After a comfortable breakfast, everyone finally set off for their first destination today: the Panda Base.

Thinking of seeing the cute baby panda, Xiuzhi's mood suddenly turned pink.

Because the teams of each team had already been confirmed, the two little ones chose the window seat in the back row as soon as they got on the bus.

As soon as Haha got on the bus, he glanced at Feiyu and Xiuzhi and couldn't help but said:"Ah! You better not sit together."

"Why? Feiyu asked curiously

"You two sit together like a pictorial. When the show comes out, no one will look at us!"Hahaha said dissatisfied.

Brother Dog followed behind and patted Hahaha on the shoulder:"We are just squids, what else can we be dissatisfied with?"

"squid? Are you talking about yourself? Not me!

Brother Gou covered his mouth and said,"I originally wanted to say salted fish, but who knew I was so quick to speak!" Jihyo patted Brother Gou and said,"Hahahaha, it's because your self-awareness is too clear."

Brother Dog glared:"Stress!"!"

Everyone burst into laughter.

Amidst the laughter, Feiyu picked up the phone and opened the front of the car.

Xiuzhi rolled her eyes at him:"What are you doing?"

"People say we look like a pictorial when we sit up, why don’t we take a photo as a souvenir?

Xiu Zhi chuckled and punched him:"You are so narcissistic!""

"I don’t call this narcissism, I call it expressing your true self!"Feiyu vowed.

Brother Guo looked back at Feiyu funny:"Wuli Feiyu's character is really lovable."

Feiyu smiled sheepishly, and Xiuzhi snorted arrogantly.

But despite this, the two of them finally put on a smile and gestured with the word"yeah", leaving behind something precious that belonged to them on this journey. We took a group photo.

Everyone was talking and laughing along the way, and PD Luo also held a knowledge quiz session.

Of course, Feiyu, who was very familiar with this place, won consecutively, and finally won two more Dragon Ball exchange cards with Suzy. And Gou Brother unexpectedly knew a lot, second only to Feiyu, and he also took Jihyo to get a Dragon Ball redemption card. After half an hour's drive, everyone finally arrived at the giant panda base.

As soon as they got off the car, PD Luo and everyone Said:"This time, let's just visit and have fun, I won't set any tasks for you."

Everyone was a little surprised. Is PD Luo so good?

Of course Xiuzhi was happy, pulling Feiyu and jumping up and down to be the first one in.

Feiyu looked at Xiuzhi with disgust and whispered:"Prabhu! PD Luo is most likely setting off smoke bombs"

"What smoke bomb?"Xiuzhi really has a face full of Prabhu."

"He doesn't set tasks, but maybe he does after leaving the park."

"It seems right……"


"You are!"

The two actually started to quarrel.

Haha passed by and smashed his hat:"Yeah! Are you going to turn it into an idol drama?! Feiyu snickered and made a face at Haha, and then pulled Xiuzhi away.

Finally, seeing the cute pandas and panda babies, both Xiuzhi and Jihyo were so excited that they picked their feet at the same time!

"Ahhhhh! Ernie! It's so cute! Suzy hugged Jihyo and said excitedly.

"How can there be such cute animals in this world!"Ji Xiao also yelled.

The three of them, Guo Ha Gou, were behind.

The dog brother sighed:"Women really can't resist the temptation of cuteness.

Brother Guo said funnyly:"Do you want to become cuter?""

"At least it's not a squid"

"Hahahaha, don't worry, there will be girls who will appreciate you."Brother Guo said

"Brother, you should think about yourself!"Haha said

"Aren't you?"Brother Guo glanced at Haha

"Wow, are three single nobles discussing love matters? ?"After Feiyu took photos of Xiuzhi, he came over happily and said

"Ah Yigu, why is it so strange to hear our Feiyu say this?"Brother Guo looked at Feiyu lovingly and said

"Brother, what's so strange? I'm the man who organized a special social show for you."Feiyu said proudly.

Brother Guo covered his face. It seemed like the same thing

"Wuli Feiyu can consider falling in love if he has the chance."Haha, there seems to be something in his words.

Feiyu was speechless for a moment. This involves his knowledge blind spot. In his last life, he lived to be 17 years old and traveled through time before falling in love.

In this life... he is actually with four girls. They became buddies... and were so angry.

Seeing that Feiyu was actually thinking, the three eldest brothers all laughed.

"It seems that Feiyu has a girl he likes?"

" doesn't seem to be there either? Now I am having a good time with Suzy and the others. Feiyu said.

The three big brothers began to think thoughtfully again.

"Feiyu, come on, come on! Nu Na takes a photo with you!"Zhixiao waved from a distance.

Feiyu ran over quickly.

After Feiyu left, the three of them immediately started whispering to each other.

" seems that Feiyu really doesn't understand emotional things very well.……"Haha whispered.

Brother Guo:"Do you have any opinion?"

"Don’t you think Suzy……"

Brother Gou nodded:"I also found that there is a little"

"How do I not notice?"Brother Guo looked confused.

"Yeah, that’s why you’ve always been single!"Haha said with disgust.

"So even if they are there, we can't talk about it, right? Isn’t Suzy still in the group?"

"What are we afraid of?"

"But... I think this guy Feiyu is just like me, he's a little nervous, so it's probably difficult... A female star as beautiful as Suzy... Unless……"Brother Guo wants to speak but stops talking

"Unless Xiuzhi goes after Feiyu?"Haha took over.

Brother Guo nodded.

The three of them looked at Zhixiao, Xiuzhi and Feiyu who were having fun over there.

Is this...possible?


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