In the live broadcast room, everyone's expressions were a little solemn.

Tony touched his chin and said with a deep groan:

"The fossils of those old people came to life, and then ...... Did you eat all the people at the base?"

"I didn't even let the dogs go, these guys are really hungry. "

Loki sneered, a look of disdain on his face:

"That's what it is...... The ancient being that created all life on Earth?"

"It feels like a bunch of low-level creatures, only the instinct to eat is left. "

Hearing this, Peter Parker blinked, and there was confusion in his eyes.

Back then, these ancients ruled half the world!

Even the creatures on the earth may have been created by them!

This legendary creator has become a ...... Pathetic fossils frozen in caves?

What's going on?

"Could it be...... Is it the enemy?"

The sentry, who had been silent, suddenly scratched his head and said uncertainly:

"Perhaps, these squid monsters have encountered a powerful enemy and have been defeated!"

"So...... That's what the hell you are!"


This answer, which seemed to make some sense, everyone nodded secretly in their hearts.

Little Wanda lowered her head and began to think carefully, as if recalling the contents of the Book of Necronomicon:

"If you can defeat the Ancients, your strength will definitely be stronger than Cthulhu!"

"Which Old Ruler is it? Or is it ...... Outer gods?"

At that moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[After carefully searching the camp that had been reduced to rubble, the rescue team finally determined one thing. 】

[Almost all members of Professor Lake's expedition have been reduced to skeletons, with the exception of one person. 】

[That's a man named Godney.] 】

[And, and some sleds and luggage were lost in the camp.] 】

[In the face of this situation, some people even suspect that it was Godney who killed the others, stole the corpses of those ancients, and fled to the dark mountains in front of him with the stolen luggage!]

[In order to find Godney, a geology professor among the rescue team.] Finally decided...... Fly on a plane over the Dark Mountains!]

[In any case, he also found out the truth about the tragedy in the camp!

[On the morning of the second day, the geology professor, accompanied by another team member, "Danvers", boarded the plane and flew into the sky together. 】

[After a long flight, they finally flew to the top of 10,000 feet, ready to fly over the dark mountain range, the last mountain pass!]


[Biplane, jump over the mountain pass without any danger!]

[But the two people on the plane, as soon as they saw the scene behind the mountain pass, their eyes suddenly widened...... At the same time, let out an exclamation of disbelief!]

["Oh my God, what's that?"]

[Behind the Black Mountain Range, there stood a ...... composed of countless irregular boulders Endless Labyrinth!]

[This labyrinth is endless, and it covers an area that I don't know how vast it is! The buildings in it look strange and inexplicable, composed of all kinds of strange geometric shapes, and they don't look like creations on the earth at all!]

[Moreover, this megalithic labyrinth is the same as the illusion that appeared in the mirage before...... It's exactly the same!]

["No...... Possibly!"]

[Looking at the unbelievable sight in front of them, the geology professor and the driver Danvers were all dumbfounded, almost unable to believe their eyes.] 】

[You know, the height here is ...... It's almost equivalent to Mount Everest!]

[What kind of creatures can survive at this altitude and even build a city?]

[Looking at the dazzling image in front of him, the geology professor couldn't help but think of the ...... he had read from the Necronomicon Those Ancient Monsters!]

【Migo living in the Himalayas!】

【The Legendary Satogua!】

【Star Clan of Cthulhu!】

[Could it be that the magical ancient city in front of you is really early in human ...... Was it even established by some indescribable ancient monster long before the dinosaurs appeared?]

[In this dizzying, almost dizzy shock, the professor and the driver. Finally landed in a clearing next to the ancient city. 】

[Driven by unquenchable curiosity, they took out the compass, camera, and some supplies from the plane, and couldn't wait to walk into the boundless ancient city in front of them!]

[In this city, the professor saw unimaginable giant reliefs!]

[Its carving process and artistic style do not look like human beings at all!]

[The most terrifying thing is that these reliefs are not just works of art, but also a historical picture!]

[It records the miraculous creatures that descended to the earth from the universe, as well as hundreds of millions of years ago...... The battle between gods and demons on Earth!]

[Hundreds of millions of years ago, the mysterious ancients ...... with unimaginable abilities The physical body has crossed the galaxy and come to the earth!]

[They first landed at the bottom of the Antarctic and used unknown alien technology to build a magnificent ancient city under the seabed!]

[Under the sea, the ancients used their extraordinary biotechnology to create new life!]

