Not long after, Jiraiya went to see the Great Immortal of the Toad Clan with a swollen face.

Fukasaku Sennin stood on Jiraiya's left shoulder and apologized again and again,"I'm sorry...little Jiraiya, I was really worried that something would happen to you before! That's why I made this move……"

"After all, besides removing chakra disturbance... physical attacks are the best way to solve illusions. I really didn't expect that you were just in a daze before... You shouldn't be angry with me, right?……"

"……fine."What else can Jiraiya say about this? Of course I forgive him.

Arriving in front of the Great Toad Immortal, Jiraiya sat down cross-legged. He stared at the Great Toad Immortal with some seriousness,"Great Immortal, I am here. Come over here, I have something important to ask you."

"Say it!"The Great Toad Immortal spoke slowly.

"Is the world we live in a sphere? Jiraiya asked seriously.

A ray of light flashed through the eyes of the Great Toad Immortal, and after thinking for a moment, he solemnly said,"Yes!" It's a sphere...a sphere so huge that words can't describe it."

"If you go to the beach, watch the ships returning from sailing in the distance. Then you will find that the first thing you see is the sail of the ship, and gradually the entire ship... This is the evidence."

Jiraiya took a long breath. At this moment, he seemed to have let go of something, but he seemed to have some new worries.

"I understand," Jiraiya lowered his eyes,"Such a great sage, I only have one question now."

"In this world, does there exist... God?"

Although the Great Toad Immortal's expression remained unchanged, he could not help but feel a little doubt in his heart. This question really surprised him.

He thought for a moment and said,"God! If you think He exists, then He does exist. For example, the Sage of Six Paths in distant ancient times founded the Ninja Sect and controlled the power that could destroy the world. Do you say he is God?"

"Can the Immortal of Six Paths turn the sun in the sky into a divine bird?"Jiraiya asked seriously


"If this world is covered by endless frost, can the Immortals of Six Paths melt the frost in our world in an instant, and in a few breaths, let the flowers, plants and trees on the earth bloom all over the world?"

"……"The Great Toad Immortal said nothing.

Are you trying to embarrass the Immortal of Six Paths!

"I understand!"Jiraiya said softly. He stared at the big toad sage opposite him seriously,"Then now, please continue to watch my future."

"Um?!"The gray eyebrows of the Great Toad Immortal twitched.

Jiraiya closed his eyes and chanted loudly.

Jiraiya also chanted the top-grade sacrificial method. After watching the video uploaded by Liu Peiqiang, he put this in Download the ritual method that has a great presence in the video.


In the realm of gods.

Su Han also finished watching the video, with interest on his face. He didn't expect Liu Peiqiang to have talent in this area."

Watching this video, Su Han had the illusion that he was watching version 2.0 of The Wandering Earth..I have to say that although it is a bit shorter, the quality of this film is not inferior to the original film of The Wandering Earth...especially the special effects! The scene where the sun sets and thousands of flowers bloom is so wonderful

"I watched it myself... I feel that even as a mortal, I can't help but have the urge to believe in God! Su Han was filled with emotion,"Liu Peiqiang is such a talented person.""

Suddenly, Su Han's brows jumped. Because he suddenly sensed a brand new world coordinate……

"This location is...Naruto? interesting."

The corners of Su Han's mouth raised slightly. He was praising Liu Peiqiang before...

Look, didn't this attract a big fish to take the bait?


When Jiraiya uttered the last word, his body suddenly shook. At this moment, he seemed to see an indescribably vast and majestic god.

That god is one, the whole, yin and yang, everything!

He just stood there quietly, chaos was naturally evolving around his body, the world was being created, and creatures were evolving naturally...

He suddenly opened his eyes, with the sun in his left eye and the moon in his right eye.

Jiraiya was trembling, and he felt his chakra increase.

This is an unbelievable thing. After practicing for such a long time, the chakra he can extract has reached the limit... but just reciting the ritual once, the obstacle is like a sky, like a bubble. Destroyed with one poke

"Ahem...poof!"The Great Toad Immortal suddenly began to cough violently, spitting out mouthfuls of blood from his mouth, and his expression instantly became extremely depressed.

"Great Immortal!"


The expressions of Fukasaku Sennin and Shima Sennin changed dramatically. The two of them rushed forward at the same time, one on the left and the other on the right to support the big toad immortal, their expressions were extremely panicked.

"I'm fine...just let it go."After a while, the Great Toad Sage finally regained his breath. He stared weakly at Jiraiya sitting on the ground. Jiraiya understood something, he opened his mouth, and finally lowered his head with a wry smile. ,"……I'm very sorry"

"There's nothing to be sorry for...I, I should congratulate you."The voice of the Great Toad Immortal was intermittent,"This prophecy... I didn't see anything. Perhaps it is precisely because I... saw nothing that I left such a life, right?"

The pupils of Fukasaku Sage and Shima Sage suddenly dilated. They opened their mouths, wanting to say something, but in the end nothing came out. As the

Great Toad Sage spoke, his breath slowed down,"The only thing I can be sure of is still have the possibility to change the world"

"But it’s different from the last prophecy... This time, it may not be you leading the children of destiny to change the world, but you yourself."

"……Is that so?"Jiraiya was silent for a long time, got up from the ground, and bowed slightly to the Great Toad Immortal,"I understand, thank you for your prophecy."

Waiting for a while after Jiraiya left. Fukasaku Sennin couldn't help but jumped directly in front of the great toad sage,"As you said before, little Jiraiya... Great sennin, it's not like you didn't see anything. Are you there? Why did you give another prophecy?"

Fukasaku Sennin is quite incoherent.

"This is not a prophecy……"The Great Toad Immortal said softly,"This is just an inference made by an old guy based on his life experience."

"What?!"Fukasaku Sennin was dumbfounded.

"Little are walking on a road that has never been touched before."The voice of the Great Toad Immortal was faint. He seemed to be talking to himself or to others,"When this road reaches the end, is it a gift from the gods or a gift from the devil... It's really hard to say.……"

Yes, everything is just inference.

Even the Six Paths Sage, he could see some of the secrets. When Jiraiya was reciting the sacrificial incantation...he glanced at it, saw nothing, and went straight to half a life...

What does this prove?

This proves that the mutation that Jiraiya has encountered now has surpassed the Sage of Six Paths! And it goes far beyond that.

Considering the metaphors he mentioned before about the gods exerting their divine's terrifying to think about it.

"By the way, no matter what happened to me! Don't blame Jiraiya."Suddenly thinking of something, the Great Toad Immortal added the last sentence.

Immediately, his body twitched and fell down with a plop.

"Big Toad Immortal!"Suddenly, the two immortals were completely panicked.

When the news spread, the entire Myoboku Mountain was in a state of panic.

Jiraiya, who had left Miaomu Mountain, naturally did not know what happened in Miaomu Mountain. He returned to the inn , stayed for a while, and after much deliberation, finally made up my mind to enter the chat group again._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download the Faloo Novel APP!

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