Hu Liena's eyelids twitched. Listening to the Pope's tone...she would have to be put on the altar as a living sacrifice later? hiss! She knew that she would not end well after seeing the grudges between mother and daughter.

Immediately, the Pope recited seriously and devoutly. Moreover, Qianrenxue, who was lying on the ground, clearly felt that she was carrying a heavy burden. As she stopped chanting, this weight became more and more terrifying.

After gritting her teeth, Qian Renxue finally bowed her head. While she was chanting, she felt cruel in her heart. Don't let her get the chance, otherwise she will definitely make this hypocritical old woman's life worse than death.

Seeing what the young master has done, what else can Hu Liena do? We can only recite them together.

As the last word was spoken, their bodies shook violently at the same time. They seemed to see an indescribable great being at this moment.……

"This kind of is this! Wait, my soul power, and my martial soul?!"Qian Renxue suddenly realized something, and her expression changed drastically.

On the other side, Hu Liena did not speak. Not for other reasons...but because she was completely frightened at the moment.

The brilliance of the two suddenly burst out, and then quickly restrained herself. , their soul power has increased by one level.

You must know that they have now reached the ultimate level of their current realm... Theoretically, to advance to another level, they must obtain soul rings. But now, they have broken this iron law!

Moreover, it seems that Compared to Hu Liena... Qian Renxue clearly felt that the angel martial soul in her body had vague signs of evolution...

God, the martial soul can still evolve. No, even if it can really evolve, it cannot evolve so easily. Right? Just reciting the sacrificial words can create all this!

"Do you understand now?"Pope Bi stared at Qian Renxue with great interest, and she spoke with piety,"How much that god loves his believers... Even by chanting the words of sacrifice, you can obtain such terrifying divine grace. If you really go to heaven to serve him... you can imagine what kind of favor you will get from him."

"So, what's your decision?"

Qianrenxue struggled for a long time, and she suddenly said,"What if I insist on staying in this world?……"

After a brief moment of silence, Pope Bi sighed faintly,"Then you can stay... It's a pity. You missed a huge opportunity... If it weren't for the fact that the time hadn't come yet, I would have even wanted to I sacrificed myself."

Qian Renxue narrowed her eyes. She looked over and over again and confirmed that Pope Bi was serious. Then she breathed a sigh of relief,"Okay... Mother! I believe your words and am willing to obey your orders. , go to sacrifice! So what do I need to do next?"

Pope Bi raised his eyebrows, and she looked at Qian Renxue with a strange expression,"You are really suspicious, it's almost the same as……"

After a short pause, Pope Bi changed the subject,"Humph, there are no requirements. For the rest of the time, just keep performing the sacrifices religiously... Then, wait until the sacrifices officially begin."

"Oh, by the way," Pope Bee waved his hands, and a side door next to the lobby opened with a bang,"You can stay here temporarily... That's where I usually live."

Qian Renxue took a deep look at Pope Bi, stretched out her hand and took Hu Liena's palm. She got into the side.

Immediately, Pope Bi closed her eyes again, she glanced at the chat group, and then most of the Attention spread to the large square inside Wuhun Palace. Watch the speed at which the group of people built the altar!

After burning incense, Ju Douluo and Soul Douluo walked out of the door and prostrated themselves on the ground,"Meet the Pope!"

"Excuse me," Pope Bi said slowly. She still had her eyes closed and asked softly,"Are you here this time?"

"We have successfully completed the order you gave earlier."Ju Douluo had an excited smile on his face.

"Yes," Contra nodded with deep understanding,"Let's separate Tang Xiaosan and Rougu Meitu first. On the one hand, it instilled in Tang Xiaosan the idea that spirit beasts are all bad! Try our best to implement the values ​​​​of our Wuhun Palace into his mind.……"

"On the other hand, we revealed to Soft Bone Charming Rabbit that Tang Xiaosan was a mature soul who had traveled through time... We even showed her enough evidence to let her know that the Haotian Douluo from back then, Tang Xiaosan’s mother was also a hundred thousand year old soul beast transformed into a human form.……"

Ju Douluo licked his lips,"We told her... the tradition of the Tang family is to find a soul beast wife... and then, on the surface, she looks like she has deep feelings! In fact, she is secretly He worked hard to cultivate feelings, and finally, out of necessity, he guided a hundred thousand year soul beast to sacrifice, and then let himself have a soul ring and soul bone. Reach the sky in one step!"

