Ying Quliang:"……I see."

Ying Quliang's heart was surging. Although the Great Qin Zulong said that they were not gods, Ying Quliang felt that these were just modest words.

In the final analysis, who else besides gods could transmit future information into his mind? Can such a thing be done?!

"This ancestral dragon calls me Liezu... with the dignity of his god! It is impossible to degrade yourself. In other words...he is really my descendant after six generations.……"

Suddenly thinking of something, Ying Quliang suddenly realized,"So... my descendants after the sixth life have become gods, and only then can they come to this past. And tell me this kind of information!"

Ying Quliang breathed a sigh of relief, and then Following Da Qin Zulong's words, he started watching the introduction. After reading it, he frowned, and then entered the group file...

According to what the previous group of people said...read Yanhuang Five Thousand Years first! Then watch many video files... after half a stick of incense.

Ying Quliang slumped in his seat with a dull face, a large number of thoughts entangled in his brain.

"Shang Yang's reforms were the beginning of Qin becoming stronger! Shang Yang... no, I should say Shang Jun! We did it, we really did it."

Ying Quliang cried and laughed,"After six generations, the Great Qin came out from the east and unified the world. We have laid the solid foundation for a unified and powerful empire!"

Then, Ying Quliang became furious and overturned the short table in front of him,"Hu Hai... you deserve death! I, surnamed Ying, do not have such a disgraceful heir as you... You should be expelled from the ancestral temple... No, it is because of you, a beast, that the ancestral temple of my surname, Ying, has been cut off."

Ying Quliang's eyes were red and he was gnashing his teeth. According to the records in the history book, the future destruction of the country will not be as gentle as the current Warring States period... Yes, the current war of the Warring States period will be left to the future change of the unified dynasty... It can definitely be called gentle.

After all, even if the Warring States Period destroyed the country, they would not kill all the princes and nobles of another country. In the final analysis, they intermarry with each other! They are all relatives.

In the future, the grassroots rise will only Kill all the princes and nobles of the unified dynasty... After all, if you don't kill, how can you distribute the benefits to the group of people who rose up with the grassroots?

Ying Quliang paced in place repeatedly, crying again Laughing, angry and happy.

His emotions changed three times in a flash.

Ying Quliang was excited and excited until his chamberlain invited Wu Zhu with a grimace...

These close ministers of his felt that he was bewitched... Even if Ying Quliang claimed that he was fine several times, they did not believe it. These extremely loyal servants knelt on the ground directly, saying that for the health of their lord, even if they died here, the lord must perform exorcism..

Forced to do nothing, Ying Quliang could only accept it with a grimace. Then he showed his normal posture... and then dispersed the group of people.

"Be calmer from now on!"Ying Quliang entered a secret room that was absolutely deserted. He patted his cheek and continued to sort out all his previous thoughts.

"Most members of the group! Maybe they really are not gods... They are existences similar to mine, coming from different worlds and being pulled into this."

"In the group, the only god is Shangshen! God of creation!"

Ying Quliang thought of the scene in the video where the God showed up, and his calm heart stirred up trouble again.

After inhaling and exhaling several times, Ying Quliang looked serious and began to recite the sacrificial words in a low voice.

When After Ying Quliang uttered the last word, his mind was shaken...

He seemed to see an unimaginable existence at this moment...

When he regained consciousness, enthusiasm appeared on Ying Quliang's face,"That is the God of Creation. ? Really great! And...huh?!"

Ying Quliang suddenly felt something was wrong. He moved his wrists and savored the changes in his body.

After a moment of silence, he turned around and came to the center of a large hall, and stretched out his hand to hold the giant cauldron in front of him. As he exerted force, the giant cauldron made of bronze suddenly rose into the air. Moreover, Ying Quliang felt it was effortless.

"Very good."Ying Quliang put it down again, remained silent for a while, smiled again, and shed tears as he smiled,"Sure enough, as the people in the chat group said, God will give everyone who believes in him equal justice. Send down immeasurable divine grace!"

"Even if we don’t talk about sacrificing to the gods, God manifests his holiness, simply speaking... I spread the faith of God... God bestows divine grace! Perhaps we can make our Great Qin warriors become the overlords who will destroy our Great Qin in the future."

Thinking of this, Ying Quliang couldn't help himself.

