it I don't know how many times!

In Odin's heart, although Laufey is not weak, he is definitely not able to compare with himself.

Moreover, Laufey on the screen also holds a Frost Hammer in his hand!

This kind of artifact is obviously something that only exists in "another universe"!

Odin asked himself, even without the Eternal Lance, to let him and Laufey one-on-one...... You will never lose!

After relieving his mind, Odin turned his attention elsewhere.

"This Loki is indeed completely different from his father. "

Looking at the two teenagers, sitting side by knee together, the corners of Odin's mouth raised slightly, and his mood suddenly improved.

Perhaps, no matter what universe they are in, these two teenagers who are not related by blood are destined to ...... will become a pair of brothers!


But at the same time, Loki, who was standing under the main hall, had a gloomy face.

"Prince of Jotunheim......? Aren't they prisoners of war?"

"Why did he just get to Jotunheim and there were such rumors?"

Loki frowned and stared at the screen!

From the face of the "little version of himself" on the screen, he saw the flattery that was hidden deeply, even flattering!

As the biological son of the Ice Giant King, this "Loki" must come to curry favor with a prisoner!

How low is this guy's status in Jotunheim?

Isn't it even as good as a prisoner?

At the thought of this, Loki's heart was filled with a trace of sadness.

In the eyes of the frost giant, this "inferior version" of himself, who is not burly, may really be like a freak!

From this point of view, Odin may have really done himself a great favor by bringing himself from Jotunheim to Asgard back then!

Otherwise, even if he stays with Laufey, it is estimated that he will ...... It is also the object of contempt, ridicule, and even contempt by the clansmen!

It turns out that no matter where you are in the Nine Realms, you don't have a place to stand!

The more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable it became, and Loki only felt powerless, and he wanted to hide and cry bitterly.

At that moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

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