The dimensional multiverse includes two types: the dimensional main universe and the dimensional parallel universe. in.

The universe in which all myths flourish and develop is the dimensional main universe, which is the core of everything. but.

Many gods rule the vast dimensional parallel universe, even Cleos is the ruler of the vast dimensional parallel universe.

In these dimensional parallel universes, Cleos is the creator god of this universe.

Each Titan is almost the ruler of a large number of parallel universes.

But the problem is.

The number of dimensional flat universes is simply too huge, so huge that it is impossible to imagine. Under such circumstances, 99% of the parallel universes that Hades fell into were ownerless parallel universes.

If he really entered a parallel universe with a master, Hades could only admit that he was unlucky. not to mention.

As long as it is not a parallel universe ruled by the twelve main gods of the Titans, there is still no need for him to be afraid, even if he is severely injured.


In the desert of the Ancestral Star, the space was suddenly torn apart.

Hades walked out of the torn space


Taking a deep breath, Hades opened one hand, and the god-killing flames emerged, burning the wounds on his chest.

The wound on his chest was corroded by Cleos's galactic power. If it was not completely removed, it would take a long time to heal.


Waves of burning sounds reached his ears, but Hades didn't care at all, and he didn't even pay attention to the endless pain.

After decades of burning, the power of the galaxy was completely burned out.

"A brand new parallel universe was born at……"

"never mind."

After Hades fully recovered from his injuries, he was surrounded by observers. He thought for a moment and then gave up.

This node where the parallel universe was born is of little significance to him.

He is just a passer-by here. Here, I just want to make better use of the power of the Demon Star.

As long as I can better control the power of the Demon Star, I can hide my aura, and the Titan God will not be able to find his traces.

"The ancestral star in this world is very strange, it seems to be burned by flames."

Hades looked around and thought for a moment.

The Ancestral Star!

It represents the core of the world and is also the place where all things were originally born.

Because of this.

On the Ancestral Star, because of the laws, there is divine power that can destroy the world. , what it can do may be to destroy a small mountain, this is the special feature of the Ancestral Star.

However, after just sensing for a moment and confirming that there is no danger, Hades quietly went to hone his magic power. Star Power.


Wisps of breath emerged from Hades's body, which was the power of the Demon Star. Hades used his soul to quickly integrate into the Demon Star, and controlled the magical power of the Demon Star, slowly absorbing the Demon Star's power. A trace of complete control, even if the natal magic weapon wants to fully exert its power, it needs to be controlled by oneself.

Just like the God-killing Flame, the power exerted in the hands of Hades and Cronus is completely different. only.

Hades failed to notice one thing. When the nine-pointed star between his eyebrows shone and the power of the Demon Star spread out, a completely different change occurred on the Ancestral Star.



The boy with dark blue hair was training hard, smashing boulders with every punch and kick.

As the boulders were shattered, tears dripped from his forehead, but he He has never flinched, even if his injuries have surfaced due to his own training, he is still training firmly.


The young man in ancient Greek training uniform gasped for air and fell weakly to the ground, but said in pain

"Such power!"

"Just such power!"

"I can never avenge Cui!"

"Damn it!"

Punching the ground with his fist in pain, the boy let out a crazy roar.

In this golden age.

Human beings!

Even humans in the parallel universe have a small universe with a seventh sense as soon as they are born, and there is abundant food since birth. There is no need to work hard for life, and it has a long life.

In fact, humans in the golden age were not destroyed in history, but were destroyed by Zeus himself, destroying this golden age.

In Zeus's view, Humans in the golden age had the power to threaten the gods, and they must die.

All the gods, except Hades, who was not one of the twelve Olympus gods, agreed with this.


Suddenly, the boy who was beating the ground suddenly raised his head. He looked around in disbelief. The brilliance of a star seemed to appear in his eyes.

It was a star shining with flames, and the whole body was pitch black. There seems to be a big flaming bird flying on it

"what is that?"

"What's this?"


The boy suddenly covered his head crazily and let out a painful cry, while wisps of dark purple power poured into his body, transforming his body from the inside out.

Then. As time went by, the young man gradually got up, but his eyes were dull. Now he was just a puppet.

One step.

Two steps.

The young man stepped in the desert, walking towards the distance step by step, from From the inside out, his body, his soul, and his small universe were all being transformed, and from the nine-pointed star between Hades' eyebrows, a magic star shining with dark purple light emerged and disappeared. in the void

"The one who pulls the magic star."

Hades raised his head slightly, then closed his eyes again, and continued to improve his divine power and control the magic star.

The young man walked step by step under the guidance of the magic star.

This journey is very long.

One day.

He Arriving in front of Hades, he also regained consciousness at this moment.

Kneeling on one knee, the young man put a hand on his chest and saluted with the highest etiquette.

"Follow the guidance of the magic star!"


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