Liu Peiqiang:"@小智. You don’t have to be so desperate... Even if it reaches the worst outcome you think, Sakaki really holds the whole world in the palm of his hand. And he begins to spread the belief in God. This It’s not a bad thing for you or the whole world."

Yao Lao:"This is true...God has set strict rules that believers cannot harm each other! Moreover, believers should make it as good as possible."

Yao Lao:"The reason why we are able to make believers better and better is largely because we offer sacrifices to gods and gain divine grace. In addition, there is a chat group where everyone in the group helps each other!"

Yao Lao:"If Sakaki controls the world, he will also It will inevitably lead to a better path for believers... At that time, in addition to offering sacrifices to God to gain divine grace, he will also need your help.……"

Liu Peiqiang:"Yes... After he knows the situation on your side, he will most likely use you as a medium to communicate with people in other worlds... to exchange more advanced technology, or to obtain other help. Transform your The living conditions of the people around you!"

Wallfacer:"Ahem, actually, Mr. Xiaozhi... I am personally very interested in the Pokémon in your world. You can use them to exchange with me for various kinds of things. of technological equipment……"

Xiaozhi:"!! But Pokémon, they are self-aware. Your behavior of treating them as commodities... I will not agree with it."

Yuan Dagu:"……"

I want to be Zhao Gao:"If it weren't for your stubbornness, would the situation be like this?"

Wallfacer:"Okay, let's stop the discussion here. @小智. In fact, even if you want to overturn Sakaki , there is no problem either. Just offer sacrifices to the gods one more time and that’s it!"


Gudazi:"We all know this... The key point is that the scene over at Sakaki is so big... Xiaozhi can't take over at all. Unless the entire elf headquarters cooperates... But even the elf headquarters, I don't think so. It would be extremely troublesome to extract those hundreds of quasi-gods and Yu Sanjia, and it would even take a long time, right?"

The Immortal Evil King said:"After all, one is official...and the other is a private underworld force. The characteristics are destined, Team Rocket is more suitable to gather the three families! Moreover, I don’t think that Team Rocket does not have undercover agents in the Elf headquarters... If you really do this, I doubt that Sakaki will personally lead the team to kill you, and then gather you The elf snatched it away. After all, his current strength is invincible!"

Wutian Buddha:"……"


Gudazi:"Amazing... I found that there are no flaws."

Chen Xiaoyu:"As expected of the Evil King... The Evil King is a demonic figure, so his thoughts can be a little more consistent with those of Team Rocket, right?"

Wall Facer :"Actually, there is another way! And it's Sakaki, who can't cut off the beard at all."

Xiaozhi:"?? You said it."

Xiaozhi became serious for a moment.

Wallfacer:"Don't forget what Sakaki said at the end... He wants Sirona, the champion of the Sinnoh region, as well as Kona, Cattleya... There is a high probability that these are the destined people of your world! If You can pull them over for sacrifice……"

Although Luo Ji didn't say it directly, his meaning was obvious.

Xiaozhi:"!! Use people to sacrifice? This is impossible! I will not allow this to happen."

Angers:"Well, I have seen the future in advance."

The Undead Evil King:"And ten years old The child really has nothing to talk about! I personally suggest that Xiaozhi collects a thousand points and invites Sakaki in. I think we and Sakaki might get along very well."

Moon Worshiping Leader:"I feel the same way I think so."

Su Han looked strange, but he also admitted that what these people said made sense.

"But then again, Xiaozhi should tell these words to Du, right? It's really hard to say whether Du will grit his teeth and grit his teeth and discuss this matter with other champion kings. Just to move Sakaki down!"

Rubbing his eyebrows, Su Han suddenly thought of a serious question,"Speaking of Sirona considered the daughter of destiny?"

According to Su Han's past experience, Xiaoxia, even the future Xiaoyao, Xiaoguang, Serina... these should all be the daughters of destiny...

Sirona, it's really hard to say... Of course, it's just hard to say.. After all, there is the special case of Yan Ruyu...

As the champion of the Sinnoh region, Sirona is truly at the top. She is responsible for the rise and fall of the entire region... Even if she is the daughter of destiny, there is nothing surprising.

Shaking his head, Su Han looked away from the chat group. It was getting very late now.

Just when Su Han was wondering whether he should return to the real world or continue to stay in the God Realm for one night... He Suddenly, he realized that King Arthur was walking in his direction, obviously wanting to pay him a visit.

"King Arthur this time?"Su Han glanced at the time, his expression a little subtle.

Although Su Han was a little surprised that the black King Arthur would do such a thing, he was only a little surprised... After all, he has always adhered to the principle of not refusing or taking the initiative.

Soon. , he summoned King Arthur to enter the Central Heavenly Palace. But to Su Han's expectation, King Arthur came here for business this time.

Because she already felt that she had finished the horse herding work, but she felt that she had committed the crime in the first place. The sins she committed have not been completely atone for her. So she came here this time and begged Su Han to continue punishing her.

Su Han was very speechless. Until the end, he could only sigh with emotion, he is indeed Arthur... He is indeed a A straight girl of steel.

In the end, Su Han asked her to follow Zhao Ling'er for a period of time to turn the land of 100,000 square kilometers into the sacred land of the Medicine King, and still manage the horses during this period... After all this was completed, It was considered that she had committed a lighter crime.

King Arthur walked out very satisfied, and then met Zhao Ling'er and Medusa at the door.

The two looked at the early night, and then at Arthur who was wearing armor and stomach. They were very shocked. There was no reason. According to their past experience, they would have to struggle at least until dawn... What on earth was Arthur doing?……

"Just in time, I have something important to ask you."King Arthur stared at Zhao Ling'er, his eyes lit up instantly, and he immediately told Su Han everything he had discussed before.

Zhao Ling'er:"???"


The two women were stunned. Damn it, why did you come to God in the middle of the night to do this?

Is it for the sake of atonement for this god who has already forgiven you?!

How did your brain grow?

In a daze, Zhao Ling'er agreed, but looking at King Arthur's leaving figure, she hesitated and whispered,"Actually, you don't need to do these strange and repeated things... You only need to do one thing. thing, then your so-called blasphemy in the lower world can be completely offset"

"……What's up!"King Arthur turned back instantly, his eyes bright. This matter has almost become her obsession.

"Just stay in the palace of the gods all night."Zhao Ling'er spoke seriously. But before she could say anything more, she was dragged in by Medusa.

King Arthur:"?"

What the hell? Stay all night... Why can God forgive her if she stays all night?

King Arthur fell into deep thinking. Is there any necessary connection between this?

But soon, King Arthur heard the sound of communication between gods and gods in the palace... Her brows jumped quickly, and she understood something at this moment. She rarely broke through her skills and stamped her foot,"Shameless!"

Immediately , King Arthur rushed towards his palace at an extremely terrifying speed.

Lying on the bed, King Arthur looked at the ancient ceiling, unable to fall asleep after looking at it for a long time. For a while she thought of what she had discovered before, and for a while she thought of God's appearance and temperament that made her heart beat...

Finally, until the first ray of light lit up on the horizon. Only then did King Arthur confirm one thing...

She had insomnia!

Moreover, King Arthur had a vague premonition. If this matter is not resolved, she may continue to suffer from insomnia tomorrow...

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