Nanyang, Dark Guard Branch.

Qianwei Li Qi, the secret guard, asked Qianwei Huangyu in Nanyang:"How is the situation over at Zhang Mancheng? Have you convinced me?"

At this time, it had been several months since they had planned and tracked the Sima family!

During this period of time, the Sima family has been spending their time in stop-and-go mode.

At first, they settled in Chenliu for a while, and then, after Lu Bu came to Chenliu, the Sima family actually left Chenliu again and entered the territory of Yingchuan, where they stayed for more than a month.

Then, they entered the realm of Nanyang.

Judging from their current situation, they are afraid that they will enter Jingxiang from Nanyang. This is also the last and best opportunity for their secret guards to take action!

If they really wait for them to enter the Jingxiang realm and want to take action at that time without leaving any trouble, they will definitely have to use the power of the Jingxiang secret guard branch headquarters.

Neither Li Qi nor Huang Yu was willing.

Not to mention the division of merit, the Jingxiang secret guard branch headquarters also has its own main tasks. If you can avoid causing trouble to them, then don't cause trouble to them!

That could easily expose them

Brother Li, don’t worry!"

Huang Yu said confidently:"We have many lurking secret guard brothers and informants under Zhang Mancheng. Through the mouth of a brother, Zhi, he has revealed to him that the Sima family is about to pass through Gepo with a large amount of property. Killed Zhang Mancheng and most of the Gepo thieves! They have already been tempted! Arrangement has begun!"

"Next, our top priority is to secretly help them make the layout more perfect, and finally make the Sima family completely extinct in this robbery!"

At that time, the responsibility lies with the Gepo thieves. They have nothing to do with their secret guards and even Luo Xuan. In turbulent times, it is normal to be robbed and killed by thieves!

"Then let’s add it all up! Choose the ambush location......."

Next, Li Qi, Huang Yu and others discussed the detailed arrangements again.

Three days later, in a canyon area near Wangjiakou, Gepo.

Zhang Mancheng led 8,000 elite troops to ambush on the cliffs on both sides of the canyon.

At the same time, there were also ambushes at both ends of the canyon, with a large number of rocks and logs prepared.

"Tap tap tap!!"

In the afternoon, when Zhang Mancheng and his soldiers were waiting a little impatiently, the sound of horse hooves and a large number of footsteps were finally heard in the distance.

Then, a pair of convoys were seen heading this way at the end of the road in the distance. Come here.

The entire convoy is quite large. Counting the escorts and servants, the number of people will not be less than 3,000.

"Coming! Coming!!"

A Gepo bandit leader said with a surprised look on his face.

"Silence! Do you want the other person to hear it?"

Zhang Mancheng's face suddenly darkened and he scolded, and then he looked greedily at the convoy in the distance that was getting clearer and clearer. Looking at his hundreds of large vehicles, most of the wheels were sunk into the road, leaving streaks. Deep rut marks; the greed in Zhang Mancheng's eyes became more intense:"Such a heavy cargo must be something valuable! Maybe, most of them are property! It’s going to be developed!

He immediately ordered Pei Yuanshao on the side:"Let brothers hide and be ready to listen to my orders at any time!" This time, we want to swallow this big fish completely!"


Pei Yuanshao immediately took the order to deliver the order!

Speaking of which, Pei Yuanshao followed Zhang Jiao's last wish and took a letter with him to deliver the letter to each of the Yellow Turban Qumarshals.

The last stop was Zhang Mancheng! In the end, he also After being persuaded by Zhang Mancheng, he stayed.

Of course, this was only his identity on the surface.

Secretly, he had been developed into one of his own by the secret guards.

This happened thanks to Zhang Jiao's death wish for Pei Yuanshao. And Zhou Cang came from Zhonghan!

With the deepening of the reform in Bingzhou, the lives of the people there are getting better and better, especially when even the Black Mountain Army surrendered to Luo Xuan. Pei Yuanshao also completely believed that Luo Xuan Xuan is the person that the great virtuous teacher is waiting for. He is the person who can make the world enter the world of great harmony.

Therefore, his loyalty to Luo Xuan directly soared to the level of die-hard loyalty.

This time the secret guard targeted the Sima family's mission. He was also one of the insiders, and he was also the one who secretly spread the news to the Gepo thieves that the Sima family, which had carried the family wealth for hundreds of years, was passing near Gepo.........

This is the Sima family's motorcade.

Sima Yi has been in a bad mood today. He said to his father:"Father! I don't know why, but I always have a very bad premonition today! Should we stay in a nearby county for one night and send someone to explore the area? Let’s talk about the current situation?"

"no! After hearing this

, Sima Fang resolutely said:"Tell me, this is the first time you have had a bad premonition on the road?""

"Since setting off from Wen County, it has been more than ten times! But not once did anything go wrong! I doubt your hunch!

Sima Lang on the side also smiled and said:"Let me see!" Second brother, you are just too anxious! This must be the first time I have moved for a long time, so you may not be used to it! Don't worry, we've made it this way safely, there won't be any problems!"

Their convoy is so large and they are from the famous Sima family. Who dares to attack them?

Generally, thieves will stay far away when they see their team. The princes will not risk being exposed by the world. The danger of being despised by the nobles has taken action against them!

What if they also win over their Sima family!


Sima Yi's furrowed brows relaxed slightly. There were no problems with more than ten bad premonitions on the road. Even he felt that he was too nervous.

"Do not worry! Sima

Fang smiled and touched Sima Yi's head and said:"After passing Wangjiakou in front, and 20 miles further, we will enter the Jingxiang border. When the time comes, your uncle Decao will send someone to meet us!" If we want to settle in Jingzhou later, I'm afraid we'll have to trouble his old man too!"


After hearing this, Sima Yi's eyes lit up and he said,"Is this the uncle Sima I met once when I was a child?" Father, what is his relationship with our family?"

"hehe! They are considered distant relatives! Sima

Fang smiled slightly and said:"If we really want to trace the origin, it would have to be traced back to more than ten generations ago, but our two families were not far apart in the past and had a good relationship!""

"It's just that his old man went to Jingzhou to live in seclusion a few years ago. If he hadn't moved away from Hanoi this time, he might not be able to get in touch again!"

"This old man is a real celebrity and has a lot of knowledge! After Yi'er gets there, I'll see if I can recommend you to study under him! It should be no problem! When the time comes, you can study hard!"

These two sons are the smartest. It would be great if they could become Sima Hui's disciples!

Yes, Sima Fang is talking about Mr. Shui Jing, Sima Hui!

From what he said, the ancestors of the two families are somewhat related. Now They can only be regarded as distant relatives!

But it is obvious that they knew each other before.

After all, Wen County in Hanoi is only a hundred miles away from Sima Hui’s hometown, Yingchuan, Yangzhai.

"Um! I will!"

Sima Yi was also happy after hearing this.

How could he not know Mr. Shui Jing and Sima Hui?......

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