There is nothing to say next. Su Han made an appointment with the old principal to give a formal speech in the school hall tomorrow.

At that time, any professor from Jinling Academy who has free time will come over. He will even send invitations to professors, national scholars, and principals from other universities in Jinling... Well, in addition to this, he will also recruit a group of students from Jinling University who have great potential and are clean-blooded.

After completing these things, Su Han returned to his villa in the school. He was lying on the sofa, feeling like he was in another world.

Suddenly, Su Han laughed hoarsely,"Based on the last experience! I guess I've wiped out the Internet again now, right?"

As soon as he finished speaking, his cell phone rang.

Su Han curled his lips, took out his cell phone without any surprise, and opened it. Suddenly, pieces of news came into his eyes.

《Is it true? Or is it just sensationalism? The path of the peerless genius!》

《The eighteen-year-old Tianjiao God officially broke through to the gods! Breaking the Guinness World Record... This record extended Einstein's thirty-eight years by twenty years》

《Shock! This genius god entered the school"727" and actually did such things as Long Aoshen!》

《A real person who is more legendary than the Shenwang novel! Don’t you even dare to write a novel like this?! 》

All kinds of news, both interesting and irrelevant, all popped up... Su Han looked strange, but before he could click on it, a new piece of news popped up on his phone.

《A student from my country's Jinling Divine Academy broke through to the realm of gods today! Age 18."

Su Han was actually quite surprised when he saw this. After all, there were a lot of coquettish headlines in front of it, and suddenly such a serious one came out... It made people a little uncomfortable.

However, he looked at the news publisher... Oh, Shenming Daily, that's okay.

After thinking for a moment, Su Han clicked into it. Then I realized that the content in Shenming Daily was very brief, with only two sentences more than the title. One was under the protection of the principal of Jinling Academy, and he also praised the ancient eastern country... gone.

Su Han looked at the comments below with a strange expression, and found that the comment area exploded at this moment. It's obviously just posted, but every time it's refreshed, there are dozens or hundreds of more comments in the comment area.


"nms1! Today's editors are really capable of telling all kinds of nonsense. I'm going to tell you... huh?! Not those gossip editors, but Shenming Daily? I'm torn"

"? Have I traveled through time? Traveled through the novel world?!"

"Damn it, an 18-year-old high-ranking god was released just two days ago, and I said that the Shenwang novel is still writing about a 13-year-old god... Now you really gave me a whole new life? Eighteen-year-old god? Next, will he become a god-king at the age of nineteen? Twenty-year-old Lord God! Then Pingxi Zhenshi?"


"Damn it, all the more than 20 official media outlets I follow are reporting this news again! is this real? Even if something goes wrong, it can't be that everything is wrong, right?!"

"At first, I thought that Shenming Daily had been hacked... But after looking at the thirty or so news items that popped up, they were all like this. I frowned and suddenly felt that things were not simple."

"The less words! The bigger the problem! There are only three sentences... and one of them is an official statement praising the ancient country... It is really terrifying."

If it's really's impossible, right? How can people believe this kind of thing? Einstein's coffin can't even be nailed..." Umbrella"Einstein is not dead! But Newton probably is." Well... After all, it was on the edge of the crystal wall system hundreds of years ago, and there is still no wind. Who knows what the situation is. So it should be corrected to say that Newton's coffin board can't be nailed!"

"There is a saying that it is almost impossible for an eighteen-year-old god to be born in any previous era! At the age of eighteen, it is difficult to even become a high-level god... Where can a god appear from without even a high-level god? But only in this era, there is a glimmer of possibility!"

"Hiss...wait a minute, is that the one you're talking about?!"

"Yes, Jinling Academy, Breakthrough God... is still eighteen years old! Although all the news did not reveal his name... However, after all the conditions were added up, there was only one person who fit the situation.……"

"? ? ? I haven't been online for three months, what happened? What kinds of things are you talking about?

"Upstairs, +1. I haven’t been online for a month and it feels like the whole world has changed! It turns out that the world has changed. Will you become a god at the age of eighteen?"

"The storm cries.jpg. I, a 20-year-old waste who just broke through to the lower gods, have no shame in living in this world."

