[After all, as the king of monsters!, although Godzilla connected to King Kong as soon as he came up, it was not false at all. Returning the color with a paw!]

["Oh ......"]

[The lethality of Godzilla's claw is indeed amazing!]

[With just one blow, King Kong fell backwards and fell to the top of the aircraft carrier!]


[Those fighters who were still parked on the deck were all crushed by King Kong!]

["Boom ......"]

[On Godzilla's dorsal fin, blue light lit up again!]

[Obviously, it is preparing to breathe with atoms and completely end the King Kong that was defeated by itself!]

[But at this moment, I only heard an explosion!]


[It was actually a human fighter in the air, and it fired a barrage of missiles! Wounded Godzilla's already damaged dorsal fin again! It also interrupted the charge of atomic breath. 】


[An angry Godzilla waved his tail again and hit a fighter jet with precision, knocking it into countless pieces and scattering it in all directions!]

[But it was this delay that gave the fallen King Kong a chance to breathe. 】


[Before King Kong could fully stand up, he raised his fist and gave Godzilla another punch, knocking the giant beast back two steps. 】


[Seeing that Godzilla seemed to be blinded by a series of attacks, King Kong rushed forward and came directly to the elbow. 】


[This blow directly knocked Godzilla off the deck of the mothership into the sea. 】

[But Godzilla, who entered the water, became more dangerous.] 】


[A strange buzzing sound suddenly sounded from under the sea, and King Kong stretched out his head to look underwater as if sensing the danger!]

[I saw a blue light appear on the bottom of the sea, and it was getting brighter and brighter!] It was as if something was about to erupt immediately. 】


[King Kong's ape face actually showed an extremely humane look of panic!]

[Then, without hesitation, it kicked its legs and jumped off the aircraft carrier!]


[In the next second, a dazzling blue beam of light shot straight out from the bottom of the sea, sending the entire aircraft carrier ...... Smashed in half from the middle!]

[Godzilla can even release atomic breath even in the water!]


[The blue beam containing tens of thousands of degrees of ultra-high temperature rushed straight into the sky, illuminating the clouds in the sky!]


[King Kong, who narrowly escaped with his life, jumped into the water, but just as he tried to swim back to the surface, a sudden change occurred!]


[The huge Godzilla moves with great agility, swimming over like a fish, with a big mouth...... It bit on King Kong's body. 】


[King Kong tried his best to kick Godzilla away, trying to swim back to the water for ventilation!]

But Godzilla saw through its weakness and rushed back and pulled King Kong into the water. 】

["Gollum ......"]

[Under the water, it is difficult for King Kong to exert his strength at all!]

[Godzilla simply gave up the attack, and just pestered King Kong to the bottom of the sea, apparently trying to drown it alive!]

[Caught in Godzilla's tail, a lot of bubbles came out of King Kong's mouth, but he couldn't break free!]

[Obviously, King Kong is about to run out of oxygen in his body, and he is about to die on Godzilla's "tail"!]

[At this time, on the transport ship, the scientists watched King Kong sink into the water and never floated up again, and they were immediately shocked, and hurriedly suggested that the captain release the depth charge. 】


[In order to save King Kong, the transport ship hurriedly launched all the depth charges for defense to the bottom of the sea. 】


[The splash like a high-rise building exploded dozens of meters away!]


[After some time, a giant hand emerges from the sea and clutches the deck of the transport. 】

[With the help of the impact caused by the depth charge, King Kong broke free from Godzilla's tail and died...... Climbed to the surface of the sea again. 】


[Coughing up a large amount of seawater from his mouth, King Kong lay on the deck of the transport ship weakly, as if he couldn't even stand up.] 】

[In this battle, not only the human aircraft carrier fleet was almost completely wiped out. King Kong was also beaten by Godzilla! Completely defeated!]

[And Godzilla saw King Kong floating on the water, and he also floated up, as if to give it the final blow.] 】

[Seeing that King Kong was no longer able to fight, the human side hurriedly turned off all weapons and engines, and even turned off the lights. 】

[This is how the animal world surrenders, abandoning all resistance and leaving it to the enemy's disposal. 】


[Godzilla emerged from the sea level and stared at King Kong lying on the deck, unable to move, with a hint of victorious pride in his eyes. 】

[Looking at the human fleet in a posture of "lying down and dying", Godzilla grinned slightly and let out a roar like a smile. 】

[Then, the beast dived into the sea with the pride of victory and disappeared.] 】

[The surrender of the human side not only saved his own life, but also saved King Kong's life. 】

Seeing this, the chat group was also lively.

Big bones boiled into soup: Monsters, this is a war between monsters. (⊙o⊙)

Tian Xiaoban: Where's Ultraman?

