Feiyu arranged a very exquisite scene for Uncle Bi this time.

Moreover, Uncle Bi’s special shooting this time is different from the relatively life-like scenes of other members.

Still with a funny theme.

To be honest, Uncle Bi can transform into a professional variety artist as long as he is in front of the camera, which Feiyu admires very much.

This time Uncle Bi will sing the title song"my-my" from apink's mini album.

As a variety artist, the professional quality requires that you keep up with the trend. At least you must know the songs and dances of idol groups.

Although it was awkward for a while, Uncle Bi quickly got into the mood and sat down in front of the camera seriously.

Uncle Bi is indeed very professional. Even though he is dressed as a woman, he is still handsome when he speaks.

Just looking at his seriously dressed-up singing face, even though he was handsome, the four little ones still wanted to laugh...

But it turned out that Uncle Bi was deeply involved in it. He had taken a sip of yogurt and ate a red date, and was about to bow his head in thought. he.

Seeing the trembling faces of Feiyu and the others, I couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"ah! Enough! How can I take pictures like this! Uncle Bi yelled.

Feiyu turned his head, raised it, took a deep breath, and waited for a while before saying again:

"Okay, okay, brother Shi Zhen, we are not laughing anymore, you can continue, it still makes sense.

Uncle Bi was happy:"Really?""

"real! Hyeri said with confidence.

Xiuzhi covered her mouth and patted the girl who was making noises.

Uncle Bi got excited, lifted up the pink wig, and got into the mood again.

Drinking yogurt and eating red dates, Uncle Bi lowered his head Then he slowly raised his head, looking deeply and affectionately at the camera lens.

Then he slowly raised his hand and sang the beautiful lyrics softly.

"Well~……"Hyeri almost laughed again and quickly pinched her thigh.

Suzy and Naeun also turned around, not daring to look at Uncle Bi's"beautiful" scene.

Poor Feiyu could hardly breathe.

Ah...Uncle Nose...he has the top, he is indeed the god of comedy!!

And that's not all.

The most amazing thing is that in the middle of singing, Uncle Bi elegantly took out another bottle of drink and tore open the tinfoil paper on it.

As a result...

I couldn't tear it apart...

Uncle Bi:...

He was still singing and using his hands hard.

"Well~……"Feiyu can't stand it anymore!

Afterwards, Uncle Bi tore at it for a long time, and finally stopped singing with a sad face:

"Assi...I can't tear it apart……"

The four little ones said:"Hmm.~!"


Finally, after holding their breath crazily, they still couldn't help it and burst out laughing!

Hyeri wiped away the tears from laughter:"Seokjin-senpai is really funny!"

With such material, the four little ones were very excited.

This way, they could make two faces of Uncle Nose in this special.

So, with Feiyu's help, Uncle Bi recorded it again.

This time it was recorded well. Even in women's clothing, Uncle Bi finished the singing amazingly.

After recording, Uncle Bi explained:

"Yeah, remember to edit out that paragraph! Feiyu nodded and agreed:"Don't worry, I will edit it out!""

However, what this kid really thinks about is: This is absolutely impossible to lose!

After the hilarious recording, this time the special episode of Uncle Bi's home visit is finally coming to an end.

At the end, Hyeri and Naeun are in the living room Chatting with Uncle Bi.

Feiyu and Xiuzhi gave Uncle Bi’s wife Xiujing a brief interview in the room.

"Xiujing Nuna, do you have anything to say to Brother Seokjin? Feiyu asked with familiarity.

Sister Xiujing lowered her head and thought for a while before answering:

"In fact, I have advised him not to do RM. Outdoor variety shows are a bit too tiring. Feiyu and Xiuzhi looked at each other.

Feiyu said sincerely:"Nuna, we will take good care of him.""

But Feiyu also knows that at Uncle Bi's age, running in RM is really tiring. Of course, even though the PDs and members like to make fun of him, everyone will also consider him when making games. Physical strength.

Sometimes, why poor Uncle Bi is repeatedly eliminated early is because of this reason.

Sister Xiujing smiled:"This is his career. I can understand and will support him. Don't worry.. Then she paused and continued:"Of course, it would be better if you can occasionally win a game and show it to Xianyu."

Feiyu chuckled:"This can't help!""

The three of them laughed together.

Uncle Bi was very satisfied today. Not only did he shoot the MV, but he also finally had his own special episode on Naughty Child.

Before leaving, he patted Feiyu on the shoulder and said:

"Feiyu, originally I thought you were too young to be on our show, but now it seems that I was wrong.

Feiyu smiled and said,"Brother Shi Zhen and I still have a lot to learn, so let's work hard together."

Uncle Bi stretched out his hand:"Chi!"

Feiyu smiled broadly:"Yu!""



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