Caspar Colin is an old sailor who pays great attention to tradition. In the past, he would never have done such a thing. Instead, he would have severely reprimanded him. Even under special circumstances, he, a layman, would never be allowed to touch that sacred whaling harpoon.

As for Sailor Laxa Malo, he has never been a stickler for tradition. As long as there is wine and meat, all traditions can be thrown away as rancid seaweed.

Although the sailors on both sides of the ship were more or less uncomfortable with the addition of this young man. But due to Laxa Malo Sailor and Casper Colin, no one said anything.

What's more, the scene in front of us is still exciting no matter how many times we watch it, and Casper Colin's unstinting generosity also dilutes those unpleasant thoughts.

After all, most people still like this new guy. I have to say that in some ways he does look like Caspar Colin. If they didn't know his true origin, I'm afraid some people would really think that this was Caspar Colin's son.

Use a drop of blood, and a name signed with blood is more effective!

——Vincent Faust

The dark red blood spread like dye in a weaving mill in the dye pool, and half of the sea surface was already scarlet. The rays of light and blood were exaggerated, and the entire sea surface was a warm red. It was not clear whether it was the blood of the whales that stained the sea red, or the red clouds on the horizon that reflected it.

It took them almost a whole day to drag the big guy back completely and fix it in its starboard position.

Henry Jane watched curiously as people were busy fixing the huge whale's tail with ropes and chains. Then someone lowered a scaffolding made of narrow wooden boards with simple handrails from above and lowered it to the position of the whale carcass.

In this way, several sailors worked together to operate a huge shovel, and Henry Jane didn't know which shovel was used for what, until they started cutting up the whale carcass.

The shovel head of the shovel was very sharp, just like cutting tofu, and the whale's skin was cut with a big hole. Its handle was very long, maybe about four or five meters.

Mr. Caspar Colin didn't know where he went, so he just asked him to rest here and wait for his return.

After relaxing for a moment, Henry Jane felt a little weak in her legs. This was the first time he had done such intense physical labor. The muscles in his entire arm were so sore that he couldn't lift them. This was much more tiring than carrying goods.

As night fell, Captain Harrison Hank happened to bump into Caspar Colin on the deck and exclaimed

"Mr. Caspar Colin, congratulations on successfully capturing the Caitlin's first prey."

This was the first time Caspar Colin met Captain Harrison Hank, but he couldn't help but feel very surprised.

Because Captain Harrison Hank, who is said to be almost miraculous, is really too young. If he were not dressed in very standard traditional clothes, he might not be able to recognize him. Captain

Harrison Hank looks He looked like he was only seventeen or eighteen years old. He thought Captain Harrison Hank, from the great Harrison family of whalers, was a middle-aged man with a beard.

Although Caspar Colin was really shocked. Yes, but he quickly calmed down and greeted him very warmly.

"oh! Captain Harrison Hank!"

Although Captain Harrison Hank is young, his bright and clear eyes do shine with a kind of wisdom, and he does not look like a child at all.

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