‘Thinking about why you need to go to the bathroom,' the cloaked man couldn't help but have this thought in his mind, but before he could ask, Azathoth had already ran away.



When he arrived at the bathroom, Azathoth followed his usual practice and first unfolded the [Ring of Secrets]. After confirming that there was no one near the bathroom, he took out the [Divination Cane] from the system space, clasped his fingers between his eyebrows, and walked three steps backwards. , walked six steps and used [Astrology].

The revelation of the stars quickly appeared in his mind. Looking at the contents of the divination poem, Azathoth's face showed joy.

The clown of the law is a loophole in the order, and that smile is a mockery of the rules.

When you think you have not violated the law, the law enforcers will not think you are breaking the law.

Go ahead and laugh, you are qualified to laugh at all laws.

But be careful, the people who make the rules can see through the mystery.

With great reluctance, he calmed himself down and prevented excessive excitement from controlling his body. Azathoth murmured to himself:"In other words, [Law Clown] can indeed deceive the Nine Laws, as long as he is not the organizer of the secret party. If you use this ability in front of others, there will be no danger of being exposed."

"The nine rules may be constraints to others, but to me, they may be a grand carnival."

"It's time to go out and close this deal."



At this time, the man in the cloak could no longer maintain his gentlemanly demeanor and walked around looking very impatient. When he saw Azathoth coming back, his tone became even more aggressive and said,"Have you thought about it? Do it. Make your choice, hurry up, you've been delaying me for a long time"

"I'm sorry, sir, but 3,100 gold pounds is too much, that's why I hesitated for so long. Azathoth's tone was filled with embarrassment, but secretly he had quietly used the ability of the [Legal Clown].

The cloaked man's tone also became slightly colder, and he said:"So, you want to stop this?" trade, or you don’t have enough money...are you kidding me?"

According to spiritual guidance, Azathoth has sensed that the ability of [Law Clown] has taken effect. He calmly displayed [Foolish Power] again. This time he did not use the maximum power because it directly transformed the opponent into a demon. Dementia is too obvious, and it is easy to detect abnormalities, but a small part of the power is used to make the cloaked man's IQ decline on a curve.

"Sir, please be patient. I just think 3100 gold pounds is too expensive. Maybe you can lower the price a little."Azathos smiled unhurriedly.

The cloaked man almost subconsciously refused, because the secrets of Sequence Two, plus the information about the spiritual world, are indeed worth the price. This is because he has not been punished by the nine laws. You can see it, but at this moment, his thinking suddenly became very confused, and there were many distracting thoughts in his heart.

‘In fact, if the price is lower, it is not unacceptable.’

‘Selling Sequence 2 and The Secret of the Spirit World is just a costless transaction for me. All the money is a net profit. Even if the price is a little lower, there is no problem. '

As various thoughts intertwined, the man in the cloak subconsciously said:"How much do you plan to pay?"

Azathoth raised a finger,"100 gold pounds"

"What, 100 gold pounds, this is absolutely impossible, boy, are you kidding me?"The man in the cloak was very angry. Even a fool couldn't accept the price difference of thirty-one times.

Azathos had already anticipated the other party's reaction and said with a smile:"Sir, don't be anxious. Trading means asking for high prices and paying back the money. You If you think it's cheap, you can make another offer. If I can't accept it, you can pay back another offer. When the price reaches a price that is acceptable to both of us, won't the transaction be completed?"

The man in the cloak always felt that something was wrong, but he felt that what the other party said made sense. After thinking about it, he said:"2800 gold pounds, this is the lowest price."

"200 gold pounds! Azathoth smiled and counter-offered.

The man in the cloak made another bid and said:"2600 gold pounds.""

"500 gold pounds"

"2300 gold pounds"

"800 gold pounds."

After bargaining like this, in the end, the secrets of Sequence 2 plus the information about the spiritual world were packaged for a total price of 1,000 gold pounds. Azathoth looked reluctant to take out 100 10 gold pound bills and handed them over.

"What a loss, what a loss, my original budget was only 800 gold pounds. The man in the cloak was very satisfied with the price. He took the cash and said with a smile:" Sir

, although you spent an extra 200 gold pounds, this secret is definitely worth it."

Then he took out a book from his arms. He handed the book to Azathoth and stood up to leave.

"This book contains the secrets of becoming a Sequence Two, as well as some secrets related to the spiritual world. You have one hour to read it. As for how much you can memorize, it’s up to you."

Azathos smiled. He has [Extraordinary Wisdom] and is not afraid of reading.

【With extraordinary wisdom, Azathoth can read ten lines at a glance and memorize them backwards, turning him into a top student in minutes. ]

Azathoth took the book and said helplessly,"I hope it's as you said," and then the cloaked man left. He completed a transaction and received 1,000 gold pounds. He was in a good mood. , I just don’t know why I always feel like something is wrong



After the cloaked man left, Azathoth felt very happy. If the price offered by the other party was not too high, he might not have thought of using [Law Clown] to deceive the Nine Laws and use [The Power of Stupidity].

Azathoth is very satisfied with the result.

"I just made him stupid and did not change his cognition, so I did not violate the fourth of the nine laws, 'All abilities such as hypnosis and rewriting of cognition are prohibited here.’"

That's it【Legal Clown], I didn’t do that, so I didn’t violate it.

Then Azathoth looked at the ancient book in his hand. The full name of this book was [The Scroll of Secrets], and it sounded quite impressive. There were nine laws in it, so he was not afraid that the man in the cloak was lying to him.

Then he flipped through the contents of the book, reading ten lines at a glance. In about ten minutes, he had read most of the contents.

And this also made Azathoth's eyes look strange!

"Is this sequence two?"

According to the [Volume of Secret Ritual], in order to become Sequence Two, you need to complete the corresponding rituals to build a bridge between the spirit and the spiritual world, communicate with the creatures in the spiritual world, and sign a contract with the unknown existence according to the method of prayer. Contract, thereby temporarily gaining extraordinary power.

This reminded Azathoth of the two cannon fodders before. They also set up the magic circle, chanted three paragraphs of honorary names, and received a response from an unknown existence before gaining extraordinary abilities.

"But the key point is that my abilities do not come from unknown creatures in the spiritual world, nor are they temporarily borrowed, but are obtained through the sign-in system. They are completely derived from myself."

"What kind of situation is this." ps: Please give me flowers and review votes!

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