How is this going?

Why did the Aqua Blue Empress appear in the enemy camp?

The entire army of Cang Yue Kingdom was stunned by this scene.

Shui Lan stood calmly in the water waves. She glanced at the densely packed battleships and Hai Clan troops in front of her, and spoke with a calm and calm expression.

"Cang Yue Kingdom, and even the entire Sea Clan Alliance, have fallen into decay and rigidity in these thousands of years. The Sea Clan must make changes from now on!"

"I declare to officially join the Federation of Chaos and become a member of the Undercity. The decadent old era must be ended. Now only the Federation of Chaos and the Lord of the Undercity can bring true peace to the Sea Clan!"

"The weapons in your hands should not be used against change makers!"

Before Shui Lan finished speaking, he was interrupted irritably by Akikawa Taku.

Akikawa Taku roared:"Don't listen to her nonsense. Emperor Shui Lan has been dead for six thousand years, how could he appear in this era out of thin air? This is a conspiracy, this is a trap set by the Demon Lord of the Undercity!"

As soon as these words came out, they attracted countless support

"That's right!"

"This must be the enemy's conspiracy!"

"Emperor Shui Lan has been dead for so many years, how could he appear here?"

"Damn it, these damn foreigners not only invaded and occupied our sea city, they actually dared to blaspheme the great Empress Aqua!"

"Kill kill kill!"

"Kill them all!"


Everyone in Cang Yue Kingdom became angry.

Not all of them were motivated by righteous indignation. In fact, many of them were shouting out of fear. the reason is simple.

The legal status and legal land of Cang Yue Kingdom were all divided by Empress Shuilan herself. If Empress Shuilan herself objects, and the covenant has been destroyed, can they still stand in this area?

Among the Cang Yue Kingdom's army, in addition to ordinary Sea Clan warriors, there is no shortage of Cang Yue royal family and various families with vested interests. their rights and status.

All are tied to Cang Yue Kingdom.

How can we accept this kind of murderous and heart-breaking behavior that eradicates legitimacy from the source? So no matter whether Shui Lan is real or not, they are unlikely to accept it.

Shui Lan snorted coldly when he saw this.

A surge of power was released from her body and instantly transformed into a powerful deep sea sanctuary, instantly covering most of the warships present.

When Aqua Blue's Sanctuary is used in a marine environment, its scale and size can be increased tenfold, and its power can be more than doubled.

This time.

The Cang Yue Sea Clan was completely dumbfounded.

The appearance of the Aqua Blue Empress can be imitated, the identity of the Aqua Blue Empress can be impersonated, and even epic emperor-level powerhouses are not impossible to find.

But only. skills in this field.

It's impossible to fake it.

Every king and every emperor has distinct personal characteristics in his or her domain. According to historical records, isn't this powerful domain currently owned by the legendary Empress Shuilan?

"She is the Aqua Blue Empress!"

"She is really the Aqua Blue Empress!"

"This is not false, the Aqua Blue Empress is back!"

At this time, the Cang Yue Sea Clan was completely in a commotion, especially the ordinary soldiers and officers of the middle and lower classes. They realized that standing in the hostile camp was the founder of the Sea Clan Alliance, the legendary empress who once ended the dispute in the Sea of ​​Chaos.

This How else to fight?

Akikawa Taku was furious

"Pretend to be a god and mess with our military morale!"

"I'll kill you, the fake, first!"

No matter what the identity of this mermaid is, if we don't kill her today, the battle will not go on at all.

Akikawa Taku directly rushed towards Shui Lan against the pressure of the domain. As he waved the big knife in his hand, the fighting spirit gathered in waves and slashed towards him. Shui Lan.

However, just when the sword light hit Shui Lan,

Akikawa Tuo suddenly felt that his body had lost control.

Han Kexin stood not far from Shui Lan, with the fingers of his left hand wrapped around a blue naked eye. The distinguishing thread, and the other end of the thread is falling on Akikawa Taku's body

【You have been affected by mental domination and you are out of control! 】

How can it be?

Akikawa Taku was shocked.

How could he be easily controlled with his own strength.

In fact, the strength of this island warrior can be described as not worth mentioning in front of the Succubus Queen.

Even if Han Kexin is a fifth-level king, she can control two sixth-level overlord-level warriors, not to mention that now Han Kexin has reached the sixth level and is already a terrifying existence at the level of the Demon Emperor.

Akikawa Taku is considered very powerful among the sixth-level overlords, but to Han Kexin, he is as ridiculous as an ant. If it weren't for the fact that there were too many Cang Yue Kingdom troops to deal with, she wouldn't have needed to borrow more than a hundred giant dragons to suppress the enemy. place.

Akikawa Taku tried to dispel it with fighting spirit.

But he found that he couldn't escape control with his fighting spirit.

Shui Lan raised a hand and pointed it at him,"A pedantic and stubborn person like you will only become an obstacle to peace and must be eliminated!"

The next second.

A violent burst of energy.

It shot out from Shuilan's finger and instantly hit Akikawa Taku's head, knocking off his entire head.