"Someone else's eighteen years old.jpg"

"I was so scared that I even dropped the dried fish!"

"Stop talking, I’m going to apply for Jinling Gakushu University next year"

"Those in front, take me with you! I have a hunch that the person whose name even the official media dare not mention...will make countless big news in the future. And he became a very important figure in my ancient Eastern country, no, it should be said that he was a very important figure in the entire world. If I enter Jinling University next year, he should still be my senior. I estimate that I can brag about this guy for the rest of my life."

"Seeing that you have all decided to go to Jinling University... the Magic City and Kyoto, we cry in each other's arms!"

"Shock! The admission scores of top universities in the magical city of Kyoto have dropped significantly. Is it because of this incident?!"

"I am a student at Xiamodou University. I won’t tell you my specific identity to prevent being picked out! I can only say that when I passed by the principal’s office in the teaching building just now, I heard the angry sounds coming from inside... The principal was scolding the old principal of Jinling University by name. I don’t know how long he was scolding. Anyway, I You could hear it for ten minutes there"

"If it were me, I would scold you... Damn it, I thought about it for three days and three nights and I still don’t know, what’s wrong with my school in Shanghai?"

"Speaking of this, I suddenly thought...a year ago, didn't a genius appear who shocked the ancient Eastern countries? In the end, I seem to have chosen Kyoto University... But after all, Kyoto University is ranked above the Magic City. This time, it is really exciting...0"

"Do you think even the principal of Magic City is excited? I, a student at Kyoto University... I can only say that everyone understands what happened in the principal's office here."

"I know how to be weird! Recommend assassination"

"After watching it for a long time... I probably understand the situation! Although I am shocked, who can tell me who that person is?"

"I understand everything! This matter is deep water! Cannot be disclosed! Hidden, hidden"

"? ? ? That guy in front, tell me your name if you dare, and I will kill you with my bare hands."

"That person is this year’s transfer student from Jinling Divine Academy, Su……"

【This message has been deleted!】



"Click in with a confused look, click out with a confused look"

"What the hell... Damn it, didn't you just spit out a last name? what happened?"

" this the name of a taboo?"

"Awesome! I don’t understand what there is to hide here, it’s not like those old gods standing at the top of the East!"

"The peerless genius... must conceal the information. What if it is exposed and assassinated?"

"No way? No one really believes this reason, right? If the Western pantheon really wants to know a person’s name… why can’t it be known? You want to assassinate someone, but you can't?"

"It really doesn’t work! This is the East"

"Yes, if you die outside the ancient Eastern Kingdom, or in the crystal wall system... there is nothing you can do about that. Dare to assassinate in the hinterland of the ancient Eastern country, and it is still a possibility, no, it should be said that he is a genius who will definitely change the world! This can no longer be described as death. This is a declaration of war in the face of an ancient Eastern country."

"To put it bluntly, even Citigroup would not dare to do such a thing!"

"Citi is invincible, and the West is invincible... The West is the light of civilization, and Citi is the beacon of freedom. They are all liars! It's all false! Hahaha, I'm not crazy like 4.2, it's you who are crazy, you actually believe in something that is impossible to happen!"

"Yes... This kind of existence cannot even be born in the West. How could the East be born? ?!"

"? ? ? How many more shepherd gods have come?"

"Basically, it can be confirmed that it is true. According to the gossip, the principal of Jinling Academy, it seems that he is personally protecting the law.……"

"? ? So I am very curious, who is my future husband? Do you have a photo?"

"Check the photo of the 18-year-old high-ranking god! Paralysis, so the upper god and the heavenly god are both the same person. Why can the upper god find out... but I can't find out when I check the god? Isn't this deception? Stupid system"

"So...I just want to know the name, I'm going to burst!"

"Topics such as names are highly sensitive nowadays and cannot be discussed on the Internet... I can only say that if you are in Jinling, you can go to Shenming Academy to find out. That person is very famous... beyond your imagination. That kind of famous! Whether they are ordinary people or students around him, they all know that person... If you go over and ask, you will definitely get the answer!"_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download the Faloo Novel APP!

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