Time has passed and everything is changing.

The Xuzhou strategy formulated previously can no longer be used, so it will naturally have to be adapted.

He definitely can't let Mi have any problems!

Otherwise, not only would he not be able to explain to Mi Fang and Mi Zhen, he would also be unable to forgive himself.

There is no need to put your in-laws at risk for things that are obviously preventable.

Mi Shi has paid enough for the Luo family!

In the past few months, the Mi family has successively spent a lot of money and materials to help the secret guards in Qingzhou and Xuzhou.


Lin Wei immediately accepted the order and left to deliver the message.

In fact, he thought so too.

At present, the Mi family can no longer play such a big role in Xuzhou. It is better to leave first and go to Qingzhou or directly Come to Yecheng.

It just so happens that Mrs. Mi was pregnant a month ago. If the Mi family evacuates Xuzhou, then there is no need to hide Mrs. Mi's affairs.

"Go see Mi Fang and call her! Luo

Xuan thought for a moment and ordered a guard on the side.

Speaking of which, it has been more than six months since Mi Fang last applied for a job. Mi Fang had left the recruit camp half a month ago. Went to serve in the First Battalion!


The guards immediately took the order and left. Half an hour later, Mi Fang hurried here, cupped her hands to Luo Xuan and said:"My lord! Are you looking for me?"

At this time, Mi Fang has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The original fat figure has disappeared and turned into a lean and strong appearance.

Of course, it is also much darker. She is no longer as rich and weak as before.

"Zifang is here! Sit down and talk first! Luo

Xuan smiled and waved his hand.

Mi Fang immediately sat down and waited for Luo Xuan's next words.

Luo Xuan waited for him to sit down before asking,"How is it?" Are you getting used to being in the military lately? Do you feel resentful in your heart that I threw you into the recruit camp before and didn't allow you to come out halfway?"

"hey-hey! Mi

Fang smiled coquettishly and said,"Yes at the beginning!" But when I got used to it, I realized that you were doing it for my own good!"

"I was too naive before! Do you think becoming a general is not a simple matter?"

"But after a month of training in the boot camp, I no longer had this idea!"

"I have learned a lot in the past six months in the boot camp! He has also grown a lot! Now, I have the confidence to hold my chest high and sit in my current position in the military!"

Only by personal experience and in-depth understanding can we understand the differences of the Luo Family Army. At the same time, we can also understand how to be a good officer of the Luo Family Army.

Without this training, if he had been directly assigned to the First Battalion, I am afraid that After being so ugly, he would either be kicked out in the end, or he could not stay any longer and quit, right?

Therefore, Mi Fang is now grateful to Luo Xuan.

"That's good! I am very satisfied with your growth! Luo

Xuan smiled and nodded:"You now truly look like a soldier of the Luo Family Army. I also see the future of the Mi Family in you!" Work hard!"

"Um! Mi

Fang nodded heavily:"I will not let my lord down!""

"Ha ha! It’s good to have such ambition!"

Luo Xuan gave him an encouraging look, and then with a straight face, he told Mi Fang about the situation in Xuzhou and the current situation of the Mi family.

Then, with Mi Fang's frowning expression, he continued:"I I have ordered the secret guards to send a message to your elder brother, asking him to prepare to evacuate the Mi family from Xuzhou with the help of the secret guards, and either go to Qingzhou or come directly to Yecheng!"

"It is too dangerous to continue to stay in Xuzhou!"

"When the Mi family leaves Xuzhou, you and Zhen'er won't have to hide your identities anymore! It can appear directly on the bright side!"

"how do you feel?"

After Mi Fang listened, especially after hearing the last sentence, her brows relaxed and she said with a smile:"My lord has thought it through very carefully, I have no objection at all!"

"Um! Luo

Xuan nodded, and then said:"That's good!" I am going to ask you to go to Chengyang County in Qingzhou to meet your eldest brother and the rest of the Mi family! In addition, I also hope that you will also write a letter for the secret guard to send to your elder brother and give him more advice. I am worried that he will not be able to make up his mind! What do you think?"


Mi Zhu agreed without hesitation:"Without further ado, I'll write a letter now!" Then, head out as early as possible!"

It was related to the safety of the family. Mi Fang couldn't calm down and stood up immediately.

"That’s fine! Luo

Xuan naturally had no objection, and immediately asked the guards on the side to prepare paper and pen for Mi Fang. At the same time, he did not forget to say to him:"Zhen'er has been pregnant for more than a month. Before you leave, go and see her."! But don’t tell her about what happened in Xuzhou, so as not to worry her about the fetal movement!"

"What? Is there a little sister? This... is great! Mi

Fang was greatly surprised when she heard the news. Then she looked at Luo Xuan with a look of resentment and said,"My lord, how come you haven't told such important news before?""

It's been more than a month!

"What are you thinking about? Luo

Xuanwei glanced at him speechlessly and said,"It's only been more than a month, and I only found out about it yesterday!" I’ll tell you today! Be content!"

This thing can't be discovered on the same day!

Even with his medical skills, he's not that good!

"hey-hey! After hearing this, Mi

Fang realized what she was doing. She could only touch the back of her head and giggle:"Sorry!" I forgot! I wrote the letter first!"

With that said, Mi Fang began to immerse herself in writing a letter.

The previous depression and worry had been swept away. He could not wait to fly over to meet his little sister now.

This is Luo Xuan's child!

With Luo Xuan's current development With the momentum, this child will be either a princess or a prince in the future! His future is limitless!

Will the Mi family benefit less by then?

"Lord, I’ve finished writing! Show me! If there is no problem, just seal the following for me and send it out! that's all! I go first!"

Handing the written letter to Luo Xuan, Mi Fang hurriedly finished this sentence and then ran away.

Seeing Luo Xuan, she was speechless:"This guy......never mind!"

He reviewed it immediately and felt that there was no problem, so he took an envelope and sealed it, called a secret guard, and asked him to tell the headquarters to send it out as soon as possible.

Mi Fang also saw Mi Zhen for the first time. I'm so happy for my sister

"Second brother! You are so dark! But he’s also a lot stronger! How about it? How does it feel to be a general? whee! Mi

Zhen looked at her changed second brother with a smile and said with a smile.

She actually thought it was quite amazing that her second brother actually wanted to be a general. She really didn’t know what he was thinking.

In the past, Mi Zhen Zhen really didn’t think that her second brother was this material, but now that she saw his second brother whose image and temperament had changed drastically, she admired her husband’s ability to transform him! He forcibly transformed her second brother, a weak fat man, into A decent soldier!

It’s amazing......

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