Zhang Mu opened the treasure box

【You opened the star diamond treasure chest and obtained"gold coins" × 80 million,"Blueprint: Super Dimension Farm"","

Blueprint :"

Treant Altar" Area.

The two-point drawing is a fifth-level special building. The super-dimensional breeding farm is a special facility similar to the spiritual field that can be used for production. The difference is that the breeding farm can not only plant but also graze, and has features that ordinary spiritual fields do not have. Special abilities, such as space compression, time control, etc., can create amazing benefits.

As for the Tree Altar?

This is an altar-type building.

The difference from other altars is that the core function of the Tree Altar is not to strengthen, but to summon new pastors. Treemen and tree herders are not magical creatures. Once summoned, they will exist permanently and have no time limit.

This means that with the treeman altar, Zhang Mu can summon him at any time as long as the corresponding summoning conditions are met.

The tree men were brought out to replenish their combat power.

In addition to the treasure chest harvest and the collected tree men, the biggest gain of this operation was the elf planting field itself.

Although a small half of the area was destroyed by the Black Phoenix, most of the places were preserved intact, and various Purple and orange quality materials are everywhere.

Conservative estimates.

All resources are developed and realized.

It can bring about one billion Demon King coins to the Undercity.

The value of materials in this place is high, which can be seen from this! This trip.

It was a fruitful harvest.

In order to avoid the deterioration of the material quality, Zhang Mu did not rush to dig up all the materials. Instead, he kept the questions at the place of origin to maximize the value and the freshness of the materials.

Zhang Mu planned to send a batch The elves take over this valley.

If the land in this valley is well improved, it will not be inferior to the ordinary Lingtian Farm. Various precious materials can be registered and stored in the form of information.

In this way, when they are needed, they will be dispatched. Just come here and get it.

There is no need for the tree people to stay here.

Zhang Mu plans to move all the tree people into the Forest of Chaos. This is also a relief for the tree people. After all, there is only such a thing as the Forest of Chaos. A large forest is the ideal paradise for the tree people.

For the Forest of Chaos, there are thousands of sixth-level tree people settled there.

Whether it is security, defense, or management, it can be greatly improved.

Because the tree people have super perception Ability, each tree man can control and supervise a large area of ​​​​the forest, it can be said to be a natural sentry. Moreover

, between tree men and tree men.

They can conduct long-distance spiritual communication, what is happening in any corner of the entire forest , all of them can be fed back to the Undercity in time.

Furthermore, these tree people are all old antiques who have lived for tens of thousands of years.

Their knowledge is so profound that they can gain the respect of all races and become the guardians of the Forest of Chaos. The tribe mediates conflicts and resists threats from foreign enemies.

As for the injury of the Treeman King Gertrut?

The Phoenix Divine Fire has been smoldering for decades.

Zhang Mu can neutralize Gertrut through the abyss devouring and evil god abilities. The flame in Root's body, but it is not easy to completely repair the sequelae and return Gertrut to normal.

Even with Zhang Mu's current ability,

I am afraid there is no way to do it easily.

However, we can use the power of the Eternal Tree, Or the effect of the fifth-level life spring water, allowing Gertrut to slowly return to his prime. this process.

It could take decades.

But it's nothing to the tree people.

After all, the tree man's natural lifespan is close to infinite, and he can stay in the Forest of Chaos to cultivate peacefully.

Zhang Mu returned to the Undercity.

He began to prepare for the migration of the tree people.

At this time, Su Yan, the leader of the Dragon Shadow Warriors, hurried back


"Something big happened! Su

Yan's face was filled with nervousness.

Zhang Mu glanced at her:"You are now the top leader of the Undercity Intelligence Agency. Why are you still making such a fuss? What big thing can happen now?" Su

Yan explained:"I have been collecting intelligence in the main city of Bahor recently. It can be said with certainty that the empire seems calm these days, but in fact it is ready to launch a thunderous offensive."

Zhang Mu was slightly stunned when he heard this:"Really?" How many people did they come? What troops are there? Su

Yan quickly said:"The lineup dispatched by the empire this time is very strong. From the empire headquarters and the east and west borders, a total of nearly one million combat units have been mobilized, and basically all of them have arrived in the southern border.""

Only one million.

This number sounds bluffing.

But numbers alone are useless.

If it were one million ordinary soldiers, it would not even be a threat to the Chaos Federation, but it could make Su Yan so nervous. , I'm afraid they are not ordinary troops.

Su Yan continued:"There are no regular imperial troops in this million-strong army, almost all of them are elite troops."

