Soon, Feiyu brought the Girlsdays to the tea field.

Although there were complaints about having to work as soon as they arrived, the girls started picking tea leaves in a lively manner under Feiyu's guidance.

Hyeri even felt the bright sunshine and hummed a song in a good mood.

In just half an hour, Feiyu and the girls collected a lot of tea leaves.

After taking the cabin back, Hyeri was the first to come to PD Luo holding a basket.

"Luo PD, can this be exchanged for points?"

Yura laughed from behind and said:"Yeah! You don’t have as much tea as I do! PD

Luo checked the tea leaves:"There are 6 baskets of tea leaves in total, which can be exchanged for 60 points.""

The beautiful girls cheered.

Feiyu:"So, what do you want to do next? Start preparing meals directly?

Huili tugged on Feiyu's sleeve:"I want to catch fish."

Feiyu:"Haha, brother and the others have gone, right?""

Yura came jumping up and down:"I want to go too!

Feiyu smiled bitterly:"Then let's go, let's go!""

There was no other way. The girls, who were full of energy, couldn't stop for a moment when they came to the countryside.

Feiyu could only take them to the next destination.

Soon, everyone came to the edge of the river.

Here , haha, Xing, Taixiong and Jiaren were already fishing.

Feiyu went over to look at the fish basket and found that their performance was really pitiful.

Feiyu:"Hiong, the mission will end in less than an hour. Come on!" haha ​​almost cried

"How about you give it a try? Assi, this is so difficult!

Huili bumped into Feiyu proudly:"Look, it's a good thing we came here, otherwise haha, Oppa and the others wouldn't have been able to complete their mission." Feiyu gave Huili a roll of his eyes.

So he just did it. The girls took off their shoes, put on the waterproof clothes provided by the program team, and walked into the river.

"Everyone must pay attention to safety! You all just follow me."

At this moment, Feiyu was a little worried when he looked at the wet mud beside the pond and the current was a little turbulent.

Soon, the girls gathered behind Feiyu.

Feiyu led everyone along the mud road next to the fish pond. I got up, found a relatively shallow area, and distributed the fishing nets I brought with me to everyone. As for the fish baskets, I brought two

"Can we really catch a fish?"yura asked worriedly

"That's not certain, what if! Feiyu said with a smile.

As Feiyu was walking, he saw that Huili was a little unsteady, so he pulled Huili along. It had just rained, and there were a lot of cobblestones on the road, which was easy to slip. He was worried that Huili would fall.

However, Feiyu didn't notice that Huili's face turned red when Feiyu pulled her.

"Okay, let’s just go here. It’s quite narrow. Let’s look carefully to see if we can catch any fish."

"By the way, stay safe!"

Feiyu led the girls to a relatively shallow area. The water was not deep and did not exceed the water shoes they were wearing.

Soon, under Feiyu's command, the girls started fishing with their own fishing nets. We’re catching fish along the way.

I thought there wouldn’t be any achievements, but who knew that this was just the beginning, and good news came frequently.

Hyeri:"Ahhhhh! I caught it!"

Yura is also jumping up and down:"Me too, me too!"

Haha looked at Feiyu and the others depressedly:"Yeah! What's the matter with you? Why were there so many fish when we first arrived? The beauty snickered:"

It seems that Feiyuxi is good at choosing places.""

Taixiong looked at his fish basket depressedly:"I can't do it anymore, I want to join Feiyu and the others."

"ah! Taehyung! You stay!"Haha yelled.

Taixiong left ruthlessly.

Xing saw Haha watching Taixiong leave like a child, and almost fell into the pond without laughing.

With Feiyu and the others joining in, Haha's group's fishing mission was quickly completed..

Everyone returned to the hut chatting and laughing.

PD Luo and the staff counted the fish.

"Yes, if you have more than 20 fish, you can count 10 points. Including tea, a total of 16 points." haha:"What can points be exchanged for?" PD

Luo said with a natural look on his face:"Condiments like oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar.""

Everyone:... haha ​​threw down his fisherman hat:"Yeah! Aren't these things supposed to be there?! PD

Luo, an old fox, said without changing his expression:"No, these don't exist.""

So, everyone who was tricked by PD Luo could only use their half-day's labor in exchange for basic cooking seasonings.

Xing:"Then who will cook for us?"

Haha:" How about you try? Xing was a little embarrassed:"

It's okay~ I'm afraid it won't taste good." Feiyu squinted at the couple he brought together:"Hiong, you can help too.""

Haha, I'm so embarrassed:"I'm terrible at cooking.……"

Taixiong:"That's just right. You two complement each other, let's get married."

Haha and Xing blushed at the same time, and everyone laughed.

Finally, after discussion, everyone decided to leave today's dinner to Feiyu, Jiaren, Haha and Xing.

So, the four people put on aprons and quickly came to the stove


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