Through this divination of the 'Witch Cult', Azathoth has a rough understanding of the defense mechanism of the original temple. His status should be very high, and he may not be able to block attacks from the level of gods, but under the gods, It is possible to take some effective defensive measures.

Of course, this is just Azathoth's guess.

Now he knows nothing about the gods, and he has no relevant information about the sequence under the gods. These are just guesses, and Azathoth will not verify it. Can the original temple really resist the attacks of the gods and deliberately provoke the gods?

There is no difference between that and a fool.

After understanding that this divination will have no future consequences, Azathoth fell into deep thought again, and the scene from the divination just now appeared in his mind.

"This time, it is not a revelation in the form of a 'divination poem', but a direct announcement of the future. It should be related to the excessive height of the opponent's position and the increase of the original temple. Of course, this has yet to be determined."

"The darkened temple represents the secret rituals of disaster and proclaims the prayers of the end of time,"

"If I was just guessing before, I am now basically certain that the 'Witch Cult' is indeed planning a terrible conspiracy in Bellanclin, which is likely to bring disaster."

"And the witch cult leader,"

"She had green eyes, but she couldn't see her face clearly. Alas, it was just these symbols that were impossible to find."

Azathos is a little troubled. A small number of Arifa people have green eyes. There are at least a few million people in the group. There are nearly a hundred thousand in Beranklin. Whether it is Wei Na or An Mira, they all have green eyes." They were green eyes, and it was impossible to find them based on this alone.

There was another thing that made Azathoth very curious,

‘The Witch Sect is so active in Bailanklin. Has the Orthodox Church not noticed it at all?

"Maybe they are aware of it and are investigating secretly, maybe they are not aware of it, of course, it is also possible that they are already aware of the actions of the Witch Sect but choose to turn a blind eye. These are all possible."

Azathos had a headache. He always felt that things here were so complicated. The more he thought about it, the more confusing it became, making it difficult to understand clearly.

At this moment, Azathoth thought of something again, and murmured thoughtfully:"Graia is also in the divination screen. She should be more than just a follower of the Witch Cult. She also has a very high status in the sect. If we start from her, we may be able to find the Witch Cultist with green eyes.."

Of course, these are just Azathoth's thoughts for the time being. Even if there are really clues in this regard, he may not pursue them.

The reason is very simple. It is too dangerous.

Although it has been half a year since he traveled to this world, he has obtained The rewards are also very generous, but he is not so naive as to think that he can confront the middle gate of a sect that believes in the 'evil god of doomsday' without even figuring out the sequence. He will develop carefully first and find a way to figure it out. Information about the Witch Sect, and then decide what action to take, this is the wisest choice, and this is not a matter of urgency.

Putting the Witch Sect aside, Azathoth's mind came back with the idea of ​​targeting Duke Dylan. 'The man behind the scenes, that group of people once spent 5,000 gold pounds to hire two cannon fodder to test themselves. Azathoth has always remembered this. Azathoth tapped his fingers lightly on the table and hesitated for a few seconds. Seconds later, he finally gave up his plan to divine the mastermind behind the scenes.……

"Actually speaking, they were targeting 'Duke Dylan', and I was only affected by a divination. Let's not talk about the risks hidden behind this matter. Even if I can directly use divination to find out the mastermind behind it, it would be cool. It's cool, but isn't it equivalent to working for"Duke Dylan" in vain?"

"The benefits all belong to others, and he found the mastermind behind him without any effort."

"As for myself, I took the risk and worked hard on the divination. No, it was too bad. How could I get some benefits from Duke Dylan. Azathoth thought like this, and an idea vaguely emerged in his mind.

In fact, since he obtained the 'Original Temple' and was blessed with the two abilities of [Opening Doors] and [Astrology], Azathoth has been I was thinking about what role this 'Original Temple' could have.

It was too wasteful to just use it as my secret base.

This made Azathoth think of his old profession, the red crystal fortune teller 'Clown'. 'Sir, due to the previous murder and the intervention of the Moon Watchers, the Red Crystal Divination Club is temporarily unable to go, so this identity will not be used again.

"If I, as the fortune teller 'clown', invite those who want fortune telling to come to the original temple for divination, not only will my safety be guaranteed, but my own 'astrology' will also be increased. If I perform well, I will also be able to Maintain a high status and instill awe in the hearts of guests,"

"Well, in order to maintain a sense of mystery, we can’t let anyone in. The number of places must be limited."

"I might be able to make invitations and scatter them in Beranklin. Only by getting the invitation and meeting the above requirements can you enter the original temple."

"To be cautious, I must perform divination for every guest to prevent harm to myself."

"Sequencers with high rankings must also be excluded, because the entire divination process must be led by myself."

"As for identity, you can also use 'clown'’"

"This is a very good idea, but there are still many steps that need to be perfected for the specific implementation. The rules must be formulated first."

Athathoth's thinking is getting clearer and clearer, and his heart is getting more and more excited. He subconsciously wants to pick up a quill and write down his thoughts, but where are these in the original temple?

Azathoth After thinking for a moment, he tapped the table gently, and a door with strange symbols engraved on it flashed behind him. He opened the door and walked in. His spirituality returned to his body. He was still in the room where he was temporarily stationed, slightly. The warm sunshine shines in,

"Just now, it was because the 'Original Temple' did not have the ability to engrave the [Open Door], so I could only enter spiritually. But now, as long as I want to and open a door, I can enter the Original Temple at any time. Azathoth was thoughtful and quickly figured out the key points.

Then Azathoth took out a quill and paper, his thoughts surged, and he began to summarize the divination rules!

"Maybe I should change the name of the 'Original Temple'. Divination is a peek at destiny. Clown is a mockery of destiny. Well, let's call it Destiny Divination House."

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