I originally thought that the promotion questions were just a small case, but I didn’t expect that after the first round of the devil’s dance, another test……

"Yoo Jae-suk's body temperature increased by 0.2 degrees, and the two of them together raised a total of 0.4 degrees."

"Ouch, is this going to kill someone? Brother Zai Shi said speechlessly.

PD Zhao asked funnyly:"Then do we want to start the second round?""

"want!"The members said in unison.

As soon as the music started, Brother Guo set up a door frame, touched his bangs, and stepped over from the other side of the door frame. Liu Grasshopper even danced a crooked moonwalk behind him.

In order to be able to When raising questions, the members tried their best.

Even Feiyu's teammate Hyomin let go of the burden of being an idol and danced gracefully in the music.

Feiyu danced almost like Kwangsoo.

Hyomin Looking at Feiyu funny, she waited until the music stopped and asked secretly:"It turns out that brother Feiyu is not very good at dancing.

Feiyu spread his hands and said,"I was led astray by Brother Guangzhu, so I can't keep up with the dance.""

Feiyu's voice was not loud at first, but Guangzhu actually heard it.

He turned back depressedly:"What was infected by me?

Feiyu smiled and said,"Dance, brother, I can also do the mosquito dance.""

After saying that, Feiyu actually danced and recreated Guangshu's mosquito dance.

Everyone laughed! Haha couldn't help but said next to him:"Yeah! You all know why dance academies don’t accept tall people, right?!"

Guangzhu almost spit out a mouthful of blood: Damn! Are you trying to steal the joke from me?!

So, not to be outdone, this guy danced the original mosquito dance.

His slender arms and legs were really faster than flying. Yu felt a little more funny. After dancing, the guy said proudly:"See, this is how you are considered a mosquito. You are so handsome, but you are not a mosquito." Feiyu smiled bitterly, and Guangzhu didn't know whether he was praising or hurting his words.

Brother Zaishi persuaded him funny:"Feiyu, you can't compare to the ugliness of a squid.""

Kwang Soo:……

"In Brother Shi!!!"For a moment, Kwang Soo's roar and everyone's violent laughter echoed in the room.

After the commotion, the temperature was taken again. Now it was better. Kwang Soo's temperature, who had just been teased by Brother Zai, actually increased by 0.7 degrees. Uncle Shangbi's 0.5 degrees and Brother Gou's 0.4 degrees, the three of them passed this round of the game instantly.

Seeing Brother Easy and Brother Gou leave with Pabu's pace, Feiyu raised his legs high in the air not to be outdone..

Xiaomin didn’t know why. When she saw Feiyu raising his legs, this sister actually followed him.

Zhao PD:……

"Feiyuxi, can’t you do this?"

"Ah, no, PD Zhao, I'm just too busy and need to move."Feiyu said confidently while raising his legs.

Everyone laughed again. Poor Xiaomin looked at everyone in confusion. It wasn't until it was his turn to check the body temperature that the two little fools stopped and stuck out their heads.

"Feiyu rose by 0.6 degrees, Xiaomin rose by 0.9 degrees, passed! Dongwan FD announced.

Feiyu cheered, but Xiaomin covered her mouth:"Oh Doc, do I have a fever?" Ji Hyo chuckled:"

Hyo Min, do you feel dizzy?""

"Just seem a little out of breath? Xiaomin said honestly.

Brother Guo said seriously next to him:"You may be raising your legs too much.""

Hearing"raising the leg too much", everyone laughed again.

Xiaomin sighed amidst laughter:"Arazo, I will exercise more in the future."

Feiyu looked at Xiaomin who was getting more and more interested in variety shows in a funny way, and stretched out his hand.

Xiaomin smiled at him, and the couple held hands and left here, heading to the next mission location. After that, the other teams were also in a warm atmosphere. After raising their body temperature to the designated temperature, they were able to go to the final mission site.

Half an hour later, the singles team was the first to arrive at an indoor hot spring.

Walking into the door, in the mist of the hot spring, the three people who came over changed into short-sleeved shorts. People were surprised to find that there were dozens of beautiful model ladies standing in the hall on the ground floor.


The faces of the three single guys immediately turned red.

Brother Gou half-smiled at the camera and said:"I Can I shout long live single now?"

"Long live singlehood!!! Long live beauties!!!"

As soon as Brother Gou finished his words, Guangshu yelled loudly at the girls.

As a result, these beautiful model girls dispersed in all directions with a smile amidst Guangshu's shouts.

Just in the single three While the brothers were wandering in the beauty hot spring, on the other side, Feiyu and Xiaomin also changed their clothes and met at the entrance of the hot spring.

Xiaomin naturally hugged Feiyu's arm, carefully looked around and said:"There are so many models here."

"Nu Na, are you going to start your spy mission now?

Xiaomin reacted, hugged Feiyu's arm and said,"What?" We have made an agreement! You must help me!"

"Now that you know Nu Na, please relax first……"Feeling the sense of urgency on his arm, Feiyu blushed and couldn't help but said.

Xiaomin relaxed a little and said strangely:

"But...who is Charlie?"

"The spies should not be a single trio. They are easy to spot. I think the most likely ones are Guo Ge, Jae Shi Ge and Ji Hyo Nu Na. Xiaomin

's eyes lit up and she subconsciously tightened Feiyu's arm:"Then let's go find them quickly!""

Looking at Xiaomin's straight actions, Feiyu couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart:

Why did he feel more and more like a silly girl after getting to know this sister?


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