The galaxy where the Earth Star is located is located in the Yinhan Galaxy in the Eastern Star Region of the Wilderness. In the western region of the Yinhan Galaxy, there is a two-star civilization, the Nata Empire.

The Nata people, who look like a combination of human and animal genes, include tiger people, cat people, werewolves, etc. They are naturally warlike and like to plunder. They have occupied many one-star civilizations and are both two-star civilizations in the eastern region of the Yinhan Galaxy. The At civilization has been an enemy for generations.

The people of the Art civilization are sub-humans, similar to humans, except that they have an elven-like appearance. They are all good at creating, do not like the Natar people, and love eternal peace.

The two civilizations have fought many wars.

On the one hand, the Nata people follow the route of individual genetic evolution and are physically strong.

The Yat people, however, follow the path of spiritual evolution and prioritize technology over the Nata people.

They seemed like natural enemies.

Why did you mention these two civilizations? Because Lin Xing knew that the interstellar black hole outside the Earth was created by the Nata people.

With Earth Star's current technology, facing the Nata people, one can certainly imagine the result.

However, Lin Xing knew that it would take at least three years for the other party to reach this star area, so during this buffer period, he could not be too lazy.

If he wanted to live comfortably in the future, Earth Star was his home, so of course he had to eliminate this hidden danger.

He wants to be as harsh as ever, but someone doesn't want him to be in peace?

So he arranged for Zifeng and A Fei to integrate the underground forces in Ning City, but unexpectedly they received the attention of Xuanyuan Pavilion.

The organization Xuanyuan Pavilion was established to maintain the stability of Xia Kingdom, and he seemed to be on the opposite side of it.

But Lin Xing is not afraid, he has his plan.

Nowadays, any troubles in Ning City cannot be hidden from him. Besides, in this world, whoever has the biggest fist has the final say.

However, since he lives on Earth, as long as others don't mess with him, he will abide by the rules of the game here. The premise is that others don't mess with him!

Qin Ran was still self-aware, and those who saw him immediately retreated. However, another Pavilion Master of Xuanyuan Pavilion, Zhu Wuguo, appeared. This old guy was probably planning to recruit him.

Is there still that dark shadow? Lin Xing's smile is unclear. He wants to cause trouble for him, but there is still a little more than 100 million.

The reason why he keeps him temporarily is that his brother Ge Xiaotai needs to grow up. Isn't this a good opponent?

He also has good intentions

""Ding dong, master, Ge Tire is here," said Cao Cao. Cao Cao arrived. Lin Xing's home recently had a smart butler. Dabai immediately notified him of who was at the door. He didn't even use magical powers. Of course, this also came from signing in. System.

Produced by System, it must be a high-quality product.

As for his puppy Wangzai, some of his"relatives and friends" were"abducted" by Meng Ziying recently, but with Wangzai protecting her, he can rest assured.

"Team Leader Ge Da, why are you visiting this humble house?"Lin Xingmingzhi Consultant

"Stop being such a mouthful, I just work hard. Why, if I have nothing to do, I can’t come here." Ge Xiaotai took out a bottle of soda from the refrigerator in the corner of the living room, drank it in one go, sat down and said

"You can come if you can, but haven't you been busy with work lately? Lin Xing said

"It was not because I was arresting a very vicious person, but I let him escape before, but inadvertently, I heard the word Lin Xing coming out of his mouth," Ge Xiaotai said. Ge Xiaotai is speaking now Now that he is good enough, Lin Xing vomits in his heart,"There are so many names called Lin Xing, why are you really talking about me?"

"I wasn't sure before I came here, but I'm sure now. To be honest, did you owe someone some romantic debt outside, and someone else came to your door?" Ge Xiaotai's three words became unserious again.

"You're a fool, you owe me a romantic debt, could it be you?" Lin Xing retorted.

"Hey, just kidding, just kidding, you are just too serious on weekdays, you will not be able to get a girlfriend," Ge Xiaotai said

"Stop using your fallacious theories. Believe it or not, I found a girlfriend earlier than you did," Lin Xing said.

"I believe it." Ge Xiaotai doesn't dare to bet with Lin Xing. This guy seems to have been possessed by the goddess of luck since he was a child. He has suffered a lot from this.

"Haha, you give in quickly, but I have no impression of the person you are talking about. As for offending people, I'm sorry, he is too good and has too many enemies." Lin Xing changed the subject, but what he said was too that You are narcissistic, right?

"Come on, you might as well change your name to Lin Versailles." Seeing that Ge Xiaotai couldn't find anything, Yingxin stopped asking. He understood the tacit understanding between brothers, and there must be some cause and effect that he didn't know about.

"The name is quite interesting, how about I try it? Lin Xing said


"Okay, I won’t tease you anymore, I’ll just tell you a clue. You don’t know the true face of Nanshan, but you are just born in this mountain." Lin Xing quoted a poem from his previous life, but changed Lushan Mountain to Nanshan. There is nothing like Lushan Mountain here. name

"Let me go, when did you know how to compose poetry?" Ge Xiaotai was surprised

"How difficult is this?"Lin Xing thought to himself, this genius can still copy a big push. It's not because he is afraid of inestimable consequences. He has become a writer in minutes.

""Xiao Xingzi, you are underestimating your talents by staying here," Ge Xiaotai said angrily.

"Climb for me, Ge Tire," Lin Xing immediately started to take action after hearing Ge Xiaotai's words.

"Run away, run away, no more love," he continued to pretend to be weird, but got up and ran away.

This kid, you can run fast, but Lin Xing, who was an orphan in his past life and now, really enjoys this hard-won of brotherhood.

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