Wanda Maximov: I'm sorry, but in this world, there is no Ultraman, only big monsters! ^_^

Hermione Granger: Turns out Godzilla is so nimble in the water, it's like a fish!

Daddy: Such a huge amphibian, Daddy... I've never even heard of it!( ̄△ ̄;)

Beria: It's just a monster, and if you have the ultimate combat instrument in your hand, see if I don't take it.

Godzilla: Traitor, if you dare to stand in front of me, you will already be burned to ashes!

Beria: You !! convex (艹)

Torrecchia: Hahaha, interesting, this Godzilla is more powerful than almost any monster I've ever seen!

Torrecchia: And he has such a high intelligence that he knows how to use sea water to defeat his enemies.

Carol Danvers: Even without atomic breath, Godzilla can knock King Kong to the ground with a single claw, the difference in strength is too obvious!

Beria: Hmph, you can't even kill an orangutan, what else is there to brag about?

Godzilla: I won't kill creatures that have already surrendered.

Godzilla: That's how the Titans fight!

Godzilla: And what I really care about is the human intentions.

Clark Kent: Seize the energy from the center of the earth and use it to make weapons, these people are really crazy!

Clark Kent: Aren't they afraid to destroy their own planet if they do this kind of thing?

Thinking of the ending of his home planet, Krypton, Clark felt a little sour in his heart, and at the same time, he became more and more angry at the greed of humans.

Bruce Wayne: Godzilla attacked Apex Corporation to stop them from developing the energy of the Earth's core?

Bruce Wayne: Could it be that this ancient Titan still has the ability to obtain information about the human world?

John Constantine: Batman, you're thinking too much, no matter how strong Godzilla is, he can't surf the Internet or watch TV, what can he know?

Godzilla: Don't underestimate me!

While everyone was arguing, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[Because this "Godzilla Encounter" was defeated so badly, the human side that has become a frightened bird doesn't even dare to go by sea!]

[They mobilized a large number of heavy transport helicopters, hoisted King Kong into the air, and airlifted it all the way to Antarctica. 】

[Here in Antarctica, there was originally a passage entrance to the underground cavity. 】

[However, humans have never been able to truly find a way to the underground space.] 】

[After Godzilla landed, under the instruction of the little aboriginal girl, it looked at the pathway, and there was a hint of nostalgia in its eyes. 】


[If you go down from there, can you go back to your real hometown?]

In order to find his true hometown and his own kind, King Kong rushed into the passage. 】

[The members of the human expedition also took the spaceship and followed closely. 】

[With the instinct retained in the Titan's genes, King Kong found his true path in the dense underground passages like spider webs. 】


[Following King Kong, the expedition members passed through a magnificent energy channel. 】

When they came out of the passage, they came to a wonderful underworld. 】

[In this world, the strength of gravity is completely different from the surface of the earth, and there are all kinds of strange monsters that live. 】

[Some air monsters, even bigger than King Kong!]


[Seeing a flying giant snake that wanted to attack the human expedition team, lest the aboriginal little girl be injured, King Kong hurriedly rushed over and knocked the giant snake to the ground!]


[One of the flying giant snakes, which regarded King Kong as its prey, rushed up with a scream!]

[It first wrapped King Kong firmly with its slender body, and then covered King Kong's mouth and nose with its wings, and actually wanted to suffocate it to death!]

["Boom, boom!"]

[Seeing that King Kong's situation was critical, the human exploration spacecraft hurriedly launched a missile, severely damaging the flying giant snake!]


[King Kong, who finally got rid of the shackles of the big snake and almost suffocated, was also annoyed and angry!]


[King Kong waved his huge fist, first with a painful blow, and then pinched the head of the flying giant snake, and with a fierce force, he actually ripped off its head. 】

[After destroying the flying giant snake, King Kong relied on the instinct in his genes to move forward, and finally, came to a strange canyon that seemed to have lost gravity. 】

[As if guided by his ancestors, King Kong floated in a weightless state and flew onto a continent. 】

[Here, it found a piece of the mountain that made it feel familiar. 】

[At the entrance to the mountain cave, there is a huge stone door with a red palm print on it. 】

[King Kong looked at his palm, put it on the palm print, and pushed it violently, slowly pushing open the stone door that had been sealed for an unknown number of years!]

["Boom la la ......"]

[Behind the stone gate, there is a huge cave with strange stone pillars standing in it, and on the ground, there are obvious traces of the carved floor. 】

[Here, this is the ancient temple of the Vajra clan!]

[He's finally home!]

PS: Have you all watched the Thor 4 trailer? In addition to Zeus, even the female Thor has appeared. ^_^

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