"The Duke of the West and the Duke of the East, the two Grand Dukes who protect the country, pulled out almost all the knights of the principality from their respective principalities. The total number reached nearly half a million, which was enough to easily wipe out any small country.

Zhang Mu nodded when he heard this:"There is indeed something.""

"not only that!

Su Yan continued:"The Western Territory of the Empire is the most prosperous place of the Empire's magic civilization. The headquarters of the Magic Guild, as well as several magician forces and magician alliances are almost all located here. Therefore, the Duke of the Western Territory has cultivated a famous team of magicians in the Empire. Legion of magicians."

Magician Legion.

It refers to a legion composed of pure magicians.

What is a legion? Generally, it can be called a legion only if the number exceeds 100,000. If there are not even 100,000, then there is no legion.

Magician Legion.

That means.

This is a magic army formed by at least 100,000, and possibly more, magicians.

More than 100,000 magicians.

If this is a joint attack, it will definitely be a scene of destruction..

A single offensive can flatten a city with a population of one million.

Su Yan continued:"Not only that, the Duke of the Eastern Territory also sent out the Empire's giant armored army stationed in the Eastern Territory!"

The Empire Giant Armor Legion in her mouth.

This is a very special regular army legion of the Thunder Empire.

The territory of the Thunder Empire is really too large. In such a vast territory, it is inevitable that there will be some aliens living in it. Most of these alien races have been completely eliminated by the Thunder Empire. Annexing, controlling, or completely surrendering to the empire.

In the eastern highlands of the empire, there is another very large tribe of giants.

These giants belong to the mountain giants. Elites are selected every year, receive special blessings and baptisms from the empire, and obtain very powerful magic. resistance and combat effectiveness, and join the legion formed by the empire to fight for the empire.

This army is very powerful in combat.

Even for the Chaos Federation, it cannot be underestimated.

Half a million principal knights + magician legion + giant armor legion, this is already It is a very powerful lineup, but the truly terrifying core force is not them.

Su Yan swallowed and continued:"In addition, one of the core forces of the empire headquarters, the famous Zhenguo Knights, has also been Arrived in Bahor City!"

Zhenguo Knight's power.

Zhang Mu has actually learned it a long time ago.

Every Zhenguo Knight is one of a million.

Even the most ordinary members of the Zhenguo Knight have the strength of the fifth-order overlord level, which is enough He had to fight against an adult dragon all by himself.

At this moment, almost all of the empire’s Knights of the Kingdom appeared in the southern region.

This sharp-edged force was enough to crush any known enemy of the empire. Even the Treant troops + Dragon Corps that the Demon King just acquired cannot compete with this force. It sounds like it is indeed a bit tricky.

After all, in addition to these troops, this time the empire dispatched two dukes and a chief knight..

The three are strong men above the surface, and the masters sent secretly, as well as the masters recruited by the two dukes using their connections, are probably even more countless!

The most important thing is! Such a large

-scale operation!

It is impossible for the warrior forces from all over the i continent not to be affected by the news!

Zhang Mu suspects that in this battle, there will be warriors at the top of the rankings, either overtly or covertly, infiltrating into troubled waters to fish in troubled waters. The warriors on the rankings have no simple roles.

The threat they pose.

No worse than the three powerful empires.

Su Yan asked nervously:"Boss, how are we going to deal with this time? Although the Chaos Federation's current military strength is very strong, it will not be easy to block this offensive!" Zhang

Mu showed a playful smile:"Don't worry, they came just in time to allow me to experiment with some interesting things.""


Su Yan's face was full of confusion.

Such a large-scale enemy force was approaching.

Instead of not caring, the boss wanted to test them. Isn't this attitude too rash?

"Something about war. Zhang Mu said to Su Yan:"

You don't have to worry about it. I will solve the problem. The development of the Chaos Federation is no longer something that the Thunder Empire can stop. Our real threat is the warriors who are in the top few hundred in the rankings.""

At the same time,

Han Kexin also had some problems.

Han Kexin:"I have received the latest information. The Cang Yue Kingdom's army is about to besiege Shengtao City, and there is a strong warrior force among them.

Zhang Mu immediately replied:"Do you need me to take action?" Han

Kexin:"With me here to take charge, it won't be a problem, but Shengtao City doesn't have enough troops. I need a strong reinforcement force. I think your newly formed dragon regiment is good, so give it to me.""

Zhang Mu approved.

Let the Dragon Corps rush to Shengtao City.

Han Kexin promised to end the fighting here in three or four days at most, and then launch a counter-conquest against Cang Yue Kingdom!

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