Alice Letasha patted the broken stone tablet;

"This is what the ancient saying says on it. I kid you not. This half is broken, so these three lines are all half. Ancient Shleifal, one of the old god sect's name for the red dragon. I bet it's in your mind. I can't imagine this. Many missionary pastors don't know this. Everyone is used to calling it red dragon."

Caspar Colin frowned and felt that it was indeed reasonable, but he had never told anything about Stuart Taylor, but Alice Letasha knew everything like a prophet;

"Then how do you know it was me?"

Alice Letasha shook her head. She just guessed. She didn't see Stuart Taylor in the camp. Otherwise, their recipes would be much more extensive. It must have been an accident. After adding She asked the question. From the complicated expression on Caspar Colin's face, it was not difficult to guess what kind of drama it was;

"It's a tacky and cliche plot. I can tell by looking at your expression. I told Henry Jane on the Victoria that you are a hero and a kind of person who kills relatives for justice, but you seem to have a good impression of me."

Caspar Colin also relaxed now. He stepped forward and looked at the stone tablet carefully. He was even more convinced that it was impossible for him to think of it. The wild boar's skeleton was from many years ago. It was in tatters and the wild boar teeth were It was also badly cracked. The vines had almost completely eroded the skeleton, and some moss had grown into the gaps.

Alice Litasha did not lie to him. Caspar Colin broke it casually, and the bones were brittle and soft. The old paper was torn to pieces. He looked at Alice Letasha sitting on the stone monument with a cynical and disrespectful expression;

"My impression of you, both from what I heard and what I saw, is absolutely terrible."

Alice Letasha also looked at him and made a pouting face;

"That's where Captain Harrison Hank can use me."

Caspar Colin was speechless by her teasing, waved his hands and walked to the nearest stream to wash his hands;

"Well, if you want us to trust you, don't mention Henry Jane before this. There really is no such person among us."

Alice Letasha didn't believe it;

"That's impossible, maybe he just didn't use the name you guys know, otherwise I wouldn't know so much."

Caspar Colin hurriedly made a stop gesture;

"I can't guarantee anything else, but your people say they have never seen the Henry Jane you mentioned. There is no young man with that kind of hair color on our ship. They all said that the part about Henry Jane was just you answering to something that didn't exist, that was something you imagined."

Alice. Letasha jumped down from the heavy stone tablet;


Caspar Colin washed his face, wiped it casually, interrupted what she was going to say next, and said with a serious face;

"You're a little nervous, you know, and let me remind you, you talked to the campfire a lot when you were at camp."

Alice Letasha was also stunned when she heard this and blurted out;


Caspar Colin shook his head and sighed helplessly;

"We were really frightened by your sleepwalking. You would sometimes stand by the campfire all night, talking about gold dust and so on, and we suffered a lot from you."

Caspar Colin saw Alice Letasha's look of disbelief. He rolled up his sleeves and pointed at his forearm. There was nothing on it, which made Alice Letasha confused.


Caspar Colin pointed to Alice Letasha's forearm again;

"You don’t remember when you got burned, right? One night you shouted and wanted to rush to the bonfire. We spent a lot of effort to put out the fire before you jumped in."

Alice Letasha then looked at her forearm. There was indeed a mark of burns from the fire, but it had already scabbed. She couldn't remember when it was done. Maybe it was on the Victoria. It had been there for a long time. When they were hit by the giant whale, they were in a mess. Of course, many oil lamps were broken. They were not completely burned because of the material.

Alice Litasha tore off a piece of blood scab and felt I felt a little itchy and asked dubiously;


Caspar Colin nodded. He was not joking at all. This is really the case, otherwise they would not drive people out easily;

"If I had known that you didn't remember, your people said that you went crazy after the storm, that you were stimulated by something, and that you were normal for a while and abnormal for a while, and it was not a day or two."

Alice Letasha shook her head after hearing this. She had already remembered everything before the storm. When the storm first started, the shadows had not boarded the ship, so she remembered all the details before the shadows boarded the ship, and could Make sure your memory is correct;

"The shadow was brought by the storm, and I could see it at that time, but there were too many confusing memories, and there were still many things I couldn't remember."

Caspar Colin also found a tree root to sit down. The searchers would most likely not go this way, and it was relatively safe. Even if he was found by others, there would be a good excuse. For example, he wanted to catch Ellie. The two of them rolled around in the stream, so they got soaked. Finally, they calmed down and talked;

"What happened to Raphael on your ship?"

"That was before the storm, and Melody was the murderer, but I was the one who brought the original lie."

Alice. Letasha has no intention of continuing to hide it. It is better to say that many people actually know about this matter. Waiters, doctors, captains, and many others can vaguely guess it. Rumors cannot stop it. If it is not the shadow, This matter will eventually be resolved in a way that everyone knows well, but it still needs face for the Imperial City of Leled, so they just decided to choose a set of rhetoric to deal with the face of the Imperial City of Leled..

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