An hour later,

Yu Du led the army to the river where Luo Xuan destroyed Guan Hai.

At this time, the traces of the previous battle here had been cleared away by the army and restored and covered up.

After sending out many sentries to investigate and confirming that there was no problem, Yu Du gave an order to his troops:

"quick! Speed ​​up and cross the river! Be careful!"

Then, the army began to cross the bridge and the river in an orderly manner.

When he stepped on the bridge, he suddenly smelled a strange smell, and immediately sniffed it with his nose. Then, he frowned slightly and said,"How do you feel? Something wrong? ? Why does it smell so strong?"

"really! There seems to be a slight smell of blood in it. Could it be that someone had hemorrhoids and had a big penis here? Tsk tsk! It seems like they are still eating mutton! A smell of mutton.....(;¬_¬)"

On the side, Yu Du's personal guard commander also sniffed, rubbed the back of his head and muttered in confusion.

To poison:"......"

Oh my God, I have hemorrhoids!

What a sheep smell!

Are you a dog-nosed person?

Suddenly, Yu Du's expression suddenly changed, and he shouted:"No!"

Then, he shouted at most of the Yellow Turban Army who had already crossed the bridge:"Be alert! There is an enemy ambush!!"

"Bang bang bang!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the Yellow Turban Army soldiers were still a little confused and confused.

Then, the soil on the ground a hundred meters away from them suddenly exploded.

Then, individual figures rushed out of the pit and quickly gathered into an army, holding their respective With their weapons, they quickly rushed toward the Yellow Turban Army.



This is the place where the 20,000 officers and soldiers ambush.

As for the method of ambush, it was provided by the trapping camp sentries who came to deliver the message.


At this time, while the 20,000-strong officer general led his men and galloped towards the Yellow Turban Army not far away, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart:"It's amazing! A mere sentry rider of the Luo Family Army could come up with such a method, which shows how extraordinary the Luo Family Army is!"

We need to make more friends in the future!

As long as something goes wrong for a person like Luo Xuan, his future will be limitless!

If Luo Xuan knew what he was thinking, he would raise his chin proudly and reply:"That's not natural. ? Do you think my Dundun teachings over the past few years were in vain?"

You must know that the Luo Family Army, whether it is trapped in the camp or behind the Wei Army, whether it is a low-level, middle-level or high-level commander, there are tactical deduction and tactical thinking classes every seven days.

This is to cultivate tactics and strategies for these basic military management

They are not required to become great tactical and strategic masters, but they must have the necessary qualities. At some critical moments, they may often be able to produce unexpected results!

This time, no Is this the best example?

That’s too far gone!



The distance of a hundred meters was over in a blink of an eye. The officers and soldiers were like tigers rushing into the flock of sheep. The very well-executed formation began to fight with the Yellow Turban Army.

"Don't panic! Don't mess around! Form a formation to fight back! Fight back!!"

"kill! Kill all these insidious and cunning dog officials!!"


On the Yellow Turban Army side, although Yu Du was frightened at first, he still reacted

"quick! The sword and shield bearers are in front, the pikemen are behind, and the archers are at the end......."

Then, only the army will start to meet the enemy.

At the same time, he wanted to lead his guards across the bridge as quickly as possible and reach the other side.

He had already vaguely discovered that the number of officers and soldiers on the opposite side was not as large as that on his side.

If he can lead his army to withstand the first wave of attacks and wait until the remaining 10,000-odd troops successfully cross the bridge, then it will be his chance to make a comeback.

However, how would the government and army give him this opportunity?

Seeing that Yu Du was still stuck on the bridge, the Yellow Turban soldiers were crowded in front and behind, unable to advance or retreat. The officers and soldiers suddenly became more ferocious in their killing!

This was a battle destined for a disastrous defeat for the Yellow Turban Army.

The final result was no surprise.

In the end, the 20,000 Yellow Turban soldiers who crossed the river were seriously delayed because Yu Du's command could not be conveyed in time.

Many senior generals had not been able to cross the bridge and were also stuck on the bridge. The army lacked senior command. Coupled with the sudden attack, morale suddenly dropped sharply, and there was chaos from the beginning.

After waiting for a few minutes, Yu Du and others successfully crossed the bridge, but it was too late.

The Yellow Turban Army was at an end. At this time, the casualties had exceeded 8,000, and the remaining soldiers had lost all morale and were on the verge of collapse.

There is no suspense in the subsequent battle!

The officers and soldiers finally succeeded in wiping out the Yellow Turban Army at the cost of 3,000 casualties.

Even Qu Shuai Yu Du couldn't escape and was directly killed by the rebel army.

On the other hand, most of the 10,000 Yellow Turbans who had not crossed the river ran away, and the rest were caught up; they either surrendered or were killed on the spot!

【You participated in the design of a brilliant ambush battle. Due to low participation, the reward dropped, and you received a reward for your attendance: pepper seeds (100 pieces). ]

At this time, Luo Xuan, who had arrived near Guangping City, suddenly received this message, and the corner of his mouth curled up slightly:"It's done!"

Of course, it is a pity that because the participation rate is not high, the rewards are not high!

"However, the chili seems to be pretty good too!"

Luo Xuan swallowed his saliva. He immediately thought of spicy hot pot.

After he planned to capture Guangping, he would ask the secret guards to send the pepper seeds back.

Of course, in case something goes wrong with the peppers, he was also going to write a detailed report on the peppers. Planting tips to help peppers thrive

"Fortunately, I was born in a rural area in my previous life and grew vegetables, including peppers! Otherwise, if I want to plant with peace of mind, I may have to wait until I master the agricultural planting skills! Luo

Xuan thought to himself......

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