"The Generalissimo is dead!"

"The Generalissimo is dead!"

"The empress killed the marshal!"

Han Kexin did not take action to kill Akikawa Taku personally, just to achieve a more murderous and heart-wrenching effect. After all, the shock caused by death in the hands of Empress Shui Lan and death in her hands are completely different.

However, right here. At that time,

Han Kexin discovered something.

She frowned and said,"Hey, strange, this guy is not dead."

When Shui Lan heard what Han Kexin said, she was slightly stunned, and immediately focused her attention to look over.

The head that was broken into pieces actually reunited under the action of some kind of force and returned to the neck. , put his head together again

"Damn, hate……"

Akikawa Taku held his head and his face was twisted in pain. There were only cracks on his face and head. Although the wounds were healing quickly, being shot in the head would definitely not be that uncomfortable.

"Don't even think about killing me!"

"No one can kill me! Shui

Lan's eyes turned cold, and with five slender fingers, he suddenly grasped the air, and dozens of indestructible water knives cut through the body of the island warrior from all directions.

In this regard, the island warrior had no resistance at all.

Because Han Kexin Always controlling his body, he could neither dodge nor fight with fighting spirit, so he took the blow firmly and was cut into dozens of pieces in an instant.

However, at this moment, the pieces came together again..

Akikawa Taku's armor has fallen off, revealing a completely deformed body, as well as a green organ that looks like a big eye above his heart.

Han Kexin and Shui Lan saw it clearly.

The reason why this guy can't be killed is because of this strange organ. The special energy was released, allowing his body to continuously recover.

Han Kexin said with great interest:"Hey, this eye is a bit similar to the one in the Crazy Mountains, but the power it exerts is completely different."

Shui Lan has seen the world.

Her expression changed and she said:"The power of the evil god? No wonder it's so hard to kill!"

Akikawa Taku's body recovered again, but as he continued to heal himself, his physical distortion became more and more serious, and his mental state seemed to have become crazy.

"I am immortal!"

"You can't kill me!

Shui Lan hummed:"Immortality?" You deserve it too!"

As he spoke, he waved his hands and used hundreds of thousands of water knives to instantly cut the island warrior's body into diced pieces.

Shui Lan didn't believe it.

In this situation, he could still rely on the power of the evil god to heal himself.

As expected, the power of the evil god is limited. In this case, Akikawa Taku could no longer recover. However, he was cut into thousands of pieces of meat and was still adsorbed together. With the eyeball as the center, he became a squirming creature. The flesh i ball.

Upon seeing this, Shui Lan immediately said:"This evil god fragment is awakening, we must work together to destroy it!"

"Do it!"

Han Kexin knew very well how troublesome and terrifying the evil god monster would be once the evil god fragments were completely awakened, so she took action without hesitation and released a purple demonic fire.

At the same time,

Han Qiuyue, Han Dongxue, and other demonic experts , and Shui Lan also took action.

So many masters attacked together, which gave the resurrected evil god enough front.

The next second, the sarcoma that expanded to the size of a house exploded.

Han Kexin obtained The fragment of the evil god that had lost its activity. She saw the information about this fragment of the evil god.

【Eye of Regeneration], this is the evil fragment of the ancient evil god"Eight-Eyed Evil God". Each eye of the Eight-Eyed Evil God contains a different evil power. This is the eye of regeneration that represents vitality.

"Eye of regeneration? Han

Kexin marveled:"No wonder he has such a powerful resurrection ability. I didn't expect this humble warrior to have such a thing.""

At this moment, the giant dragon troops launched an attack.

The stubborn resisters among the Cang Kingdom troops were all wiped out by the destructive dragon flames and thunder and lightning.

As for the remaining Kingdom troops, they had already Already frightened to death, and under the pressure of the power of the Blue Empress, there was no fighting spirit at all.

Soon, 80% of the army of 500,000 surrendered.

Han Kexin was overjoyed:"Hahaha, that's great. Well, we have recruited so many elite royal troops and obtained another Eye of the Evil God. We have really made a great contribution this time!"

She knows.

Evil God fragments. Those with the same origin are the most valuable.

Because the more fragments originate from the same Evil God, the stronger the resonance effect will be, and the better the power and effect will be.

This eye of regeneration is very important to Potato. The Demon King is absolutely extremely valuable.

In addition, this battle went on unexpectedly smoothly.

Half a million elite royal troops are not a small number. Even if there are many kings sitting on the battlefield, if the opponent attacks all at once, it will be enough to cause damage to Shengtao City. After all, the gap in military strength between the two sides was too big.

It's better now.

Because of Shui Lan's shock and the dragon's assistance.

The other party basically chose to surrender before they fought much or even formed a decent combat effectiveness. Not only did Sheng Tao not let Sheng Tao The city suffered losses, but the strength of Shengtao City increased greatly.

With this newly recruited royal army in hand,

Han Kexin was absolutely confident to seize the entire Cang Yue Kingdom!

Now, he made so much profit for the company.

Boss Tudou couldn't get it no matter what. Give yourself a bonus, right?

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