Early the next morning, Dashen’s house was already busy

"ah! Feiyu, why don't you dress more formally? After all, it’s the first episode"

"Oh, forget it! It's better to keep it casual, it's too weird for you to dress formally!"

"No, no, this coat seems too casual!"

The great master was more nervous than Feiyu because of the three meals a day shooting. He got up early to help Feiyu choose clothes.

Feiyu smiled bitterly:"Hiong, this is a casual program. You don't need to wear too formal. Just wear a casual jacket. Got it"

"Oops, don’t put too much pressure on me this time, as long as it’s not too bad."The great god himself was nervous, but he also comforted Feiyu.

"I know, Kwang-soo hyung and I will do our best."

"Kwang Soo has weak field control, you have to help him."The great god continued to explain everything in detail.

"Got it, I'm going out first!"

"Hey hey hey! Get breakfast! I'll ask the agent to send it to you!"

"Hiong, no need, I’ll go with Kwang Soo!"

After coming out of home, Feiyu took the subway and came to Guangzhu's house.

When he got here, Guangzhu was already waiting in a car.

This guy, with a height of 190+cm, is really so tall sitting in the car. It was quite funny.

After the two met, they headed to the train station together.

After a long journey, they finally arrived at a small mountain village in Gwangju.

The environment of the mountain village is quite good, a typical Korean countryside.

But as soon as they walked in, A gust of mountain wind blew, and the two of them shivered with cold.

"Ah...this place seems to be quite difficult."Kwang Soo sighed.

"Hiong, you have to be mentally prepared, after all, Luo PD is in charge. Feiyu snickered.

"Sigh...I'm not afraid of suffering, I'm just afraid that I can't control the situation without Brother Shi.

Feiyu also sighed:"Speaking of which, having a brother and not having a brother are really different.""

Guangzhu nodded and agreed.

As he walked into the village, PD Luo came out.

"Welcome both of you."Luo PD, wearing a simple coat, said with a smile.

"Luo pd, are there any rules this time? Feiyu asked first

"You two should take a look at the house first."

Feiyu and Guangzhu continued walking with PD Luo, and soon they saw a large rural flat.

When they walked in, the decoration was very simple, but the space was quite sufficient. It was divided into two rooms, and one of them was naturally his. The other one with Guangzhu was the guest room.

Guangzhu looked around and found that there was only one toilet, and couldn't help but ask:"Huh?" Isn't there a place to take a shower here? PD

Luo shook his head:"No, if you want to take a bath, you have to go to the bathhouse on the other side of the village, but it's a long way. If you two need it, you can take a shower at the faucet outside.""

Feiyu and Guangzhu:……

"Alas... Who can bear this cold weather? Feiyu also nodded crazily:"I will freeze to death just thinking about it!""

The two of them continued to look at the house.

In addition to the sleeping area and the dining hall, there is a cooking area at the back of the house, with a stove and a kitchen table. All cooking supplies are available. There are also several vegetable plots around the house. , and they also grow sorghum.

Except for the difficulty of bathing, it won’t be a problem even if you live here for a year.

"After you two have viewed the house, I will briefly explain the rules to you." Luo pd said

"During this two-day village life, the two of them need to be self-sufficient and entertain the guests well. If they need meat, they have to get it through some small games. Most of the vegetarian dishes are available in the fields nearby."

"Alas, no way, how can we entertain people without meat?"Kwang Soo said

"Then we will call the guests before they come. Please try your best to meet their requirements. After the show, we will interview the guests and let them make an evaluation."

"If the evaluation is good, there will be generous prizes. If not, the two of you will have to take the bus back this time."

"Ugh~" As soon as he heard this, Feiyu, a clever little boy, immediately made a retching expression.

He said with a sad face:"Luo PD, when I look back on the bus, I will vomit!"

"Ugh~" Guangzhu followed suit next to him,"Luo PD, I've been in poor health recently."

PD Luo looked at these two funny and strong-willed people and smiled gently:

"In this case, please cheer up, both of you. Feiyu and Guangzhu looked at each other helplessly and could only nod in agreement.

Then, the two of them walked into the house to clean up the room and prepare to make room for them.

Guangzhu hugged a pile of quilts and looked at them enviously. The guest, who was in such a relatively spacious and bright room, suddenly suggested:

"Hey, Feiyu, why don't we sleep in this room."

Feiyu snorted.

Apink is a bunch of girls, so it's okay to let them squeeze into a small room.

But this is a variety show, Feiyu's eyes rolled, and he immediately hit it off with Guangshu.

He even said devilishly:"hiong, Then we will close the door and prevent them from looking here, and then guide them to make sure they stay in the small room."

Kwang Soo laughed three times and hugged Feiyu's shoulders:





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