Great Qin Zulong:"!! There is a new person joining? I haven't seen you for a long time."

The Young Master of Taohua Island:"Indeed."

The Young Master of Taohua Island:"But compared to the new people... I still pay more attention to what the Moon Worshiping Leader said That unity of politics and religion means being both a leader and an emperor."

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"Mr. Leader, is there anything else you want to say?"

Leader of Worshiping Moon:"Isn't what I said is enough?"

Worshiping Master Yue:"Besides, in the history books of the five thousand years of Yan and Huang, aren't there many people who started out as teachers? For example, the Ming Dynasty, wasn't it involved with the Ming Jiao in the early years? Or, for example, the White Lotus Sect uprising in the Qing Dynasty... Although it failed, it can also show a lot."

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult said:"They are all ordinary people... They can get to this point without a miracle. There is no reason why you, a quasi-believer of God, cannot create a dynasty. Great cause."

The most powerful man's deputy:"Quasi-believer is a very appropriate adjective! Quasi-believer worships the leader of the moon worshiper."

The leader of the worshiper moon worshiper:"……"

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult said that he did not know whether to say something or not.

Can this be targeted at him? What did he do to him?

Even God has no problem with him! Why can't you, a pineapple head, get along with him?

The strongest man’s deputy:"Hmph! I’m too lazy to communicate with an indestructible rotten wood like you."

The strongest man’s deputy:"@美木山仙人.@六平强. Two newcomers, are you interested in knowing more about our father and master? , the God of Creation and God of Creation?"

The strongest man's deputy:"If you are favored by God, you can greatly increase your strength and prolong your life... Immortality is not impossible."

Great Qin Zulong:"……"

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"Although you are telling the truth...why do I always feel like something is weird?"


Wandering planet world, in the International Space Station.

Liu Peiqiang sat on the chair. He turned his head dully and glanced at the Russian hunk Makarov next to him.

"Liu, what's wrong with you?"Makarov looked at Liu Peiqiang with some confusion.

"fine."Liu Peiqiang's Adam's apple rolled. He closed his eyes again and saw the strange interface projected in his mind again.

This is not fake!

"What exactly is going on? Was it Moss's doing? The new technology on image directly projected into the mind?"

A large number of possibilities passed through Liu Peiqiang's mind. He thought for a moment and suddenly said,"Moss, I feel a little uncomfortable! Can you detect anything wrong with me? Or maybe some weird electronic device has been implanted in my body?"

Makarov looked at Liu Peiqiang with a strange expression, and nodded seriously,"Liu, it seems that you are indeed not feeling well... maybe you have a fever!"

Otherwise, how could Liu Peiqiang look so confused?!

"Lieutenant Colonel Liu Peiqiang, your physical data are all normal. No abnormal electronic device has been detected implanted in your body!"

"If you are feeling unwell, consider taking a proper hibernation for a period of time"

"……I see."Liu Peiqiang was silent for a long time. As an artificial intelligence, Moss cannot lie to humans. Therefore, the interface in his mind must have nothing to do with Moss.

After thinking for a few times, Liu Peiqiang slowly pulled the button of the chat group Interface, look through the previous chat history

"……To get people to believe in God? Hiss, it smells like a pyramid scheme."Liu Peiqiang's expression was subtle, but then he looked at it, with shock and solemnity intertwined on his face.

"Can the moon be destroyed by physical force alone? What kind of joke is this? Even if the current earth civilization uses super-large-yield nuclear bombs, it may not be able to completely destroy the moon."

"Moreover, if someone can destroy the moon with physical power, doesn't it mean that there are still people in the world who can destroy the earth with physical power? This is almost like those fantasy and mythological novels of the past."

Complaints are complaints, Liu Peiqiang's movements were not slow, he searched for a lot of information about the chat group. Soon, he touched the group folder

"Um? Video... also, sacrificial method, top-grade sacrificial method, complete list of sacrifices? What is all this? Is this a religious group?"

"That’s not right. The earth is like this. Who else would do such a thing? unless……"

Unless, that's not the earth.

Suddenly realizing something, Liu Peiqiang's heart was filled with huge waves.

After thinking about it for a moment, he condensed his eyes and made up his mind,"Then let's test it out first.……"

Liu Peiqiang:"Greatly increased strength...extended life! Immortality? It sounds really exciting."

Liu Peiqiang:"Unfortunately, this world is on the verge of destruction. Even if the life span reaches hundreds or even thousands of years, it is useless.……"

Yao Lao:"?"

The young master of Peach Blossom Island:"Ah this……"

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"The poor deputy was gearing up to preach. But he hit the iron plate directly!"

The strongest man's deputy:"……"

The strongest man's deputy:"No! I think if it's the end of the world, then we should believe in God. God created the world, protects all living beings, and creates all things." The strongest man's deputy:"If the people in your world are willing to Pray to God and bow down to God! Then, God will naturally send down His grace and remove the root of the doomsday. Let you regain peace and happiness!"

Liu Peiqiang narrowed his eyes slightly, he scanned the list of chat group members, and then locked in Named a person: God

"Could it be this one?"

After thinking for a while, Liu Peiqiang spoke in the group again.

Liu Peiqiang:"@神. Then please ask God to save my world."

The chat group fell into a brief silence.

Marco also saw that this new member of the group did not believe that God is real. Although he did not really say it out loud, his attitude was undoubtedly obvious.

After a moment of silence, Marco became furious.

The strongest man's deputy:"You heretic! If you really want the gods to save you, you should build an altar devoutly, offer sacrifices, and pray. Instead of opening your mouth here and hoping God will save you."

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:" Cruel man! This is the first time I have seen such a cruel person."

The Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"This is the first time I have seen... Mr. Deputy being made so furious. Even when facing the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult... he could at least remain calm despite showing hostility."

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"Although I can completely understand him."

Su Han stared at the chat group with interest, but he was not angry. Scanning the names of Liu Peiqiang and Miaomu Mountain Immortal, a lot of thoughts flashed through his mind

"Myobokusan Sage... Jiraiya? Naruto world! good"

"However, Liu Peiqiang's words... wandering the earth?"Su Han narrowed his eyes slightly.

The wandering earth... a sun is about to go out, and people from different countries and different nationalities work together with all their strength to make the earth wander and escape from the solar system. A magnificent epic……

"very good! This is really great."

The corner of Su Han's mouth rose slightly, and he suddenly remembered the content of the Believer course he studied in his sophomore year of high school.

Under what circumstances can a civilization... be able to enter the role of believing in gods as quickly as possible?!

Then it is naturally facing threats. , when it is about to perish!

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