There were three people in Lin Xing's house instead of two.

The three people stared at each other in silence for a long time. Lin Xing looked at Ge Xiaotai with sincere eyes,"Actually, this was an accident. Do you believe it?"

Ge Xiaotai first looked at his good brother Lin Xing, and then at I looked at my"good sister" Lin Shiyin and realized that I was on the verge of being cheated on.

"I understand, I understand this, how can a man and a woman alone fall in love over time?"Ge Xiaotai looks so vulgar and vulgar.

""Pfft," Lin Xing spat out the water he just drank.

Lin Xing felt that he had miscalculated for such a gossipy Ge Xiaotai. However, Lin Shiyin, a witch, didn't know why she was so crazy today. It is inexplicable to be like this now.

Lin Xing Xing looked at Lin Shiyin and gestured to the other party with her eyes, meaning to explain quickly, there was actually nothing between them!

Lin Shiyin pouted when she saw Lin Xing looking at her, that means it was nothing in the first place, I will explain What?

She didn't bother to explain, what's wrong with her face?

"Hey, hey, hey, that's too much. What are you two talking about? How long has it been? Are you already in such a tacit understanding? Do you think I, Ge Xiaotai, am nothing?"When Ge Xiaotai saw them like this, he felt that it was redundant.

"Knowing that you are a background board, you still enter my home casually. How do you know my home password?"Lin Xing said angrily, let's just misunderstand it. It's nothing at all anyway. He was afraid of taking advantage of it.

"The password you set is quite narcissistic. It sounds like I am the most handsome guy in the world. Can this kind of thing stump me? The doorbell is broken, right? I pressed for a long time and no one answered, so I had to break in?"

Ge Xiaotai said

"Yep, if you don’t know how to appreciate it, you don’t know how to appreciate it. It’s terrible to be uneducated," Lin Xing said pretending to be disdainful.

"Don't try to change the subject. What I'm asking is, when did you two start?"Ge Xiaotai said

"……"Lin Xing fell silent. This was a problem with him since he was young.

Seeing Lin Xing's silence, Ge Xiaotai looked at Lin Shiyin again.

Lin Shixing simply shrugged,"Don't ask me, that's it, what's the matter?" The drama queen didn't realize that this witch was so good at acting. Lin Xing almost believed him when he pretended to be innocent. However, this kind of Is Qiang Wudi's explanation really good?

""Pfft." Now it was Ge Xiaotai's turn to spray water. Ge Xiaotai gave Lin Shiyin a thumbs up, full of admiration.

Lin Xing had already predicted that Ge Xiaotai, a big mouth, would definitely take this thing. The matter was magnified infinitely, and then compiled into more than a dozen different versions and widely circulated among relatives and friends.

But since there is no other way, just enjoy it. This seems to be what a philosopher said. It smells so good.

"Hey, my soul has no place to rest, he is in commotion all the time, haha, good poetry, good poetry," Lin Xing excused himself in embarrassment. He himself didn't even realize that he still had this talent.

"……"Ge Xiaotai carved a fortress.

Lin Shiyin just rolled her eyes.

"Okay, why are you free to come to my place today? I think you are free?"Lin Xing asked Ge Xiaotai

"What are you talking about? Am I going to be idle? Have you seen the infinite scenery outside? Thousands of girls are still waiting for me to save them?"Ge Xiaotai narcissistically touched his afro, which he thought was handsome.

"vomit……"Lin Shiyin made a vomiting motion after hearing this guy's three words that revealed his true nature.

"Come on, if you don’t go out and scare people, you are contributing to society," Lin Xing said.

"Hey, hey, hey, how about hitting people like this? Although I'm a little bit more handsome than you, don't be jealous, OK?"Ge Xiaotai said

"……Some people get plastic surgery when they are struck by lightning, right?"Although Lin Shiyin often hurts Lin Xing, she is very protective of him in this meeting. I don't want Ge Xiaotai to be narcissistic and just make up for it.

"Hahahaha," Lin Xing couldn't help but laughed so hard that tears came down his face.

"Yes, you are unanimous in this. I mean that my young heart has been hurt ten thousand times. I originally had important things to share with you, but now……"Ge Xiaotai said mischievously, the meaning in his eyes was self-explanatory.

"If you have something to say, say it quickly. If you have something to say, let it go. Are you busy?"Lin Xing is not used to this kid.

"If nothing happens, I just have to go and take a nap, ah……"Lin Shiyin didn't even know how to do it. She yawned and looked like she was about to get up.

"Go out, turn left, don't see me off," Lin Xing pointed towards the door.

Phew, KO! However, Ge Xiaotai felt that this time it was a bit of a mixed doubles match. He made a careless friend. He sighed in his heart and looked away. He was too lazy to argue anymore, so he quickly Said,"Sit, sit, sit, you are my aunt, isn't it okay?"

In fact, Lin Shiyin had no intention of leaving at all. She knew that Ge Xiaotai must have something important to do when he came, so she was still sitting upright. However, she was a little confused by the sudden changes in her body after waking up.

She didn't know why she was unconscious. After waking up, strange changes appeared on her body, and she felt a little uneasy.

She didn't know whether this change was good or bad?

Lin Xing naturally knew what Lin Shiyin's change was. He hadn't thought about how to explain it yet, but Ge Xiao didn't expect it. This guy bumped into me first.

"Have you experienced any strange changes recently?"Ge Xiaotai said.

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