"Is the one ahead of us our destination?"

Jack was still the same as before.

With his hands on his chest and his eyes looking ahead, his tall body naturally has a sense of oppression.

In front of the Mammoth, the shadow of an island looms.

There are also more and more ships around.

Nowadays, there are hundreds of ships traveling to and from the islands.

If it weren't for the small size of the islands, this number would have multiplied several times.

"Yes, Captain Jack, that's where we're going. "

A junior brother next to him hurriedly replied.

"Pick it up, I can't wait. "

Jack moved his body slightly, and a strong force was transmitted from his body.

"Yes. "

The speed of the sailboat is a little faster than before, but it is also limited.

At the same time, the mammoth's massive hull passed in front of many ships.

Their eyes widened in shock.

It's rare to see such a huge sailing ship, let alone the flags fluttering on it.

In this new world, the name of the Hundred Beast Pirates is well-known.

That's the name that was made.

The existence of a real sea hegemon level.

Now, such ships have appeared in this area.

What kind of signal is expressed?

Every merchant is as cunning as a fox.

If you are in a hurry, you need to explore the causes and see if it will have any impact on you.

Is there any interest to be found?

This has become the instinct of businessmen.

It is this instinct that gives them more opportunities to earn wealth.

Everyone unanimously kept a certain distance behind them.

Soon arrived at the port.

Jack descended slowly from the sailboat.

The oppressive force of the massive body caused everyone else to retreat far away.

Around where Jack was, there was no one else in a radius of several meters other than his own men.

Its power can be seen.

Bang bang bang...

At this moment, bursts of applause came from the crowd.

The crowd dispersed, and Arthur stood across from Jack with his hands clapped.

"It's worthy of the Hundred Beast Pirates, it's really powerful. "

"Don't tell me I'm here just for fun. "

There is satellite surveillance around the island, and when Jack and the others enter the water, they are immediately spotted by Ai.

Immediately reported to Arthur.

When I saw Jack, everything seemed to be clear.

Arthur is also clear about Jack's character.

If Kaido had come with good intentions, he would never have let Jack come.

"You... It's Arthur. "

Jack bowed his head slightly, looking down at Arthur in front of him.

"I don't like the tone of your voice. "

"And for the weak, I don't like to let him stand on me. "

Arthur said as he slowly stepped into the void and came to the top of Jack's head.

With a wave of his right hand, a golden throne appeared.

Arthur sat on the throne and looked at Jack indifferently.


"It's arrogant. "

A powerful aura emanated from Jack.

When it comes to enemies, Jack has always disliked nonsense.

Seeing that a battle seemed to be about to break out between the two, those who were watching the excitement moved away from the area.

If you put your own life into it just to watch a lively, it will really be unjust.

"Your ivory is good, and it's fine as an ornament on my wall. "

Arthur rested his right hand on his cheek and stared at Jack's two huge tusks.

Such a careless tone made the corners of Jack's mouth twitch, and with a wave of his hands, he took out the Shortel knife that was placed on his back.

They were two weapons with straight knives on the lower body and sickle-shaped weapons on the upper body.

With his weapon in hand, he swung straight at Arthur.

Everyone in the distance watched the blow, waiting for Arthur's next move.

A few days ago, the one-trick kill Barrett was still vivid.

Faced with such a huge body in front of him, and being a member of the Hundred Beast Pirates, would Arthur still be able to recreate the situation of that day?

Many people are looking forward to it.

But Arthur sat on the throne and did not move, looking at the blade swung at him, the corners of his mouth curled into a disdainful smile.

Now, Arthur is so strong that even he doesn't know where his ceiling is.

It's not just all kinds of powerful abilities. And the body that crushes everything.

Seeing the attack fall, Arthur stretched out his right hand and directly held the sharp blade in his hand.

The fluttering gesture was as if Jack had sent his weapon up.

This scene surprised everyone.

Things seemed to be going a little differently than they had imagined.

The men's eyes widened even more.

Don't talk about them, Jack is still confused at the moment!

The attack that was enough to open the mountain and break the mountain, when it approached Arthur's palm, the condensed power dissipated strangely.

That's what everyone saw.

"Captain Jack, you are so considerate that you know that it takes a sharp blade to cut ivory. "

The smiling words were cold to Jack's ears.

Then I saw that the Shortel knife that was originally in my hand suddenly disappeared, and was played with by Arthur.


A cold chill flashed in front of his eyes, and Jack suddenly felt his head lighten.

"Kiana, these two tusks are given to you, and hanging them in the room may ward off evil spirits. "

Look ahead with Arthur's voice.

I saw that two tusks were thrown in front of Kiana.

"Huh... Captain, Miss Ben doesn't need this kind of thing. "

Kiana took a step back with a look of disgust.

"Mei Yi doesn't need it either. "

Seeing that everyone shook their heads in refusal, Arthur also shrugged his shoulders helplessly and turned his head to look at Jack in front of him.

"It's a shame that no one wants your ivory. "

Jack couldn't hear what Arthur was saying, and felt the smooth incisions on both sides, the anger in his heart like a volcanic eruption.

Not only did they cut off his ivory, but they also threw him on the ground at will.

The most important thing is that he was disliked.


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