Inside the office.

Liu Zimo sat on a chair and flipped through the documents in his hands.

There was a big red exclamation point right in front of me, taking up an entire page.

This is a signal for emergency help, indicating that the crisis in Kimchi Country is quite serious.

However, Liu Zimo didn't care much about these.

What he really cares about is whether there are any mutant beasts worthy of his attack.

Slowly flipping through the documents, Liu Zimo also had a general understanding of the situation in Kimchi Country. how to say?

If this happened in the Dragon Kingdom, it would not be a big problem.

But if it happens to the weak Kimchi Country, it will be a devastating crisis. If no country is willing to rescue, Kimchi Country will probably be even worse than Australia. mentioned in the information.

In the capital of Kimchi Country, a large-scale beast tide occurred. Six mutant beasts appeared out of nowhere, destroying the capital of Kimchi Country almost instantly.

The six major mutated beasts are all extraordinary third-level beasts, and there are even half-step fourth-level super-powerful mutant beasts.

The most described ones in the data are three heads.

One of them is a huge mutant bird.

This mutant strange bird is hundreds of meters long. After spreading its wings, it can reach hundreds of meters. When flying in the air, it seems to block out the sky and the sun. It can even spit out fire, making it extremely powerful.

Its shape, Liu Zimo feels a bit like the golden-winged roc in the myth of the Dragon Kingdom.

Of course, this is just a metaphor.

If the golden-winged roc appears, it will be much more powerful than this strange bird.

The golden-winged roc in the myth of the Dragon Kingdom was a destructive being, while the huge strange bird in the Kimchi Kingdom was only half a step up to the fourth level.

The second one is a demon fox. This demon fox is not big, only about one meter long, but it has three tails.

It is actually a three-tailed demon fox. This six-tailed demon fox has a third-level extraordinary realm.

However, there is not much description of its strength in the information. It only specifically mentions that the six-tailed demon fox can transform into a human form and turn into an extremely coquettish and beautiful woman.

As soon as it transforms into a human form, countless strong men will fall under its pomegranate skirt, and even lose their minds to work for it.

Is this a charm?

Liu Zimo raised his eyebrows, showing some interest.

The third head is a huge black turtle, which is as big as a hundred meters. It was originally lurking in the river of the capital of Kimchi Kingdom. The people of Kimchi thought it was a small island.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the beast tide started, this huge mutated black turtle appeared, causing a huge shock.

The black turtle can even spit molten lava, destroying less than half of the city almost in an instant.

This mutated black turtle is also the third level of extraordinary, and has reached the third level of extraordinary perfection.

As for the remaining three mutated beasts, there is no clear description in the data and they are very mysterious.

The Kimchi Nation could only detect the spiritual power of the three mutated beasts, but could not trace their essence, and watched helplessly as they destroyed the city, with no choice but to do anything.

Six super-powerful mutated beasts appeared out of thin air, and the Kimchi Kingdom exploded in an instant.

Fear, despair and other negative emotions instantly enveloped the country, and they were unable to fight back.

Kimchi Country is just a small country, and it doesn’t even have a third-level extraordinary powerhouse.

Now facing such a powerful mutated beast, how could they possibly be able to stop it?

In painful despair, Kimchi Country has only one way to survive, and that is to seek help.

And the first thing they thought of was Thor.

The God of Thunder is the pinnacle of power in the world, and has even reached the fourth level of Transcendence.

If Thor can come, he will definitely save them, just like saving Australia.

Therefore, Kimchi Country immediately sent a distress message to Long Country.

After receiving the distress message from Kimchi Country, the General Administration of Spiritual Power was a little hesitant.

According to the actual situation, Kimchi Country is different from Australia.

Australia is a huge territory in the world. If we let the mutated beasts there, it will be equivalent to giving the mutated beasts a stable space for survival and development.

In this way, it is no less dangerous than raising tigers.

But Kimchi Country is just a small country, it doesn't cover a very large area, and it doesn't have much influence on the world situation.

Considering many aspects, the Dragon Kingdom is unwilling to expend its national power to rescue the Kimchi Country.

But just when the General Administration of Spiritual Power was hesitating, Kimchi Country made a huge increase.

It was under this pressure that the director of the headquarters sent a message to Liu Zimo.

However, Liu Zimo had decided not to rescue him at this time.

From Liu Zimo's true heart, he didn't want to be the savior of the world. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It is enough to be able to protect the Dragon Kingdom and win the battle of survival for mankind.

Do you want him to selflessly save every country and every region in the world?

Haha, I'm sorry, he can't do it, and it's impossible to do it.

How big is the world, how many countries and regions are there? If there are problems in every place and Thor is asked to solve them, then he will die from exhaustion?

If you really want Thor to help you, then you have to offer him the price he needs.[]

It's like a trip to Australia.

Liu Zimo was more interested in finding a way to break through the fourth level.

And he did get it.

The battle with the mutated snake gave him a lot of insights, and he even obtained a treasure trove of extraordinary fourth-level snake corpses.

Only in this way can he reach the fourth level.

As for the mutated beasts that appeared in Kimchi Country, Liu Zimo really looked down upon them.

With his current strength, only fourth-level mutated beasts can enter his eyes, and even half a step to fourth level is not worth the trip.

After pondering for a moment, Liu Zimo was about to ask his secretary to send a rejection letter to the headquarters.

Unexpectedly, the director of the headquarters made a video call first.

The video call is connected.

Liu Zimo looked at the headquarter director who had regained his youth and was full of energy, and showed a somewhat pleased smile.

"Old Director, you are recovering well. Seeing that you are so energetic makes me relieved.

The director of 633 headquarters smiled and said,"I am in my current state thanks to you.""

"How about it, Thor boy, are you okay?"

Liu Zimo's cleverness really played a big role before.

The director of the headquarters is still worried about Liu Zimo's physical condition.

If Liu Zimo is harmed because of himself, then he will become a sinner of the Dragon Kingdom.

"I've had a good rest, don't worry, I'm still young and can handle it."Liu Zimo smiled lightly.

In fact, Liu Zimo felt quite awkward.

After playing a little trick once, he had to continue to lie.

The two chatted for a few words, and then the director of the headquarters got down to business.

"Thor Boy, how do you plan to deal with the matter in Kimchi Country?"

Liu Zimo shrugged and said bluntly:"I'm not interested."

"Anyway, it’s near the Dragon Kingdom, so I’ll deal with it when I have time."

The director of the headquarters seemed to have guessed what Thor was thinking. He chuckled,"I knew you would say that."

"However, the senior management has decided to invite you to go."


Liu Zimo raised his eyebrows, a little puzzled.

The headquarter director's face gradually became serious, and he said in a deep voice:"Kimchi Country has offered a huge bargaining chip."

"They are willing to give up two huge spiritual power veins!"

Spiritual power vein?

Liu Zimo's eyes narrowed, and he was also interested.……

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