Lu Bu said angrily:"It's meaningless to say this now! I'm afraid I'll have to make a trip to Gongtai this time! We must defend Tancheng and Xiapi! We can't let the enemy take over! Otherwise, we will even lose our foundation." lost!"

"My husband and I have 50,000 troops, combined with the tens of thousands of Tancheng-level defenders, I think it should be enough! I hope sir won’t disappoint me!"

It is a lie to say that Lu Bu is not in a hurry.

Their families are all in Tancheng. If Tancheng is lost, everything will be over!

Moreover, Tancheng is also the storage center for his kingdom and money, food and materials. If it is gone, he will be defeated without a fight


Chen Gong responded with a solemn expression:"It's not too late! I'll assemble the army and set off now! Time waits not for us! I still don’t know what the situation is like in Xiapi and Tancheng now!"

"That’s fine! I'll ask Hou Cheng and Cao Xing to help you!"

"Thank you so much, lord!"

Immediately, Chen Gong began to organize his army. Within an hour, he hurriedly set off to the south!

At this time, Zhang Liao had also received information from the secret guards in Langxie County, as well as information from the Ganning Department in the south. incoming information

"Lu Bu really divided his troops! This point is 50,000, and the pressure on our side is greatly reduced! The battle after that will be much easier!"

"Gan Ning is really awesome! It was so easy to capture Huaiyin and other places, and occupy a large area of ​​Xuzhou in just one day. It was amazing!"

After Zhang Liao happily read these two pieces of information, he handed the information to Huang Zhong and others, and said with a smile.

"yes! I didn’t expect the navy to be so fierce in its first battle! The Lord still has foresight! Huang

Zhong also smiled and stroked his long beard and said.

He also went to Huang County to see the navy a few days ago.

To be honest, the first time he saw the treasure ship, he was shocked.

This is comparable to Jingzhou and Jiangdong. The navy warships are so powerful!

Especially these warships are actually equipped with trebuchets.

Coupled with the fierce fire oil (oil) that the military industrial base has developed according to Luo Xuan's instructions over the years, it is definitely a big killer. Especially for other navy troops.

Zhang Liao looked around and solemnly said:"Everyone! Now that Lu Bu has divided his troops, it's time for us to use our strength! Lu Bu must be unable to move away and send more troops southward! It would even be better if Lu Bu's main force could be defeated in one fell swoop! Great achievements are just around the corner, please support me with your support!"


The generals immediately responded

"Ha ha! good!"

Zhang Liao shouted loudly and immediately began to make arrangements.

Early the next morning, Zhang Liao took the initiative to launch a fierce attack on Lu Bu's camp!

The Qingxu Battle officially broke out and entered the most intense stage.

Every day, both sides A large number of soldiers were killed.

But generally speaking, the losses on Lu Bu's side were greater.

Basically, Lu Bu's side lost 3 soldiers, and Zhang Liao lost one.

Well! This is still counting the injured.

It is conceivable how big the gap in combat power between the soldiers on both sides is.

If it were not for the extremely brave Lu Bu, the battle loss ratio would only be greater.

Although Lu Bu has worked hard to train troops in recent years, it is not as good as the amount of training and expenditure support of Xiaoqi Mansion. Said, that's not the same level at all.

In addition, after becoming king, Lu Bu was much lazier than before.

If he hadn't been holding back his anger and wanted to compete with Luo Xuan, let alone training regularly, he would I guess even martial arts will be left behind, right?

In addition, Luo Jiajun's medical treatment has developed rapidly in recent years, training a large number of excellent doctors, and the army has a complete set of military doctors.

In addition, Luo Xuan has developed various medical drugs and antibiotics....Wait, most of the injured soldiers of Luo Jiajun can receive timely treatment, and the mortality rate is also greatly reduced.

This also led to a further increase in the actual battle loss ratio between the two sides.

On the other side, Chen Gong's hurried army went south to rescue.

When he arrived at Tancheng, he received intelligence that Xiapi City had fallen.

"How could it be so fast?"

While Chen Gong lamented, he could only force himself to calm down, use all his abilities to dispatch the army, continuously improve Tancheng's defense, and wait for Gan Ning's army to attack.

He already knew that Gan Ning had enough troops under his command. 50,000 people. There were not many casualties in the previous battle. If it was a field battle, Chen Gong had no confidence in Ying Ganning.

After all, the Luo family army was famous for its strong combat power!

He had to focus on the overall situation and hold Tancheng as his home base. is the most important thing.

At the same time, he also needs to consider ensuring that Tancheng's grain road to the north is smooth. For a while, Chen Gong was so busy that he couldn't even touch the ground.

Time passed in this anxious process. Two days later, Gan Ning stayed 2,000 soldiers and horses were stationed at Xiapi, and then they sent their troops to Tancheng in the north.

Along the way, the force was overwhelming.

Soon they arrived at the gate of Tancheng.

At the same time, starting from Gan Ning's capture of Huaiyin City, Xuzhou's hidden guards and Luo Shi The people from the Chamber of Commerce began to take action.

They publicized Xia's new policies in the occupied areas.

They included the equalization of land system, the allocation of land per mu, thirty taxes per mu, and the school system.....And so on, they all began to promote it vigorously in the Xuzhou occupied area. At the same time, the officials who came with the ship also began to take up their posts in the occupied areas. With the cooperation of the secret guards, based on the detailed evidence provided by the secret guards, they searched the local guilty nobles, destroyed the powerful forts of the nobles, and seized their money, grain, and fields;

He began to allocate land to the local poor people and those tenants who were treated as serfs.

For a time, the people of Xuzhou burst out with unimaginable enthusiasm, and their loyalty and support for Luo Xuan gradually increased.

These areas have also stabilized rapidly.

With the development of these tasks and systems, I believe that soon, even if Lu Bu leads his troops to fight again, these people will probably be the first to refuse and actively surrender to help the Luo army attack and expel Lu Bu.

He who wins the hearts of the people wins the world.

This is not unreasonable.

The power of Luo Xuan's policy was once again revealed.

After Gan Ning's army arrived in Tancheng, they began to assemble the siege equipment they brought and launched an attack on Tancheng in an orderly manner.

The slings used were no longer just stones, but the fire oil they brought.

"Hoo ho ho!!"

"Whoosh! Whoosh!"

I saw cans of fierce fire oil being ignited by the whole can and thrown towards Tan City. It was directly smashed on the walls and towers of Tan City. The oil was ignited by the flames and splashed everywhere. Many officers and soldiers of Lu Bu's army nearby were hit. Disaster

"fire! fire! help me!!"

"I'm on fire!!"

"Why can't it be put out? This is demon fire! Demon fire!!"

Soon, Lu Bujun discovered that the flame could not be extinguished easily. It clung to clothes and skin and began to burn. It was like a maggot that could not be shaken off. For a moment, Lu Bujun on the city wall began to panic.

Morale is in turmoil......

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