Just as the upper group was talking and laughing as they drove to their venue.

On the big bus of the lower group, the team members were also sweating profusely in their seats and didn't want to get up at all.

Jihyo rubbed Brother Gou's waist:"Are you okay?"

Brother Gou shook his head:"You can carry me on your back and everything will be fine."

Jihyo immediately laughed and patted Brother Gou:"You know how to talk nonsense!"

Haha. He sweated and looked at Jihyo and Hyeri with admiration and said:"The girls in our group are really good. If it weren't for Hyeri, I might not be able to get out of that alley."

Hyeri snickered:"Haha oh Ba, you need to exercise more."

Uncle Bi glanced at Haha with disgust:"Stop talking, he is the weakest in our RM."

Brother Gou, Haha and Guangshu looked at Uncle Bi at the same time, They all said in unison:"Isn't it you?"

Uncle Bi was speechless for a while, and his tone was a little softer, and he said:"It's not today anyway."

Everyone laughed.

Seeing that everyone was almost chatting, PD Lin, who was following the car, spoke.

"We said before that the members of the lower group need to exchange teammates. Now I have three cards in my hand, one of which says exchange. The drawn member must exchange teammates with Shi Zhenxi.

Jihyo immediately said:"How about switching Seokjin Oppa and Heejian Oppa?""

"Arnie, you still have to follow the rules. PD Lin shook his head this time.

He also felt sorry for Brother Gou, but unless he brought it up himself, he still had to adhere to the rules. This is the respect that their variety artists must have for the audience.

Brother Gou immediately smiled calmly and said:"It's okay. I said my waist is already healed."

Zhixiao glared at Brother Gou:"What's good!

Brother Dog also glared:"Stress!""

Everyone laughed again. As a result, his back pain was resolved by his own gag.

Brother Gou, Haha, and Guangshu drew cards respectively.

Jihyo looked at Brother Gou anxiously and worriedly. Brother Gou bit by bit Open the card ticket.

When he saw the exchange in the card ticket center, Jihyo laughed happily as if he had won a lottery:"Exchange!! It's an exchange!!"

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Uncle Bi proudly waved to Jixiao:"Jixiao, come here."

"Assi!"Brother Gou pretended to be sorry, while Ji Hyo smiled and sat down next to Uncle Bi. The lower group, the team has been redistributed!

…… the other side.

As soon as the upper-level team arrived at the mission site, they immediately got out of the car and started running.

As soon as he got on his feet and ran, Feiyu saw small golden letters floating on his pupils: Agility +3... finally! After another round of running, his strength and agility in the sports section have reached their current full value! Next time you only need to accept the task to make new enchanted items, and you can make a breakthrough!

The pleasure of the upgrade made Feiyu's smile gradually become abnormal while he was running.

Xiuzhi ran beside Feiyu and caught a glimpse of his smile. He stopped and shouted,"This man smiles so strangely!!"

Feiyu glared at Xiuzhi and pulled her wrist:"Come in! What are you still shouting about!"


Xiuzhi wrinkled her nose, and was reluctantly pulled by Feiyu and ran into the Korean snack bar in front of her.

PD Zhao, who was following the photo, was already waiting here.

Seeing the members of the three teams coming in one after another, he showed a warm expression He smiled and made a gesture of invitation:"Thank you for your hard work, please order first. The team that arrives first will have priority. You can't choose the food you have chosen later."

Hearing this, Feiyu touched Xiuzhi lightly and gave her a fierce expression: Look at you! It's all your fault!

Xiuzhi's nose wrinkled completely, and she stared back with a fierce expression: Who told you So perverted!

At this moment, the first one to arrive, Brother Zai Shi, was extremely proud.

"Tsk tsk tsk, a big meal after a tiring day must be the most delicious. After saying that

, he jumped up to Zhong Guo and asked deliberately:"Guo Zhong, what do you want to eat?"

He pointed to the menu on the wall:"Samgyetang, right?" ?

Zhong Guo glanced at Brother Zaishi depressedly:"Asking even though you know it!""