The corner of Pope Bi's mouth raised slightly,"It looks very good. It went well."

This plan was naturally designed patiently by the psychological masters within Wuhun Palace, combined with the existing information that Pope Bi said. It can be said that there is nothing missing in every aspect...

Although Ah Yin sacrificed voluntarily back then, it doesn't matter whether they were willing or not. What is important is that it is the fact... Moreover, their Wuhun Palace has all the records of what happened back then, and has the right to interpret it. In their hands!

Besides, Xiao Wu's sacrifice... is also something that will definitely happen in the future.

As for whether Tang Xiaosan and his son did it intentionally, she simply wanted to ruin the relationship between the two. Then let the soft-bone charm rabbit go to heaven!

"certainly! At first she was in vain and didn't believe it, but we took turns showing her the evidence, and even... we even deliberately let her hide in the dark, and then went to stimulate Tang Xiaosan! Let Tang Xiaosan truly reveal the truth that he is a soul from another world."Ju Douluo said seriously

"Since even the incredible thing about time travelers is true, then the other thing is also true... and it's natural, right?"Contra said gently. He thought for a moment and then added,"Moreover, the relationship between the other Shrek Seven Monsters has almost been destroyed! Moreover, many of them already have mines buried in them... It is much easier to destroy them than Tang Xiaosan and Xiao Wu."

"good!"Pope Bi was overjoyed. After she stood up, she paced back and forth on the spot and said seriously,"If everything goes well... then after I offer sacrifices to the gods, I will give you heavy rewards... and the one who arranged the plan. Psychological master! reward"

"Even if you become the legendary god in our martial arts world in the future, immortal and immortal, it is by no means impossible."

"Thank you Pope."The two knelt down again. Their expressions were fanatical and pious, and they had no doubts...

Become a god, what a great and aspirational word... If Pope had said this before, they would definitely think that Pope was trying to prevaricate them......

But the God of Creation has already made Pope Bi become a god. This example has preceded him... To create a few more gods can only be said to be difficult, but not impossible!

Soon, Pope Bi obtained the title of Wuhun Palace. The news came back from the worship. Through the token containing divine power given by Pope Bi, they successfully captured the Azure Bull Python and Titan Giant Ape in the Star Luo Forest...

Finally, the time came for the internal magic of Wuhun Palace. The teacher deduced that it was the most suitable time to offer sacrifices...

Pope Bi came to the main square. At this moment, the priests of Wuhun Temple from all over the world gathered densely around the altar.

Pope Bi walked up with a calm expression. He walked up to the altar, then waved his hand, and immediately, the Shrek Seven Monsters, Qianrenxue, Hu Liena, Azure Bull Python, and Titan Giant Ape were brought up one after another.

"Da Ming... Er Ming!"Xiao Wu looked at her two friends, her eyes a little red.

"Sister, there’s no need to be afraid," Azure Bull Python’s voice was calm. He looked at Pope Bi who was not far away,"What that woman said may not be false… In the final analysis, the most worthy thing about us is the soul ring plus. Soul bone. If that's what she really wants, just kill us! There's no need to go to all the trouble of catching it."

"Yes, I think so too! She is too strong. If she is not good for us, just say so."The Titan Giant Ape nodded repeatedly. Then he reluctantly comforted the tearful Xiao Wu...

In fact, Ming Ming and Ming Ming were very pessimistic about the future situation. However, they were unwilling to put this pressure on this eldest sister... …So this is the only way to say it

"People from Wuhun Palace! Let us recite sacrificial texts together and worship the supreme god."Pope Bi raised his scepter high, and loud voices echoed from all directions.

With a smile on her eyebrows, she immediately began to recite the sacrificial words loudly.

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