After Su Ling'er left the shack, Su Changge had no intention of just letting these beasts off who wanted to take advantage of Su Ling'er.

Su Changge removed the hidden magic from his body and appeared in front of several people.

When those people saw the man who suddenly appeared in front of them, their eyes immediately turned towards Xiao Mo.

They could see that Su Changge's ability to appear out of thin air was certainly not something that a mere mortal could do.

So this man must also be a monk.

Su Changge naturally noticed the looks in those men's eyes.

With an expression that looked like a smile but not a smile, he lifted his fingers slightly and directly lifted the ban on those men.

Although they can't move yet, their mouths can speak.

"This immortal! Please save us!"

"We are being victimized by evil spirits! Please help us, adults!"

"As long as the immortal can save us, from now on we will follow you loyally and work as a horse for you!"

Those people endured their pain and kept begging Su Changge to remove the fire magic from their bodies.

A slight smile appeared on Su Changge's face, but the smile did not reach his eyes.

"Have you been harmed by evil spirits? Why do you want to harm you?"

Those people originally asked for mercy just to try their luck.

After all, they didn't know why the man who suddenly appeared here came here.

Now when they heard Su Changge asked why they were killed, they suddenly thought that Su Changge was just passing by. I don’t know what happened here before.

So someone made up nonsense and described Su Ling’er as a monster who likes to eat young girls.

They also said that Su Ling’er took a fancy to the two in their family. daughter, they kidnapped their two daughters.

In order to prevent the demon from harming people, they wanted to stop Su Ling'er.

However, the little demon girl cast a spell. Not only could they not move or speak, but they also felt five He was burning inside, feeling that all the blood and internal organs in his body were burning.

Xiao Mo just listened quietly to the men who were constantly wailing in pain, while he viciously arranged all kinds of vicious words and accusations on him. On Su Ling'er's head.

Those men felt that they had molded themselves into a very kind and appropriate image of honest mortals.

For most ascetics, they were basically unwilling to care about mortals. Things.

Because it is not easy to practice Taoism, it takes a lot of time to practice.

And when you participate in things between mortals, it is very easy to be contaminated by cause and effect.

If it is good cause and effect, the ascetics may accumulate some merits and give them It will add a little help to your cultivation path.

However, the relationship between mortals is too complicated. If you don’t understand clearly and help each other casually, you may do the wrong thing with good intentions. If you are contaminated with bad karma, then the pair Their own merits and virtues are all at a loss.

It is very time-consuming to spend more time to understand all the causes and results, and to distinguish what is right and what is wrong.

For the ascetics, the gain outweighs the loss.

This is very It is not conducive to their cultivation.

Therefore, most ascetics are unwilling to be contaminated by the secular world.

However, some ascetics are completely different from others.

What these ascetics want is the gratitude and respect of mortals, and even incense..

As long as mortals encounter difficulties, they will definitely help.

After the recipient receives help, he will feel grateful to the ascetic.

The power of faith generated by this gratitude can help the ascetic practice. As I said before, there are advantages and disadvantages to helping mortals.

But people who use this cultivation method will accept whoever comes, no matter good or bad times, it doesn’t matter. What they do is for the power of faith.

No matter what they believe in Are these people good or bad?

Such people are often called side cultivators by mortals as cultivators.

It is not enough to say that they are evil cultivators. They can also be helpful to others.

But They are kind-hearted, so there is no need for that.

After all, no matter who they help, it is for themselves, and some of the people they help are good or bad.

These wretched men thought that Su Changge in front of them was the kind of ascetic who cultivated side sects..

If this is really the case, then as long as they beg him sincerely, maybe they can not only be rescued, but also have a chance to capture those three little girls!

They have all seen Xiu before. The monks from the side sect, otherwise they wouldn't be able to live like a human being after committing a serious crime. They pleaded and begged one after another, constantly expressing their loyalty.

They even said that as long as Su Changge could save them, they would set up a longevity tablet for Su Changge and worship him on his forehead with three sticks of incense every day.

If Su Changge was really an ordinary cultivator, he might actually save someone because they wanted to set up a longevity tablet for him.

It's just a pity that Su Changge is Su Changge and will never be the kind of monk these people think he is.

When one of the men kept thinking about how vicious Su Changge was about the"little demon girl" from before, Su Changge's face turned a little cold.

They thought that by making Su Ling'er's words more outrageous and outrageous for both humans and gods, they would be able to raise the status of their"victims" too high.

But they didn't expect that this was the talisman that would send them to hell.

Several people found that they had been begging for so long and talked for so long, but the man stood aside and listened without saying a word.

They began to roll their eyes hard, hoping to see what Su Changge's expression looked like at this time.

"Shangxian, Shangxian……"

Probably because they saw Su Changge's expression was a little cold, they didn't dare to talk any more, so they could only call Su Changge.

"Why don't you continue talking?"

Su Changge's cold voice reached the ears of several people, making them all shiver.

Su Ling'er's fire spirit spell has a time limit, and its effectiveness is gradually decreasing.

These people almost died of pain at the beginning, Now they are gradually getting used to it.

Feeling the cold breath of the man in front of them, they were a little too scared to call out for help.

Instead, a touch of fear rose in their hearts.

Even if the monk refused to save them, now they could feel the situation inside their bodies gradually getting better. It's getting better.

But if I'm just afraid that this man will be unhappy, if he stabs them again, it's really not worth the gain.

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