After changing into enthusiastic team uniforms, the players from both teams returned to the field together.

Seeing the RM team wearing orange uniforms with a large number of people, Kwang Soo laughed mercilessly:

"Hey, there are so many of you against the two of us, so don’t lose! Feiyu snickered and said:"Hiong, we are not dealing with you two, we are dealing with player Park Ji-sung.""

Kwang Soo:……


The members burst into laughter because of Feiyu's words.

"Yeah! Feiyu! If you say that again, I won’t be friends with you!"

Zhixiao hugged Feiyu and said,"I don't want you to get along with Feiyu, we just need to get along with Feiyu.""

After saying that, sister Ji-hyo actually smacked Feiyu on the face.

Feiyu was so happy that he just giggled.

Zhien looked at Feiyu curiously. This high school student seemed to be getting more and more popular in this program. It was easy.

After a while of commotion, PD Zhao came out and announced the rules of the first round of the game.

"It is a super power football game, but everyone except Park Ji-sung can get a special super power by drinking the drinks placed on the field."

Guangzhu immediately became anxious:

"ah! PD Zhao, they already have an advantage in numbers, there are only two of us, and we have to face superpowers, how can we do this! Player Park

Zhixing was very confident and patted Kwang Soo on the shoulder:"It doesn't matter. Challenges are fun.""

As a professional football player, even though there are many opponents and super powers, Park Ji-sung has been training for a long time, so he thinks he still has a chance to compete.

Brother Zai Shi:"Oh, Park Ji-sung really has the confidence. It seems like We have to work hard too."

Subsequently, under the guidance of Dongwan FD, the members drank the drinks placed on the court one after another and gained superpowers.

However, their superpowers need to be kept secret, so they watched the drama queens after drinking the drinks. With that subtle expression, everyone really wanted to know what super powers others had gained.

Zhien was the second to last one to go up, and Feiyu was the last one.

Zhien drank the drink and opened the note, raising his eyebrows in surprise. , seems to be a very good super power.

When she came off the field, she even high-fived Feiyu.

Feiyu carefully drank the bottle of sports drink, and then opened his super power piece of paper:

【When a guest scores a goal on his back, the score will be doubled. ]

Feiyu covered his face and smiled bitterly: PD Zhao thinks too highly of himself.

Although his strength is amazing, he still has to score a goal with a girl on his back in front of professional football players.

That was really hard!

Seeing Feiyu covering his face, the members became even more curious.

Uncle Bi walked directly to PD Zhao:"Ah! PD Zhao, aren't you trying to embarrass our Feiyu?"

Brother Guo also asked:"That's right, this is a super power. If it is a negative promotion, it would be unfair."

Feiyu carefully came to Zhien's side and unfolded the paper directly for her to see.

Zhien blushed when he saw it:"This seems to be really difficult."

Kwangsoo:"What is it?!"

Zhien rolled his eyes at Guangshu:"Kwangsoo Oppa, we can't tell you!"

Brother Zai Shi came over with a smile:"Then tell me."

Fei Yu said righteously:"Hiong, you must pay attention to the effect of variety shows."

Brother Zai Shi made a puff, and the members laughed again

"Hahahahaha! Liu Zaixi, you too have today, you have finally been educated by Feiyu!"

"Wow, Wuli Feiyu has really grown up. As a national MC, how can he not pay attention to the effect of variety shows?"

Yeah! You bastards! Just start biting as soon as you get the chance!

Everyone laughed again.

After a brief discussion, RM decided to let Brother Guo, who has a larger body and faster reactions, be the goalkeeper. He has high agility , Feiyu, who is fast and has outstanding ball game talent, will be the main attacker.

As soon as he walked onto the court, Zhien frequently exchanged glances with Feiyu.

Feiyu, a smart guy, had already thought of a plan.

Although he was behind Zhien's back , Ennu's attack can double the score, but once the player Park Ji-sung knows about it and uses it to defend them, it will be very difficult to score goals.

Therefore, the super power of Feiyu and Zhien must be used together. Only use it when it’s critical!

Soon, Park Ji-sung and Kwang Soo stood on the center line.

The superpower football game officially begins!


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