With hundreds of thousands of soldiers with the power of an overlord, it would be easy to unify the world... easily!


Chat group of all worlds.

Ye Hei:"Ancestor of Zulong, is he no longer bubbling? It's scary. He seems to be still addicted to group files!"

Ange:"Addicted to divine power, he is getting thinner day by day."

Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"It's normal, let alone That ancient prince. Even for me, joining the chat group has stabilized my mind for a long time!"

Liu Peiqiang:"? I think you are also an ancient."

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"I personally think... the wall-facer looks at you , I also think you are an ancient."

Chen Xiaoyu:"What are you looking at? You are all ancients!"

Prince Zhu:"Hey, this... let's each figure it out. If we keep hurting each other like this, there will be no end."."

Dongfang Huaizhu:"Strongly agree."

Wall-Facing Man:"So, does anyone still remember the God of Thunder who still hasn't bubbled up?"

Undead Evil King:"Maybe he didn't notice the existence of the chat group? After all, he has to Close your eyes and concentrate, then you will be able to notice the existence of the chat group……"

Chen Xiaoyu:"Um...have you forgotten something?"

Miaomushan Immortal:"? Is there anything?"

Liu Peiqiang:"……groove! I forgot to watch Miss Gudazi’s video."

Moon Worshiping Leader:"No wonder Miss Gudazi doesn't bubble up now.

Gudazi:"No!" I'm not angry at all. Ye

Hei:"Across the chat group, I can feel the overwhelming resentment... It can be said to be very scary.""

The Young Master of Peach Blossom Island:"Ahem, let's watch now. Farewell!"

Su Han raised his eyebrows, scrolled up to the folder column, and then clicked download. And watch it.

"Another hour or so? Well, it turns out that it started with tearing apart the demon pillars.……"

Because Su Han had been paying attention to Gudazi before, he knew a lot of plots in the middle... After reaching these pages in the video, he jumped directly to it. Soon I saw Gudazi return to the real world...

Then, the video after Gudazi was roughly edited with some comments on the Internet...

Then, Roman and Olga went out to meet the Saint. Church, and people from the Magic Association. Of course, when they met, Gudazi restrained his own root laws and would not let them comprehend magic the first moment they met... At the end of the video, the Holy Church and the Magic Association were scrambling to please Gudazi. And desperately slandering the forces on the other side.

In this regard, Gudazi's only reaction was... to use absolute force to suppress all two groups of people at the scene, and then... to issue a cold and unilateral declaration to them.

"From today on, the Magic Association and the Holy Church will be merged into the newly established Creation God Religion. Strive all your life to spread the glory of God……"

"If you have made great achievements, you can look directly at the root cause! Understand magic... Who of you agrees and who disagrees?"

There was silence in the video...I refused. Looking at Gudazi's murderous look, I'm afraid she wouldn't have done it on the spot. But I agreed. In the future, it might be easy to see the root cause and achieve the magician's ultimate goal... even if the clock The monarch of the tower and the executive officer of the Holy Church have high positions... Under the dual pressure of absolute force and deadly bait, they no longer have any arrogance. Finally agreed.……

"Gudazi's movements were astonishingly fast." Su Han sighed with emotion, then glanced at the chat group and found that it was exploding.

Ye Hei:"This is too scary."

The young master of Peach Blossom Island:"God is awesome! One sentence can bring people back to their senses!"

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult:"Wait a minute...I suddenly thought that Gudazi also performed a sacrifice last time. But why didn't God give human reason that time... Oh, I remembered, that time he gave the five great Dharma plus savior spiritual foundations! That's okay."

Yao Lao:"……You are so obviously incompetent! I have never seen a being as generous and great as God! You actually want more."

Liu Peiqiang:"I personally think that maybe Shangshen gave Gudazi great strength last time and wanted her to get through it on her own. But no matter what, Gudazi is stuck at the last level! You even went so far as to directly pray to Him and offer sacrifices, which was quite unsatisfactory... God thought, since you don't want this kind of hardship on yourself, then simply let Him take action to solve everything."

Gudazi:"!!! Hiss, is this what God thinks?

Gudazi:"Oops, from this perspective... Then I have failed to live up to God's diligent expectations." (crying loudly.jpg)"

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