Caspar Colin was a little annoyed. He thought she would know, but it turned out to be the case anyway;

"How do I know? I was also contaminated with that water, but I couldn't see anything abnormal after I came out. What's wrong with you?"

When Alice Letasha heard this, she fell into thinking again. This is so strange;

"No way, he shouldn't be able to see it."

Caspar Colin didn't understand the logic;


Alice Letasha explained to him thoughtfully;

"If you can't see it, he shouldn't be able to see it. If he is scared crazy when he sees it, then he can't be so normal in the camp for so long. He must not be able to see it, but suddenly he can see it again. I If you want to see him, take me there."

Caspar Colin nodded. He understood this, but he still had questions;

"Then why can you see it?"

Alice Letasha thought briefly for a moment and said;

"I'm different, I'm Vincent, I should have been able to see it, on the Victoria. I used a method to not be able to see it, because there are things that only people who can't see can do, so I thought of a way not to see it, but this method was only half successful."

Caspar Colin didn't ask what was different about Vincent, he simply said;

"I won’t ask any more questions. You have to help us. You have to help us. I know the situation is wrong and I brought you back because I believed in you. You have to explain this matter to us clearly first. I need you to tell the truth clearly, otherwise Captain Harrison Hank will become the murderer of Alfredo Gerry. We can't ask for details. You were there at the time. Whether you made it up or not, you had to convince them."

Alice Letasha nodded and agreed that this matter would not harm him. Harrison Hank is the only person present who knows his true identity. If he can be used as a cover, he can stand on a united front with him. , the subsequent development should be simpler.

Until Alice Letasha entered the tent where Harrison Hank was, he suddenly realized why Captain Harrison Hank was crazy.

Alice Letasha did it almost subconsciously There was an instinctive reaction to retreat, but he did not run. Instead, he chose to lift the canvas and look at the camp outside, as if he was checking whether anyone outside had noticed that she had sneaked into the camp.

He originally wanted to use this He moved to more rationalize her regressive behavior, but soon, he was also dumbfounded.

Alice Letasha thought again whether he should suddenly pretend to be crazy and rush out now, but he seemed to want to just walk away, right? Possibly, Alice Letasha took a deep breath, and she turned around pretending to be natural and looked at Harrison Hank, who was huddled in the corner far away from everyone.

There were many people in this tent, all of whom were Kate The survivors of the Lin, what these people say is the most weighty among these survivors, these people obey the orders of Harrison Hank, but the problem is that now Harrison Hank has a problem, they must figure it out And go solve this problem.

Harrison Hank refused to be approached by anyone. Even the appearance of Alice Letasha could not wake him up. Alice Letasha squatted down and observed for a while. Talk.

Because he couldn't see Harrison Hank clearly at all. There were many shadows mixed in among these people. At this moment, he was stretching his neck, almost hitting his oval head without any facial features. She looked at him intently.

But that's not all. It was the same outside. There were too many shadows among the survivors. Alice Letasha felt that there were at least some people in this camp. One-third of the people are shadows, and there are almost no living people in Harrison Hank's core team, and more than half are the weird things.

He did not move, and his expression almost did not change. He chose to pretend Tsukuru couldn't see him and strode forward. The shadow's head also retracted with his movements and did not touch him.

When Alice Letasha could see the person in front of her clearly, Casper.Colin suddenly exclaimed;

"Alice Letasha!"

But it was too late. Harrison Hank had already rushed towards Alice Letasha with a knife. When Alice Letasha saw it, she had already stabbed him in the abdomen.

But he didn't panic. Instead, he immediately reached out and grabbed Harrison Hank's wrist and stopped him directly. The knife stopped less than two centimeters away from his abdomen. With those things around, he couldn't He might have walked over unprepared, and he had already expected this possibility. His whole body was tense, so there was no way he could actually stab him.

But this knife was an insurance policy, one that could allow Harrison Hank to comfort himself. He didn't take away the safety, but just pushed forward hard. Harrison Hank held the knife firmly in both hands and fell back.

The shadows stretched their heads to look at Harrison again. Hank was so frightened that he closed his eyes and screamed, waving the knife around randomly. Those shadows seemed to be afraid of that thing, so they turned their heads and looked at Alice Letasha as if curious.

But Alice. Letasha didn't know that what Harrison Hank saw was completely different from what he saw. If he could see the scene in Harrison Hank's eyes now, he would probably be like him. The reaction was intense.

In Harrison Hank's eyes, what he saw that night was that Alfredo Gerry first appeared behind Alice Letasha. He wanted to ask him to help, but instead saw Alfredo Gerry. Fredo Gerry's neck suddenly stretched upward little by little and became extremely long, so long that it felt like his entire spine had been ripped out.

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