Alice Letasha felt that his reaction was too exaggerated and was somewhat of a performance;

"Maybe they are not interested in us at all. I think those shadows are more to their liking than people. So maybe you can answer the question for me, why on earth can't we get closer to the coast?"

Laksa Marlow took out the wine bottle and took a sip with a smile;

"Then you have to answer my question first, why did you swim towards the sea that day? We all thought you were dead at the time."

"I see a person."

Alice Letasha replied

"who is it? Laxa

Marlow asked.

Alice Letasha smiled, and a memory suddenly flashed in her mind. It was Jepson Marissa, and she was holding the dead Jepson Lorena. , before throwing her body into the sea, looking at her with those sad eyes, inquired;

"Do you love her?"

And she answered exactly;

"Yes, I love her."

Alice Letasha paused, hesitated to speak, and finally said;

"is a talented actor."

Laksa Marlow shook her head and smiled;

"It sounds like you're out of your mind."

Alice Letasha was silent for a moment, the tide of the sea lapped on the coast, surging in and curling up;

"She is dead."

Laksa Maro raised his head when he heard this and drank more than half of the bottle in one breath. There was a hint of drunkenness in his eyes and his words were a little slurred;

"It turns out that you must have been bewitched by the sea monsters. They will use various methods to enchant people's hearts and eventually drag those poor guys into the bottom of the sea."

Alice Letasha looked at Laksa Marlowe. Laksa Marlowe handed over the wine bottle with an innocent look on her face, as if she was asking you if you would like some too.

Alice Letasha took it. She passed the jug and smelled it. It was the fragrance of berries. She didn't try it. She just handed the jug back, looked at the sea and said;

"There are two kinds of people in the world. What they say is inconsistent, illogical, full of doubts and confusing."

Laksa Marlow drank the second half of the bottle in one gulp, very confused;


Alice Letasha smiled, her smile was extremely weird and sarcastic, she stared closely into Laxsa Marlow's drunken eyes, her tone was brisk;

"Madmen and liars."

Laksa Marlow carefully put away the empty wine bottle;

"I thought you'd call the latter a drunken alcoholic."

Alice Letasha shook her head;

"In my opinion, Captain Harrison Hank is undoubtedly a liar."

Laxa Marlow doesn't think so;

"Yeah? I didn't realize that everything he said was true. If you think he is a liar, you must at least have a reason."

Alice Letasha saw that he was pretending to be stupid. Obviously the person in front of him knew everything, but he was just as impossible to say as Captain Harrison Hank;

"That strange tree oil, the crumbs added to the fire, and the respect for all water sources, the prohibition not to go near the coast, the lake where water can't be taken, and the island itself, don't think I don't know that you are imprisoning us, so everywhere I was on patrol and sent a separate person to keep an eye on me."

Laksa Maro heard the words in a bad tone;

"oh? The word"imprisonment" really makes us sound like heinous crimes. I prefer the word"protection", but do you have delusions of being persecuted or something? If we really sent someone to keep an eye on you, how did you sneak out at night? From the campground?"

Obviously, he did not follow her out. He should have met her halfway and followed her, otherwise he would know how she came out.

Alice Letasha jumped off the reef, stepped on the sea water, and headed towards She took two steps into the sea until the waves submerged her calves. Then she turned around and used the moonlight to look at the face of the person in front of her.

There was nothing unusual. If he looked nervous, it must be that the sea water did have some unknown dangers, but Obviously he wasn't pretending to be calm. There was another answer to the secret of sea water.

Laksa Marlow still looked drunk, but Alice Letasha knew very well that the fermented berry wine had no alcohol content at all. He was pretending to be stupid. , deliberately making her take it lightly, maybe he would persuade her to go back after just a few words of conversation;

"Looks like you'll have to learn to pray to the god of wine that two bodies other than those of the patrol will be found outside the camp tomorrow."

Laksa Marlow's face changed greatly when he heard this. He also jumped off the rock. He instantly pulled out a short knife from his waist and pointed it at Alice Letasha. He stopped pretending and asked angrily;

"What happened to Dominic and Egbert?"

He was unsure about the person in front of him, and when he saw her playful smile, he was also panicked, worried that something had really happened.

Alice Letasha spread her hands and smiled, indicating that she had no weapons;

"If I were you I wouldn't try to pull a knife on someone you don't understand."

Laksa Marlow looked unhappy;

"If I were you I wouldn't act recklessly on the island."

Alice Letasha was gearing up, and she also pulled out a knife, which was exactly the one used to execute the holy priest;

"Okay, let's have a test to see who is stronger. If I win, you have to tell me the truth. If you win, I will tell you where the two of them are."

After they were rescued, Susan Warrior wanted to search for the body of Melody Warrior along the coast, but she was stopped. In order to appease her grief, Captain Harrison Hank's men searched along the coast, and finally only found this knife. , Soldier Susan handed it back to Alice Letasha.

Obviously, the so-called absolute ban was aimed at them, and the survivors on the Caitlin and the former survivors of the Victoria were free to enter and leave the so-called Restricted area.

Laksa Malo did not flinch, he also walked into the sea, the two were face to face, and he stared at the person in front of him;

"People always look down on drunkards, I swear you will pay for your arrogance."

Alice Rita smiled happily;

"Very few people can make me pay unless you are an apostle of God."

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