To be honest, it is impossible for a normal boy not to be tempted by Suzy's appearance.

Not to mention that now she is so cute and secretly looking at him, her eyes almost watering.

"You, you can……"

Xiuzhi blushed and nodded:"Just think of it as a rehearsal." After

Xiuzhi finished speaking, Feiyu mustered up the courage, took a deep breath, got into the mood, and then wrapped his arms around Xiuzhi's slender waist from behind.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!"Li Dahae was so excited that she screamed in a low voice and curled up all her fingers.

Xiuzhi froze, and her head was already blank.

Feiyu gently put his head on her thin shoulder:" Don't go, okay?"

Xiuzhi yelled in her heart: I can't walk!!

"You, you let me go……"As an actor's professional quality, she still improvised her lines.

Feiyu hugged her tighter, and her fragrance even filled the tip of his nose.

"I will never let you go again."

Xiuzhi put her hand on the back of Feiyu's hand, pulled it, and tried to pull it away. After a while, she sighed softly:"Why bother?……"

"I like you." Feiyu said.

It's good now. As soon as these words came out, Xiuzhi's feet went weak and she almost collapsed in Feiyu's arms.

Duohai, who was watching from the side, had already bitten his fist...

Seeing Xiuzhi didn't speak for a long time, and Feiyu finally got out of his state a little. Only then did he realize that his heart was already beating violently.

Ah Yigu... After this breakthrough, his acting skills really put him in the mood. What a drama.

At that moment, he seemed to be facing life and death with Suzhi.

He let go of Suzhi, scratched his head in embarrassment and said to Dahai:"Is this okay? Du Hai Nu Na?

Duohai was excited:"Ah!" Your acting skills are great too! Or are you really in love?"

Xiuzhi finally came to her senses and stood beside Feiyu with her head lowered.

"I'm into the drama, and my relationship with Suzy is very good."

"'s amazing, it's really amazing. No wonder Oppa Taehyun likes you so much. It's so amazing!"

"but……"Li Dahae narrowed his eyes:"If you are really in love, Nu will be the first to bless you and give you gifts." The two little ones were embarrassed, Xiu Zhi was even a little confused, especially after hearing As for Feiyu's words"I like you" just now.

She suddenly wished that all this was true

"Hehe, Nu, you know I can edit, right? Duo

Hai snickered:"Of course, I don't want to harm you, but sometimes young people shouldn't worry too much.""

Obviously, in the eyes of Lee Da-hae, this pair of handsome men and beautiful women who look like pictures are the best couple. She knows Suzy's status as a girl group, and she has long been thinking that Suzy is afraid of falling in love due to pressure.

Gag joke After a while, this matter was considered in the past. Li Dahai also followed the agreement and made enchanted items for Feiyu, which also allowed Feiyu to obtain film and television post-production skills following the variety show post-production skills.

Chatting and reshooting In some clips, the two little ones said goodbye to Duo Hai Nu Na and left this blushing cafe. The spring cold outside finally made Xiuzhi's face, which had been rising in heat, cool down a bit.

"Did you come here in the agent's car?"Feiyu asked curiously when he didn't see the nanny car when he came out.

Xiuzhi shook her head.

Of course she didn't sit in it, because she took the manager's car and left immediately after the filming, and she was reluctant to leave.

Xiuzhi naturally wouldn't betray herself. The girl's little thought was to shake her head and simply said:"I came by subway."

"Hey, such a big star is not worried?"

"You can do it, so why can’t I do it?"Xiuzhi puffed up her cheeks and said

"Then should I take you back, or do you still want to hang out?"

"Take a walk……"

As a result, the two little ones actually started hanging out nearby. Although there were still a lot of fans, no one bothered them too much, allowing the two little ones to chat happily and leisurely.

During lunch, Feiyu took Xiuzhi to a private room in a Western restaurant.

After a good meal, Feiyu started editing here.

Seeing his and Xiuzhi's little performance, he was a little moved, but also a little hesitant.

"Can this section be released?"

"Are you afraid of affecting my team?"

Feiyu nodded.

Even if everyone knows that he and Suzy have a good relationship, and even many fans criticize them, the girl group's relationship may still have adverse effects.

Especially now SBS and the other two major TV stations With everyone staring at her, it was hard to tell what would happen.

He didn't want to hurt Xiuzhi.

Xiuzhi bit her lip.

She hoped that Feiyu really said he liked her, and then she could even risk breaking the contract and quit the group firmly. Be with him.

But Feiyu won two more awards yesterday, and the news is still overwhelming on the Internet. Like Feiyu, she is afraid that it will affect the other person.

"It's okay...everyone knows we are doing a sitcom anyway."

"Um……"For some reason, Feiyu suddenly felt a little disappointed.

Seeing Feiyu's lack of words, Xiuzhi worried that she had made Feiyu unhappy, and quickly added:

"I’m not worried about myself, I mean CP is very common in variety shows nowadays! Feiyu raised his head and smiled at Xiuzhi:"I haven't forgotten that I am your imaginary boyfriend now." Xiuzhi blushed, hesitated for a moment, and then asked an unexpected question:"Did you just act completely?""


"Do you want to hear true or false?"


"Maybe it's a bit selfish, I don't know why. Sometimes when I see you, my heart will beat red. Sometimes after chatting in our group at night, I will think about what you are doing now. Is this considered a liking? Facing Feiyu

's sudden straight shot, Xiuzhi's heartbeat accelerated instantly!

She didn't dare to look into Feiyu's eyes:"You, what are you talking about... You don't look like you miss me!" Feiyu smiled bitterly:"It feels strange anyway, especially after becoming an imaginary couple, I am looking forward to seeing you more and more.""

Xiuzhi covered her face, and her neck turned red visibly.

After a while, her voice came out like a whimper from between her fingers:

"I, I seem to be looking forward to seeing you every day...……"

After Xiuzhi said these words, the box... instantly became quiet.……


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