"Yeah, we have to congratulate Feiyu, the naughty kid has achieved such good results."

As soon as the episode started, Uncle Bi couldn't help but sigh.

When I was at SBS, it was taboo to talk about naughty kids on the show. Now that I'm at TVN, my own TV station, I can just say whatever I want.

"The key is, how is Haha and Xing doing now?"Brother Gou asked gossiping.

Haha, the old man blushed, touched his head and said with a smile:"It's okay, it's okay, I've been in contact recently."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, it seems that the character of the libertine needs to be replaced by someone else."

"Me!"At this time, Li Xiaoai raised his hand.

Brother Guo glanced at Guangzhu with disgust:"Aren't you betraying me now?"

"I can wear many hats!"

"In fact, Kwang Soo wanted Fei Yu to help him make a special social episode, right?"Ji Hyo exposes Kwang Soo's conspiracy


Everyone laughed.

After the scene was almost noisy, PD Zhao came out

"Today’s first round of tasks requires everyone to enter the mall one by one to receive their own tasks, so now everyone is invited to enter one after another."

"oh? Is this a personal battle today?"Kwang Soo is excited.

"You'll find out when you go in."PD Zhao is still the Riddler

"Who will go in first?"

"Let me do it!"Feiyu volunteered.

Everyone smiled.

"Then Feiyuxi should be the first to go in."

Feiyu nodded and strode into the mall.

As soon as he entered the mall, a smell of the old era came to the store.

This itself is a mall with a rather retro architectural style, and the mall is divided into small rooms. There are small rooms, and each small room will sell very retro things. For buyers who prefer retro-style collections, this is a paradise.

When we reach the end, PD Lin is already waiting here. I just saw it. Feiyu, he handed over today’s task card with a smile.

Feiyu took it and took a look:

【Today you are the protagonist of RM, and you need to complete the task before someone sends you out: find five nostalgic items, the hero's LP disk, the public phone, the old school uniform, the tape player, and the instinct video tape. 】

The smart Feiyu said immediately after reading the task card:"Ah...it turns out there are guests today."

PD Lin smiled and said nothing.

"Are you a guest who has been here before?"Feiyu continued to analyze.

Then, the members came in one after another.

In fact, this time, each member received the same task, except that the words"Today you are the protagonist of Rm" at the beginning of the task card, But it gave the members the illusion that they all received a secret mission today.

Not long after entering the venue, Feiyu met Kwangsoo face to face.

"Yeah, you are a spy, right? Guangzhu looked at Feiyu suspiciously and said

"Brother, what mission did you receive?

Guangzhu spread his hands and said,"Ani, I haven't received any tasks.""

At this time, Feiyu suddenly stepped forward and made a gesture of tearing off the brand name.

"Ahhhhh!"Poor Guangzhu was so frightened that he collapsed directly to the ground.

"Hahahahaha!"Seeing Guangzhu's timid appearance, the sinister Feiyu was instantly frightened and fell to the ground.

"ah! You really are!"Kwangsu roared, hugged Feiyu's neck, and pulled him directly to the ground.

Strong man locks the man!!

Guangsu launched his special move!

"Ahhhhh! Brother, I was wrong! Feiyu was trapped by Guangshu on the ground and couldn't help but screamed.

The members were all attracted.

Seeing the two brothers fighting on the ground, Brother Zaishi shook his head and walked over and said:

"Yeah...you really are, isn't it bad to do this in public?"

Feiyu saw Jihyo behind Brother Shi and immediately asked for help:"I'm so angry~ Brother Guangzhu bullied me."

Hearing Feiyu's request for help, Jihyo immediately rolled up her sleeves and stepped forward, pinching Guangshu's ears:"Yeah! Don't bully Wuli Feiyu!"

"Ahhhhh! I know, I know, I let go, I let go!"

Seeing the three people fighting, the members and the onlookers laughed.

After the commotion, Fei Yucai and Guangzhu stood in front of the members with their bodies covered with scars.

"You all have secret missions, right?"Uncle Bi asked straight to the point.

"There are no secret missions, brother, they are just ordinary missions."Brother Guo said

"Do you dare to share? My secret mission is! Find a vintage skirt and wear it!"haha lied.

Brother Guo glanced at haha:"Are you sure?"


"If you don't wear that retro skirt for this round of missions, you'll be dead." haha:...

Am I shooting myself in the foot?

The cunning members tried to test each other, but no matter how much these guys tried, of course they couldn't come to any conclusion. After no results, the members started to complain about each other's disgust. Then, they started to spread out to find their own mission items.

On the other side, next to the fire escape of the mall, two beautiful figures carefully opened the fire door, and under the cover of several female staff, wearing peaked caps, walked in quietly

"Who should we eliminate first? Sunny asked curiously.

Yoona thought for a moment and said,"If Feiyu and Oppa Jungkook can be eliminated first, then they should be eliminated first.""

But just as she finished speaking, Uncle Bi, who was wandering around in confusion, suddenly appeared in their field of vision.


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