The next day, Su Han sent the two women back to their respective residences.

Returning to the central heavenly palace, Su Han sat on the throne, gently waved his sleeves, the void twisted, and three extremely brilliant brilliance suddenly emerged.

"God, mercy, return."

Su Han's eyes flowed from the God-King Avenue. He thought for a moment, and with a thought, three extremely brilliant lights suddenly merged into Su Han's body. The next moment, wisps of chaotic light came from Su Han's body. The body spread outwards.

Compared with the previous surging power, his aura was even more unpredictable... Of course, although these chaotic lights were surging, under the restraint of Su Han's will, they did not spread outside the heavenly palace.

Inside and outside the palace! It’s like two worlds have turned into two.

Outside the palace, the wind and waves are calm, as always, with the roar of divine beasts and wild beasts fighting...

Inside the palace, the path of chaos spreads, and the power of the avenue flows, as if it is a statue so great that it is difficult to describe in words The existence of the world. It was like forcing the opening of chaos at this moment! It was like replaying the prehistoric times.

Finally, Su Han suddenly opened his eyes.

All the chaotic light dissipated, replaced by a brand new avenue of chaos!

Compared with the previous pure and sacred one, at this moment The Avenue of Chaos can really be called chaos, which is the golden mean! It contains both extreme good and extreme evil.

If Su Han realized something,"Before, my Sun Avenue was too powerful! And there were seven laws of light at that time... In comparison, Taiyin was suppressed. Even after merging into chaos, the two sides complement each other and cover up Taiyin's disadvantages! But in fact, it exists after all"

"And evil can just be integrated into Taiyin! This really brings balance to my Chaos Path."

Su Han was very emotional. The idea of ​​moderation that the East has adhered to since ancient times can also be applied to the Tao that he has understood.

Because of moderation, there is balance, and because balance is achieved, there are no flaws.

"However, it seems that the Seven Evils! It's a very strange feeling to merge and separate from the Avenue of Chaos at the same time. Su Han closed his eyes and thought, then murmured,"Pity and return can be separated and integrated into Taiyin very properly... But integrate both at the same time!" There's this feeling of rejection"

"Wait a minute, the seven evils...that's it! Bring two of the seven evils together, and the seven evils will merge with each other... A single evil is the top avenue, and two of them are vaguely beyond the top."

Su Han suddenly opened his eyes, and he figured it out. The highest limit that the chaos path can integrate is the top path... A higher level that surpasses the top level is an exception. The chaos path is an exception, and other paths are considered exceptions. If someone is weaker than him, then he is also an exception... How can the exception accommodate an exception of the same level?

"If I could bring together the seven evil realms! Moreover, these seven evils are all at the level of God Kings, so even if the evil ways they fuse are not as good as Chaos, they are not far behind, right?!"

Su Han's eyes were blazing, and he was excited in his heart. Then, he sensed the way of God... Well, there are only two powers of God, omniscience and omnipotence. That's right! It's that simple. But these two are one, But the way of God has become an exceptional existence... Although it is inferior to chaos, it is not far behind.

Su Han even feels that the seven evils combined into one may not be able to compare with God!

"As expected of God! The supreme god and the only god believed in in the West. There is still something!"Su Han felt a little emotional. Chaos is tolerant of everything... while omniscience and omnipotence means knowing everything and intervening in everything... It took several hours for Su Han to integrate the three ways of the God King. Then, he returned to the real world.

At this moment, Su Han suddenly noticed something strange, and his eyes suddenly expanded. There was a roar in the void, and tens of thousands of lights of the avenue emerged around him... Each light contained the sacred power. The charm! Galloping towards his body.

Accompanied by an earth-shattering roar, the huge villa where Su Han was located collapsed.

Endless light merged into Su Han's body, and most of it was absorbed by Su Han. , and then integrated into his Tao of God, but a very small part of the Tao light penetrated out, but turned into a pillar of light that penetrated the sky and the earth, tearing up the sky.

This kind of movement is too terrifying!

