This is indeed Zhao Chen's negligence.

If it weren't for Ying Mengyao reminding herself, she might have really been cooking wholeheartedly, and she wouldn't have remembered that she had established a virus isolation room.

Now that the virus isolation room has been built, it must have worked, and I forgot about it.

"But then again, Meng Yao, have you thought of any way? we can't just stop at Wangmei to quench our thirst, we have to find a way to solve this matter from the root, if we can directly bring the sample back, it will be much more convenient. "

This is the case, but it is much more difficult to bring back the sample.

"Brother Chen, if it's just a mutated mushroom, I think there are many creatures or plants that have been affected by this virus, maybe they have already entered the wood, and there is a high probability that this virus exists all around us, and I feel that there is danger all around. "

"Besides, Brother Chen, look at that tree, he has already turned some black, it seems that this virus can really affect animals and plants. "

Zhao Chen looked towards a big tree next to the mushroom, and if he didn't look closely, he wouldn't be able to find that layer of pitch-black substance at all.

"So, I said I'm going to get some samples and come back for research. "

"Brother Chen, have you forgotten that we have intelligent robots? Although Infrastructure No. 1 and No. 2 can't let them cook, but let them pick a little mushroom and come back, isn't that simple?"

Ying Mengyao's words sounded, and Zhao Chen's frowning brows suddenly relaxed.

Then I saw Zhao Chen pat his head and said: "I almost forgot, the robot is 100% metal, even if it comes into contact with the virus, it is impossible for him to affect the intelligent system, if it can't affect the intelligent system, then it can't affect the intelligent robot." "

Because robots don't have the same active cells and genes as the human body.

However, if these viruses want to be deadly, they will first start with cells or genes.

This is the root cause of the lethal blow.

"Yes, Brother Chen's order to give them an order to bring back some mushrooms?"

"But...... You can't just let him come back with mushrooms, right? After all, that thing is contagious, and nothing will happen to the robot if it touches it, but we're different. "

Zhao Chen frowned and said this.

Some viruses spread extremely quickly even after they are not completely isolated.

Suddenly, Ying Mengyao's eyes lit up, and she immediately said excitedly.

"Hey, Brother Cheng, I have a good way, or let's find a small bottle with super sealing and bring it to Infrastructure No. 1, and then let him get some samples back, as for research, I'll figure it out when the time comes." "

"The premise is that the tightness of this small bottle must be 100% sealed, otherwise if some virus leaks out, it will also be a fatal blow to our shelter. "

When Zhao Chen heard this, the chopsticks holding the vegetables in his hand suddenly stopped.

"This is good, but you don't need to study it, the virus isolation room has another function, that is, to directly decompose the virus, and then you can prescribe the right medicine, as for the super sealed small bottle, I can provide it to you." "

Ying Mengyao's eyes showed a hint of surprise.

She never thought that this virus isolation room would have this function.

If it really has this function, and after it is provided to the state, then the country will definitely be able to go to the next level in medicine!

Hawkeye conducted a detailed search of the address on the photo, and then sent the address to Infrastructure One and asked him to collect some samples back. "

"Good master!"

When Zhao Chen gave the order, the whole person suddenly became relaxed.

The virus was like a huge stone weighing down on him.

Now that the stone was put down by him, his body naturally relaxed.

"Eat, eat, or it'll be cold!" Zhao Chen's eyebrows showed a hint of a smile, looking at Ying Mengyao and Qiao Qian.

Sure enough, there is a genius with a bright mind around him, and many things can be easily solved.


An hour later.

Zhao Chen and Ying Mengyao put away the dishes and chopsticks with satisfaction.

It would have been solved in half an hour with a single meal.

But because Zhao Chen and Qiao Qian rushed to the underground trading market early in the morning and didn't eat any breakfast, they made up for breakfast this lunch.

This is the real dry rice person!

After lunch, the few people didn't have anything to do, so they began to touch the fish and indulged in the game. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

No way.

As the saying goes, play a dozen games after dinner, and live a life of immortals.


In the whole living room, except for Rhubarb, who was bored and dangling, the other three people were addicted to the game, and they were the kind that couldn't extricate themselves.

Ying Mengyao didn't know how to play any games before.

At that time, she was still immersed in research all day long, either in research or on the way to research.

But she was taken on the road of game by Zhao Chen, and she went further and further!

Until now, Ying Mengyao can be regarded as a real little fan of games.


Around five o'clock in the afternoon.

Infrastructure No. 1 is back with samples.

When Infrastructure No. 1 arrived at the door of the shelter, Zhao Chen and the three of them were already fully armed.

This is a deadly virus, not a virus that can be compared to those that are indiscriminate.

"Infrastructure One, you send it to the virus containment room. Zhao Chen began to command, he didn't dare to be negligent, after all, it was about the survival of the entire shelter.

"Okay master!" Infrastructure No. 1 responded, and then put the small bottle in front of a machine according to Zhao Chen's instructions.

And Zhao Chen and the three of them were watching the monitoring outside.

"Sir, are you sure you can break down what's inside?" Qiao Qian asked with a hint of doubt.

Zhao Chen immediately gave her a burst: "Be quiet, just believe me!"

Woohoo woo blah

I saw that the machine devoured the entire bottle, and then all kinds of data were continuously transmitted to Hawkeye.

Anyone who builds a building in this Vault will basically automatically connect to Hawkeye.

Hawkeye is the steward of this shelter.

The machine ran for nearly a dozen minutes or so, and then it slowly stopped.

"Hawkeye, send the data to Meng Yao's phone. "

No one in the entire shelter could hope for this data more than Ying Mengyao.

"Infrastructure One, put this sample in a vessel in the virus isolation chamber. "

This virus isolation room not only has a machine to break down viruses, but also a special container for storing some viruses.

When Infrastructure No. 1 put the virus sample into the vessel, Zhao Chen activated the virus isolation room to kill all the viruses in the virus isolation room.

Of course, it also includes Infrastructure No. 1! He has encountered the virus, and he is not afraid of 10,000 just in case! So he must be comprehensively cleaned up!


After Ying Mengyao got this data, she turned around and went into the research institute.

This data not only contains the components of these viruses, but also has the solutions to how to fight them.

It can be said that any virus will expose the prototype county in front of this machine!

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