The noisy grasshopper revealed his true colors and immediately shouted to the landlady:"Lady landlady! Have some ginseng chicken soup!"

Brother Zhong Guo:……

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"Han Feiyu smiled heartlessly on the side, but was glared at by Brother Zhong Guo, and the boy immediately stopped talking. The first place player in Team Stone ordered ginseng chicken soup, Korean barbecue, whatever is more expensive.

The first place Brother Zhong Guo, who placed second, took into account that 19-year-old Zhiyan was still very good at eating, so he specially ordered her favorite kimchi-wrapped pork and army hotpot. When it was

Feiyu's turn, he took a peek at Xiuzhi, This girl looked at the menu eagerly and felt like her mouth was about to drool.

"What to eat? Feiyu asked.

The girl turned back to look at Feiyu and said a little coquettishly:"I also want to eat barbecue."……"

Feiyu spread his hands:"No."

Xiuzhi pursed her lips, looking unhappy.

Brother Zai Shi smiled dotingly and said,"Xiuzhi, how about asking Feiyu to perform a show for us and I give you a barbecue?"

Feiyu rolled his eyes at Brother Shi and said,"Brother, don't even think about it."

Xiuzhi I almost cried. Seeing her little expression, Feiyu leaned close to her ear:

"I'll grab it for you later!"

Xiuzhi couldn't help but laugh, looked at Feiyu with dexterous eyes, and lowered her voice and said,"This is what you said!"

Feiyu nodded firmly.

So, the two little ones only ordered two seafood noodles in the third place.

While chatting, the dishes for the third team were quickly served.

The table at Brother Shi's table was obviously much richer, and he He glanced at the other two tables proudly:"We want to eat! Feiyu, are you sure you don’t want to perform anymore? Look how pitiful Suzy is, she can’t even eat barbecue.

Feiyu took a sip of noodles and said vaguely:"Brother, no need.""

Brother Zai Shi shrugged his shoulders and didn't care about them. He and Shirley enjoyed the meal happily.

Feiyu just took a bite, touched his mouth, and went to the side next to Brother Zhong Guo and whispered a few words.

Brother Zhong Guo Looking at Feiyu, he didn't know what agreement the two had reached. The brother actually gave Feiyu a thumbs up.

Then, Brother Zhong Guo and Feiyu stood up at the same time and walked towards Brother Zai Shi with a sinister smile.

Brother Zai Shi was alone Ji Ling hugged himself:"What are you going to do?! Feiyu looked innocent:"Brother, I want to eat barbecue, and Brother Zhongguo wants to drink ginseng chicken soup.""

Seeing Feiyu say the most hateful words with the most innocent expression behind him, Xiuzhi almost couldn't hold it back.

Brother Zaishi scolded:"Yeah! We are number one! You are breaking the rules! Feiyu looked at PD Zhao again with an innocent face:"PD Zhao, Brother Zai Shi said that we committed a foul, is it true?" PD

Zhao shook his head decisively:"Of course there is no foul play. After ordering the meal, the priority will end.""

"ah!!! Zhao Xiaozhen!!!"

Soon, Brother Shi's voice was gradually drowned in the siege of Zhong Guoge and Feiyu.

Five minutes later, Brother Zai Shi ate with a heart filled with sorrow.

After his barbecue and ginseng chicken soup were divided between the two souls, only one was left. It was half way down.

But when he saw Xiuzhi eating happily over there and even puckering her lips, he couldn't say anything.

Alas... he could only lament that he was unlucky to be on the same team as these two guys..

It's just that... once the bad luck starts, it can't be stopped.

After the three teams have completed their supplements, PD Zhao finally came out and announced the rules of this round: how much did you eat just now, and how many steps you have to take now using a pedometer.

After Brother Shi:... after a long moment of silence, heart-rending screams erupted in the Korean restaurant:

"Zhao Xiaozhen!!! You bastard!!!"



【We have sent enough flowers today, so I will add an update. Thank you for your flower support! 】

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