Don't say it is Jinling Academy, Even the entire Jinling... no, Jiangnan County, and even half of the east, can clearly detect the changes here, and the surging laws of the Holy Light System!

Just like all the Holy Light System that have been silent for thousands of years The laws were all awakened at this moment.

Half of the East cast their eyes on this place. These god kings, and even the strong men at the main god level, had different expressions. But most of them had shock on their faces.

"what happened?"

"This feeling is! Jinling Academy?"

"How come...this movement! The Lord God can’t do it, right? Could it be Zu... Impossible, a giant of that level! Looking at the entire Jiangnan County, there is no such thing, right?……"

"I heard that the old president of Jinling University has been at the peak of the Lord God for a hundred years! Is it possible that……"

"This is absolutely impossible! That guy surnamed Xue, a hundred years the decisive battle of the Japanese invasion of the gods, he fought with the royal master god who was both skilled in swords! On that day, he forcibly advanced to the peak of the Lord God and killed the emperor with three moves, which shocked both China and foreign countries! If he didn't fall down afterwards, it would be considered that he has a strong foundation to a certain stage... Go further! How can it be so easy?"

"Also, if you want to achieve the realm of the Ancestral God... the most basic thing is that all the previous breakthroughs must be made naturally, without any force. To build the most solid foundation!"

"So, what happened in Jinling?!"

There is silence in Jinling at the moment. Even the lower gods can clearly feel the restlessness of the Law of Holy Light... There are many people near Jinling Academy who started filming with excited faces, and then transmitted the video to the divine network.

A Another brilliant brilliance rose from all over Jinling. There were hundreds of them. The weakest among them was also the God King...

There were seven auras of the main god level.

With the aura that created the world, they burst into Jinling Academy. Deep inside.

At this moment, the old principal and five god-king-level deans had all appeared outside Su Han's villa. The old principal sensed the tens of thousands of holy light laws. He was calm on the surface, but in his eyes with worry and resentment

"Lao Xue, what happened?"The principal of Jinling Institute of Technology stepped on the boundless avenue and descended wearing the light of the God King. His voice was gentle, but in harmony with heaven and earth. Every word he uttered seemed to tap out the rhythm of heaven and earth.

One after another, the brilliance came suddenly. Or Be it doubts or serious voices sounded one by one

"Holy light? I remember that this seemed to be the most popular law in the Western pantheon in the Middle Ages! Later, Newton opened the way... With the rise of physics, Holy Light gradually declined! But even so, Holy Light is now one of the most popular Tao in the West.……"

"Good guy, there are tens of thousands of different ways of Holy Light! Damn it, all the ways of Holy Light created by the Western pantheon...are they all emerging here? Are you fucking digging up the ancestral graves of the Holy Light system of the Western Gods?……"

"Damn, there are so many holy light avenues... If we can print the rhymes of these paths and study them slowly. It can completely absorb all the Western research on the Holy Light Avenue for thousands of years... Let this road have no secrets for us. In the future, when the same level fights, the strong ones who practice the Holy Light Path can be easily eliminated!"

"Then you should make rubbings! What's the use of just saying it here?!"

"I dare not...these ways are too complicated and too scary! I feel like I took action... Either they want to forcibly moralize me, or I crush them.……"

"So, what is going on here? Why did this change happen... We in the East have been curious about the mystery of the Holy Light Avenue for a long time! Just like the West has been peeking at our two great mysteries of Confucianism and Taoism for a long time……"

"That's right... How could all the paths of Holy Light that have been pioneered in the West emerge at the same time? Not even the ancestral gods can do such a thing."

In the end, the eyes of the hundreds of god kings and seven main gods at the scene were all cast on the gloomy-looking old principal...

Although they did not ask directly, it was obvious... that they very much hoped that the old principal would give an explanation.

They were silent for a long time. After that, the old principal almost squeezed out a sentence through his teeth,"This is Su Han's residence."


Everyone at the scene was stunned for a moment, but when they thought about who Su Han was... their expressions changed drastically at the same time.

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