[These "new beings" were used both as food and as slaves by the ancients. 】

[Later, in order to create more useful servants, the ancients created monsters known as "Shugoth". 】

[The so-called "Shogues" are infinitely rich, and their bodies can be freely transformed, allowing them to do all kinds of heavy work. 】

With the help of Shogues, the Ancients ascended from the bottom of the sea to the land, and built a magnificent megalithic city in the water and on the shore. 】

[But even such a powerful ancient person can't resist one thing.] 】

[That was the Ice Age.] 】

[With the drastic deterioration of the climate and environment, the temperature on the earth's surface has dropped to minus 100 degrees! The icy cold wind is almost enough to freeze all living organisms!]

[In the face of such an astonishing cold, the ancients had no choice but to give up, and the settlements on land returned to the bottom of the sea. But then, they encountered a terrifying natural disaster that changed the earth's crust!]

[In the face of all these terrible natural disasters, although the ancients barely survived, they have also suffered great losses, and almost all the cities under the sea and on the ground have been destroyed. 】

[And at this moment, another old ruler also set his sights on this blue planet.] 】

[That's Cthulhu!]

[In the face of the vigorous Cthulhu and the army of the Star Clan brought by "him" from the depths of the universe, the ancient ones, who were already greatly weakened, were powerless to resist. 】

In the end, they had no choice but to give up their land and sign a peace treaty with Cthulhu. 】

Since then, the Ancients have placed almost all of the earth's landmasses under Cthulhu's jurisdiction. 】

[He gathered the last remaining group in Antarctica.] 】

[The ancients will ...... this They originally descended to the location of the earth, completed some kind of holy place, and rebuilt a new city here. 】

[After another tens of millions of years, Cthulhu was cursed by the other old rulers and sealed to the bottom of the sea!]

[His power also collapsed!]

[Now, the Ancient One took advantage of the situation to make a comeback and rule the earth again!]

[In the absence of foreign enemies, the ancients have reached an unprecedented level. 】

[Their magnificent cities, spread over every continent of the earth!] can be said to be the undisputed overlord of the earth. 】

But just when the power of the Ancients was in full swing, another calamity befell them. 】

[This time, it was not the external enemy that dealt a fatal blow to the ancients, but internal strife. 】

[The monster "Xiugoth", which was made by the ancients and used as a servant, actually gained independent consciousness and intelligence through self-evolution!]

[And after having an "independent personality", Hughes is no longer willing to ...... Serve as a servant of the Ancients!]

[One day 300 million years ago, Shogues all over the world launched a collective rebellion!]

[In this rebellion, countless ancient people were killed by their former servants!]

[Fortunately, the ancients of this period still retain the super technology that has been passed down from ancient times to the present.] 】

[With the weapons of the disintegrators, they crushed the rebellion of Shugues and re-...... these servants Brought under control. 】

[There is only one reason why the Ancients did not destroy these rebellious slaves. 】

[They can't do without Shogues. 】

[After hundreds of millions of years of survival on the earth, the bodies of the ancients have undergone irreversible changes, or rather...... Degradation!]

[The current ancients have lost many of their ancestors' powerful abilities. 】

[Moreover, the magical technology they inherited from ancient times has also been lost a lot. 】

[In this case, without a powerful servant like Hughes, it will be difficult for them to even maintain their own standard of living. 】

In this case, a new calamity has struck. 】

[After quelling the rebellion of Shogues, only tens of millions of years later, a new enemy landed on the earth from the starry sky!]

[This time, it is the crustacean creature ...... "Migo" who worships technology!]

[At this time, the bodies of the ancients have "degenerated" even more severely, and they can't even leave the earth and travel through the universe physically!]

[Their powerful technology...... It's also lost and scattered!]

[In the face of the degraded ancients, it didn't take much effort for "Migo" to drive them out of the mainland, and even out of the sea!]

[The group of ancients who barely escaped with their lives can only retreat back to the Antarctic continent again, and survive on this once "holy land". 】

[In the end, under the catastrophe of the Antarctic ice sheet, these "alien races" that once created all life on the earth died out silently. 】

[After reading the "History of the Rise and Fall of the Empire of the Ancients" recorded on the relief, the geology professor and Danfoss ...... They were all shocked, and they felt that their worldview had been subverted. 】

[But even after seeing such an amazing sight, the two of them were still ready to go deeper,]

[Look at what secrets are hidden in the depths of the labyrinth!]

[In the depths of the Wang Labyrinth, after walking for a while, the two of them smelled a pungent stench at the same time!]

[Immediately after, they found some ...... The cans that are missing from the camp, and two sleds!]

[The professor and the others were taken aback and instinctively began to search around where the sled was. 】

[Then, they found the sled dog...... and the body of the missing advance party member "Godney"!]

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