After the game restarted, the most ridiculous thing happened.

It turns out that not only Feiyu and Jihyo don't know this problem, but other members don't know it either!

Brother Gou and Haha both got the chance, but they both gave ridiculous answers.

As a last resort, Crystal simply huddled in a corner and started searching secretly.

However, the sharp-eyed Jihyo immediately noticed:"Crystal, why are you searching!"

Crystal quickly put the phone in with a smile:"I'm just curious.……"

Brother Gou twisted Crystal's head:"Hey! It's true! No need to search, Oppa will guess the answer!"

But Brother Gou said this, but when he finally appeared on the stage, he didn't get a chance to answer.

This time, it’s the Great God.

He thought for a moment, then looked at Shengyan:"Seungyan, what is it?"

Shengyan chuckled:"Senior Zaishi, I don't know either.……"

Uncle Bi:"Ah! You won't just let me come!"

Master:"Then you come!"

Uncle Bi strode forward, but ended up walking around in a circle and then back again.

He won't either...

The master thought seriously, and suddenly his eyes lit up:"Mandarin duck pillow and quilt!"

PD Zhao was stunned for a moment and played beautiful music.

Brother Guo:"Oh?! Can you guess this right?"

Brother Zai Shi laughed and said,"I searched it when Eunjing and I got married, but I always forgot about it."

Brother Guo:"Ah Yigu, my sister-in-law is married What a forgetful man."

Brother Zai Shi said:……

"ah! You are the forgetful man! You don’t even know!

Brother Guo made a cute face to the master:"I know, mandarin duck pillow.""

In Brother Shi:……

"Wow……"He was so angry that he couldn't speak.

The power couple's war made the members nearby laugh.

Finally, Brother Zai Shi won.

But when he was choosing wedding supplies, he stopped in front of the massage chair

"Hiss...the benefits of the program team are getting better and better recently. When have we ever seen this thing like a massage chair? Feiyu

:"hiong~ won't you give me a game console?" That pitiful tone made the members laugh again.

Guangzhu:"Brother Shi, if you don't give Feiyu a choice, he will cry." Brother Zai Shi:"

Ah, Feiyu, it only makes sense to get this prize yourself!""

Of course Feiyu is not short of the money. Brother Shi said this for the sake of the effect of the show.

Sure enough, Feiyu understood and changed his expression to a more pitiful one:"Hiong seems to be giving up the game console.

Brother Guo shouted:"Yeah!" Hurry up and choose a game console for wuli Feiyu!

Brother Zai Shi:"Don't choose!" I chose the massage chair! PD

Zhao suppressed a smile:"That's okay. The massage chair in the first round will be won by Liu Zaixi. After completing three rounds of game tasks and gaining enough points, he can finally redeem it.""

In Brother Shi:……

"ah! Can’t I take it home directly this round? Feiyu almost collapsed with laughter:"Hiong, it seems your massage chair is not safe either. You might as well form an alliance with me!"

Brother Zaishi put his hands on his hips again:"Ah... this program team is really, I take back what I just said!""

Amid laughter, the competition continued.

The second question was to say"I love you" in five languages.

Feiyu pulled Xiuzhi excitedly:"I can do this!

Xiuzhi pouted:"I only know four countries."……"

Feiyu smiled:"You don't know Chinese, right?"

Xiuzhi shook her head:"No~"

Feiyu leaned close to Xiuzhi's ear:"I love you~"

Xiuzhi blushed:"Yeah……"

Xiujing watched from the side with a sad face:"Feiyu confessed his love to Xiuzhi just now, wuwuwu, I don't want to stand next to them!"

Haha was the first to laugh:"He should have confessed his love in Chinese, right? Feiyu was shocked:"Hiong, how do you know!"

Haha smiled and said:"How could I not understand you?"

After saying that, this brother even compared his heart with Feiyu.

Xiuzhi covered her face, her heartbeat almost beating out.

Even now, the image of Feiyu whispering in her ear just now is still dancing in her mind.

The members looked at the pile of dog food and were speechless for a moment.

Besides envy, what else can be said?


Brother Guo:"Kajia! Come on, let's continue!"

Encouraged by Brother Guo, the second round of competition continued.

Compared to the previous question, this question is much simpler, so everyone really wants to win.

So standing on the starting line, everyone is eager to try.

Ran goose.

What everyone didn't expect was that when the whistle blew and he ran to the stage, Brother Guo actually put his strong body into gear, and then shouted to Feiyu and Xiuzhi:

"Barry Barry! Hurry up and answer!"

Originally Feiyu was also rushing ahead. Hearing Brother Guo's words, he was slightly startled, then he took Xiuzhi's hand and accelerated forward, directly taking a photo of the red button on the stage.


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