Five days passed by in a hurry.

Since Andre Ares officially ascended the throne and became the king of the Elbaf giant clan until now.

Elbaf welcomed guests for the first time.

The Al Jackson came slowly from the sea.

Jess and Galz, who rushed back after hearing the news, gathered on the Apollo Apollo docked on the coast.

"Eeyah... Eeeah……"What surprised Andre Ares was that there were two more babies on the deck of the Al Jackson, who looked like they had just turned one year old, stumbling around and playing.

One has red hair, one has a red nose... some are eye-catching.

Reilly explained:"These two imps were discovered by Roger during the battle with Rocks and were brought back!"

"Rayleigh, I have sent Galz back, and I have also brought Luna, who has the superhuman healing fruit ability. Her healing ability is more powerful than Galz's Holy Light effect.……"

"Healing fruit?"

"Thank you, Ares……"

When Rayleigh, Jabba and others heard this, they couldn't help but be overjoyed.

They were all a little excited and sincerely thanked Andre Ares.

These days, they have tried their best, but they can't even get Roger to wake up, let alone get rid of the curse.

He could only watch helplessly as his body, which had turned black and blue due to the power of the cursed fruit, was a little creepy, and became colder and colder day by day.

If it weren't for the weak heartbeat, they would really think Roger might be dead.

"You're welcome, we're friends……"

Andreas waved his hand and asked directly:"How is that guy Roger?"

Although he was inevitably a little calculating at times, he still admired the Roger Pirates.

Moreover, without Roger's unreserved guidance, his three-color domineering cultivation would not have improved so quickly.

"Quick, get Roger out……" soon.

Andreas, Galz, Jess and others all saw the unconscious Roger.

Looking at his miserable appearance, everyone couldn't help but shrink their pupils and feel a little numb.

He was black and blue all over.

In fact, his hands and feet were as cold as death.

There is a faint air of decay, which is inexplicably scary.

"Those guys from the World Government seem to have to be more careful in the future.……"

Andre Ares thought secretly.

After all, it is the world government that has ruled this sea for hundreds of years. Its background is unfathomable, and it is not surprising that it has all kinds of strange abilities.

Maybe it's just a moment of carelessness. If you are accidentally touched by those weird ability users, you may capsize in the gutter.

"Rayleigh, this is my first time seeing this situation, so I can only try my best!"

Gerz said to Reilly and the others, then turned to Luna and whispered:"Luna, let's give it a try.……"

"Yes, Sister Geerz, I will work hard!"

Reilly took a deep breath, looked at Roger's unconscious partner, and said,"Just do your best. If even your abilities can't save Roger, you can only say that this is his fate!"


Galz said no more.

From behind, a pair of huge holy wings appeared.

The incomparable divine radiance poured down on the unconscious Roger:"Holy Blessing·Holy Light Healing!"

"Healing light!"

Luna also held her little hand.

A dandelion-shaped, extremely soft light group condensed into it. It sank directly into Roger's body.

"Will it be effective?"

"Of course, how could that guy Roger die?"

"It must be effective……"

Whether it was Pluto Rayleigh, Kozuki Oden, Jabba and others, they all stood aside.

But they didn't speak, their eyes were full of expectation, their palms were sweating, and they looked there with some uneasiness.

For fear of disturbing Galz, Luna and the others.

In a blink of an eye——


"It really works!"

"Very good……"

"You must wake up, Roger!"

Wisps of green smoke emerged from Roger's body.

His body returned to its original shape at a speed visible to the naked eye. His face also became rosy.

And Luna, who was there to heal him, also had a big head. Sweating, her face became a little pale.

It was obvious that she had overused her ability.

She blinked her big watery eyes and looked at Andre Ares, full of guilt and self-blame:"I'm very sorry, Lord Ares.……"

"I have no choice but to do this……"The holy and beautiful Geerz also said helplessly

"Is that so?"

Andre Ares nodded.

He touched Luna's head and comforted:"Don't blame yourself, you have worked hard!"

"What's the meaning?"

"Doesn't this work?"

"how so?"

Everyone in the Roger Pirates, who were overjoyed to see Roger's expression return to normal, couldn't help but feel their hearts sink when they saw Luna, Galz and the others behaving like this. The joy on their faces froze, and they almost collapsed. , some are unacceptable. But at this time, before they can continue to say anything

"Uh-huh……"Roger, who was lying there, moved his eyelids and fingers slightly.

Slowly opened his eyes.

Figures came into view.

He, who was a little weak and felt weak all over, was surprised:"Rayleigh, Jabba, Oden...and Ares, Galtz...……"

"Very good!"

"Captain Roger!"

"It's great that you're okay!"

"I thought you were going to die……"

"Captain Roger, it's great that you wake up!"


Facing these companions who burst into tears and burst into tears.

Before Roger could be moved, his stomach grumbled in protest:"I'm so hungry! I'm starving to death!"

When Roger finally woke up, Rayleigh's eyes under his glasses were already soaked with tears, and they were smeared with tears. Tears forced a smile and said:"Roger, you guys will also be in such a mess!"

"Captain, I'm so embarrassed……"



Gerz did not show any joy.

Instead, he frowned and poured cold water on him:"Don't be too happy too early. Although my holy light helped him expel the curse, the curse was very vicious and ferocious. Just because it was delayed for so many days, the terrible curse The power has penetrated deep into the bone marrow, greatly destroying all aspects of the functions of his internal organs. Even if Luna does not hesitate to overuse the ability of the healing fruit to treat and restore his riddled body to the maximum extent, she can only try to make him Just a few more years to live……"

"Although he looked fine on the outside, in fact his body was overwhelmed and almost exhausted.……"

"It is impossible to return to the original situation!"


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