Alice Letasha told a lie. When Jepson Marissa asked her that question, she said she didn't know. In fact, she knew. There is a mystery in the world that people call it by different names. , the church calls it a miracle, some call it an ancient legend, and some call it a miracle, luck, and magic.

When Jepson Marissa decided to throw Jepson Lorena into the sea, a trace of evil flashed in Alice Letasha's heart, so she did not stop it, even though she had already known what would happen.

When Henry Jane described this area to her for the first time, she knew that this was the Sea of ​​Miracles, the remains of the old era, where all fantasies and impossibilities would turn into infinity, and the people on the Victoria were like They are sacrifices heading to the old era. They are heading to a miraculous place that has been forgotten by the world, decayed, but not dead yet.

She remembered that the first time she met Jepsen Lorena was after all the performances.

Melaviathan's ending has come to an end more than once, and she knows the ending. Melaviathan watched Isabella die of illness with her own eyes, while Bode Seburn was having a drunken hangout. He had no money to bury Isabella. , so she was buried in the sea.

Bode Seben changed his mind, indulged in wine and sex, sold his two children, and beat and scolded Isabella for a long time. Meliviathan witnessed with his own eyes that so-called human beings cannot even persist in true love for a hundred years, and regretted why he wasted his time in vain. She swept away Isabella's body and let the shadow take her into the bay. Only half a year later, Isabella transformed into a phantom and cried out about the misery of her fate.

So Melivatan destroyed the bay and opened up the situation. All the shadows were no longer expelled. Melivatan opened his scales and swore an oath with his flesh and blood. All the shadows got flesh and turned into Sirens gallop among the waves.

As for Bode Seburn, after being drunk, he saw the young and beautiful Isabella in the sea, slipped and fell into the sea and drowned.

She came behind the scenes and saw Jepson Lorena for the first time, but she couldn't take her eyes away. Not long after the two met, Jepson Lorena figured out her secret, but they But very harmonious.

When the siren, who had the exact same appearance as Jepson Lorena, started singing, Alice Letasha noticed that the surroundings had changed. Many more sirens were attracted by the singing, and they gathered around her as if they were sizing her up..

Alice Letasha felt something was not good. She swam towards the huge Victoria, and the sea monsters began to disperse, but at this moment, she suddenly heard the voice of Jepson Lorena. Sounded behind me, the siren sang;

"When day and night begin to flow, the brilliance of the stars also shines for you, my dear beloved, what makes your eyes so beautiful, makes me fall in love."

Alice Letasha turned around in disbelief. The white siren was right behind her. She saw the face that was exactly like Jepson Lorena smiling at her, like a brilliant lily. She is a little absent-minded


Alice. Letasha called her name softly. She wanted to stretch out her hand and take a closer look at the person in front of her, but the white siren smiled and took her farther away.


But the white siren did not stop because of this. Alice Letasha tentatively sang something else. Soon she found that all the sirens were interested in her voice, so she did not Dare to say anything, she could only turn her head and swim towards the coast.

She heard Jepson Lorena singing behind her, but there was more than one, other sirens were also imitating her and singing together, which belonged only to the two of them. Secret.

Soon all sounds were left behind by her. From time to time, there were shadows singing or whispering around her. Some of them were caught by the sirens. Out of curiosity, Alice Letasha swam to She tried her best to catch a shadow among the rocks, and she sang to it over and over again;

"I have made a pact with my destiny, and the gods must keep their oath."

Then the thing imitated her voice, from the broken whisper at the beginning to what she sang, but the thing's voice was exactly the same as hers and there was no difference at all.

She wanted to After getting the thing ashore, I slowly studied it, but the shadow struggled so hard that it almost instantly opened from the inside out, revealing rows of densely packed internal teeth.

In a hurry, Alice Letasha had to kick the thing away. The thing kicked into the sea, and she didn't have much energy to fight with it, but the thing swam very fast and turned around and rushed towards her. She didn't even know where it was using her voice to imitate her voice and sang that song. Two sentences.

Then she saw a blue figure suddenly crossing the sea and knocking the thing down. It was a sea monster with the upper body of a man, and the lower body looked like some kind of shark. It was different from the one she had seen before. , was eating that thing with big mouthfuls.

Alice Letasha plunged into the sea and swam towards the beach. She had no chance to figure out the habits of those things, so she had to run away desperately. When she swam to the beach in a daze, she When they got to the shore, they found boats searching for survivors. Someone jumped into the sea from a boat and swam ashore with her.

When she collapsed on the shore and gasped for air, the man urged her to stand up quickly and follow him..

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