
At this moment, Tang Yuning couldn't help but pursed her lips, and her whole body froze in place. Her back seemed to turn into pitch black, and a bolt of lightning struck down, making her unable to move.

The cold sweat falling down on her head reminded everyone that she was now in great shock.

"This... how... is this possible?……"

She cast her shocked eyes towards Ye Liang.

Ye Liang nodded and said helplessly:

"I don’t know if I’ve ever told you that I can travel through time and space……"


At this moment, Tang Yuning finally remembered.

Ye Qixuan once said that he could travel through time and space, but as an ordinary person, she did not take these words to heart at the time.

This... ah, this... the cold sweat is flowing faster


The girls were also sweating next to them.

What Ye Liang explained to Tang Yuning made them understand immediately.

This is indeed true.

It turns out that Ye Liang has the ability to travel through time and space. No wonder he is so powerful.

It is not incomprehensible that a person with this kind of ability is hundreds of millions of times more powerful.

Damn it——!!!

There really is someone who is his own father——!!!


At this moment, the hearts of the girls were filled with thousands of horses galloping through grass and mud.

Who else in this world can be so awesome?

No more...

On this day, everyone was definitely shocked.

Fortunately, Ye Liang didn't have any stage fright at this time. He said to the girls:

"Okay, now that everyone knows it, don’t be too divided in the future. We are all good sisters."


The girls looked at Ye Liang with strange expressions.

You are very knowledgeable, but this is the first time we have met.——!!!


At this time, Ye Ziqian burst out laughing.

She approached Tang Yuning and said to her:

"Mother-in-law, you said you should protect me well, ah no, actually, I think I can call you grandma, what do you think?"


Hearing this, everyone present fell silent again.

Is this circle too chaotic?!

Tang Pinru:...

Is this, is this a cultivator of immortality?



Since then, Ye Liang and his party have not come out of Qixuan Immortal Palace for a long time.

Not for anything else, just to enhance feelings.

After all, if this deadlock is not broken, everyone will not be comfortable being together in the future.

Fortunately, as time goes by, no matter how shocking things happen, they become just that.

We are not ordinary people, and if we have passed the psychological barrier, it is no big deal.

In fact, it's quite interesting.

During this time, Tang Yuning also told everyone about the realm of heaven.

Everyone was surprised to hear that there was a place outside this world called the Realm of Heaven.

Especially, they were very curious when they knew that the Heavenly Daoists in the realm of Heavenly Dao directly belonged to Heavenly Dao, acted on behalf of Heaven, and could affect the fate of many people.

"Can even the true immortals in heaven be affected?"

"Haha, for people in the realm of heaven, whether a person is strong or not has nothing to do with his cultivation level, but is calculated based on the world.

The Heavenly One can transform into the Heavenly Dao and make things that were originally simple become very difficult.

Make things that were difficult become easy.

It can also make people with no talent have many adventures, and it can also make people with great talent suffer a lifetime of misfortune and never get ahead.

Even Daluo Jinxian, who claims to be omnipotent, is just because he has become the strongest person in that world, and the Heavenly Dao can't create more difficulties for him.

Otherwise, as long as Daluo Jinxian, who is stronger than Daluo Jinxian, has a bad feeling towards him, Daluo Jinxian will also be chased and beaten."

"In other words, the Heavenly One can only guide destiny and change the original variables, but cannot directly create and destroy?"

"That's right, the Heavenly Ones only replace the Heavenly Dao to maintain the movement of all things."

"What would happen if a cultivator entered the realm of heaven?"

"In the Heavenly Dao world, the highest one is the Heavenly Dao, so any being who enters the Heavenly Dao world will become an ordinary person, and may even get old, sick, and die. But if you have the power of the Heavenly Dao, you can not only live well in the Heavenly Dao world, You can also use the power of heaven to open some special permissions in advance in the world you have chosen. When your lifespan in the world of heaven is about to end, you can enter that world and become an omnipotent god."


With Tang Yuning's explanation, Ye Liang finally understood the world of heaven.

It seems that the Heavenly Dao Realm is indeed the place closest to Heavenly Dao.

Even the prehistoric saints and the emperors of the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm only became saints and emperors under the arrangement of fate.

But... his own sword can actually split the passage of the Heavenly Dao Realm, allowing his power to affect the Heavenly Dao Realm.

This is interesting.

Could it be that the level of his sword is higher than he thought?!

The Heavenly Daoists in the Heavenly Dao Realm are all ordinary people. Can I enter the Heavenly Dao Realm and use all the Heavenly Dao Power for my own use?

It shouldn't be possible...

After all, the world of Heavenly Dao is just a world formed by the power of Heavenly Dao, and it is not the real Heavenly Dao.

The power of your own sword can affect the world formed by the power of heaven, but it may not affect the world.

Moreover, the way of heaven itself is there, an eternal thing without emotions.

The way of heaven that can be mastered by anyone is definitely not the true way of heaven.

It’s better not to think so much and just play your own game.

On this day, Tang Yuning felt that she had played with Ye Liang for almost enough time, so she decided to go back.

She said to Ye Liang:

"Ye Liang, can you send me back to the time and place when I came?"

"Can. Ye

Liang said:

"When you get to that world, try to contact me."


Tang Yuning nodded.

She and Ye Liang have a plan, a very special plan.

However, before that plan could begin, she still needed to conduct some experiments with Ye Liang.

She looked towards Immortal Lingbo on one side, with a hint of apology in her eyes:

"I'm so sorry. I wanted to help you, but my husband wouldn't let me, hehe.——!"


Hearing this, Immortal Lord Lingbo couldn't help but have a look of resentment on his face.

Ye Liang, this guy, deliberately refused to let Tang Yuning help her in order to keep her and Jiang Yurou sharing their senses.

How abominable—!!!

But what can she do now?

She is just a pitiful, weak and helpless immortal.

Does Jiang Yurou and I share our senses so excited?

Tang Yuning didn't care how resentful Lingbo Immortal Lord's eyes were, and turned to Ye Liang and said:

"Okay, bye, husband"

"Goodbye, wife."

Now that he has said goodbye, Ye Liang said no more. With a thought in his mind, the two swords rose into the sky. Although there was no need for the Sheath of Destiny this time, Ye Liang still used it out of habit. Looking at it


Tang Yuning couldn't help but secretly admit that she was surprised by the three artifacts in the sky.

These three artifacts were definitely not as simple as magic weapons.

She didn't know where Ye Qixuan got them from.

In other words, Ye Qixuan himself was not simple in the first place..

The power of the three swords once again opened a space channel in the Realm of Heaven.

Over there, the people from Kagura Entertainment Company were still looking at this place in shock.

People who did not leave the Realm of Heaven after completing a mission, time will pass after they come back. The seven-day rule was also broken.

The expressions of those people were even more shocked——!!!

Tang Yuning passed through the space channel and returned to everyone again.

However, it was different from the last time when she wanted to see her husband and children no matter what. , now she is full of confidence and calmness

"Oops, everyone hasn’t left yet."

She greeted everyone.

But everyone looked at the space passage behind Tang Yuning that seemed not to be closed, and couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

"That... that... ah no, Miss Tang, you... your husband, who are you?!!"

Boss Zhang finally recovered from the shock.

He was horrified and asked Tang Yuning.

Isn't he afraid... because no one knows what other magical powers the person opposite has.

In the realm of heaven, Rules don't seem to be of any use to him.

It's like a saint in a novel can come and go to the real world.

It would be strange if people in the real world are not timid


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