After reading it, Luo Ji remained silent for a long time, feeling a huge wave in his heart.

He pinched his flesh hard and felt the pain. His expression became serious,"If you can feel pain, it must not be a dream! Besides, my brain is still very clear now, so it shouldn't be possible that my whole body is burning." Confused"

"In other words... what was said in that chat group is very likely to be true."

"Nuwa...the supreme mother goddess in Yanhuang mythology. It is indeed terrifying, turning the whole world into such a mythical appearance... But what is even more terrifying is the creation god in the chat group"

"Can create hundreds of demons, saints and gods...even Nuwa can be created and can bless the people of the entire Tang Dynasty."

"If it were Him……"

Luo Ji's expression changed several times, and he entered the chat group again in silence. He watched the people inside describe the reputation of the God of Creation, and how to join the religion and believe in the God of Creation.

After thinking for a moment, Luo Ji followed the instructions and downloaded the top-grade sacrificial method, sacrificial ceremony, etc.……

"I’m sure, if it’s an hallucination, it’s impossible for so much information to be transmitted into my mind out of thin air… I’m also sure it can’t be water droplets. If water droplets could do this to my brain, they would have done it long ago. Already taking action."

Luo Ji let out a breath, and couldn't help but feel a little hope in his heart.

After all, since he can input the memory, he must also be able to extract the memory... If it was Shui Drop, then he only needs to extract his memory to know who he is. All the layout of the plan, and then all human beings will be finished.

The essence of the Wallfacer's plan is to take advantage of the loopholes in the Trisolaran's ignorance of human thinking.

"So, if there really is a God! Please save this this world that has almost no hope. Luo Ji softly murmured the top-grade sacrificial method. Words came out one after another, and soon, he said the last word. At this moment, Luo Ji's body shook violently, and his consciousness seemed to sink into He fell into the endless abyss. Faintly, he seemed to hear a voice that seemed majestic and gentle,"Another heroic soul that is dazzling to the extreme...human beings, human beings.""

When he woke up again, Luo Ji found himself in a bedroom. On the bed not far from him, there was a man and a woman sleeping.

"Um?! Luo Ji was stunned for a moment, and then took a breath. He recognized the man at a glance.

He had already recognized the scene... This was something he did when he was a libertine in his early years.. But what the heck, he has entered the new century of mankind through slumber, why did he come back? Could it be that he traveled back in time?!

Then when the other Luo Ji wakes up, how will he explain it? I told him that he Did it actually come from the future? Humanity was about to be destroyed by aliens.

Ji became more and more confused. Then, he found that the other person woke up... But before he could come up with an explanation, he discovered that the man and the woman were completely different. Ignoring him.

Then, he even stepped forward to tentatively try to grab the other self, but his palm passed through the other self, as if he was now a phantom.

"What is this?! Luo Ji looked serious. He thought a lot, and finally combined the content in the chat group and made an inference,"Is this a miracle given to me by that god after reciting the top-grade sacrificial method?" But isn’t it to peek into the true form of that god? This is exactly what it is."

As time continued to delay, Luo Ji saw the various experiences of his other self. A professor of sociology, he met Ye Wenjie, the woman who changed his life, and then, inexplicably, became the fourth Wallfacer in the Wallfacer Project...

Then came the assassination from Trisolaris. He fell into a deep sleep until now, and then experienced all kinds of things, from the savior falling into the clouds to now, being spurned by the world, coming to the mausoleum, digging his own grave, and preparing to give it a try.

However, the other self He did not receive a request from the chat group, nor did he believe in gods or recite sacrificial words.

Just as he planned, he sent an invitation to the Trisolarans for dialogue...and he won the bet! He successfully rescued He came to the Earth, became the first sword holder, and deterred the Trisolaris.

He became the spiritual leader of the Earth Resistance Organization... He became the leader of the Earth Civilization Museum... He presided over the development of the curvature drive engine spacecraft... In the end, he Became the gravekeeper! Watching the entire earth civilization completely collapse under the two-way foil attack of the high-dimensional civilization.

He watched the person named Cheng Xin take over the responsibility of the sword holder and let the earth Destruction... In the end, even at the end of the universe, those five kilograms of matter were taken away...

Luo Ji suddenly opened his eyes, gasping for air, and looked around blankly. He was still lying on the ground. Inside the grave I dug...

The rain has stopped and the ground is still very wet.

"Is that a dream? No, absolutely not! That's it...that's what it is. Luo Ji suddenly stood up. Then he realized that his body was much stronger than before. He touched his forehead and found that it was not hot at all.

After thinking about it, Luo Ji immediately stood on his head... He did it easily. This was something he could never do before. He stood up again and clapped his palms. Shock and joy appeared on Luo Ji's face,"It's divine grace... it's Feedback from those guys! It's real, everything is real, it's not a dream, and God is real."

At this moment, Luo Ji was no longer confused. He touched the gun in his arms seriously, and then his body suddenly stopped.

"Do I really want to go down the same path?"853 embarked on the road that, even if he tried his best, humankind was still extinct in the end.

Even if he knew the future now, he also knew that he could not change it.

The self in that illusion was already a legend, even now he knew Knowing the future, he couldn't think of what he had to do to be better than his other self. Did he kill Cheng Xin? There was no point!

Cheng Xin was elected by humans in that new era... If he had killed her earlier At that time, mankind will only choose another Cheng Xin

"After all, humans are such miserable creatures. Luo Ji murmured, staring quietly at the rising sun in the sky,"But what if we could take advantage of human beings' wretchedness?" Offer your faith in exchange for divine grace to come and protect everything"

" at all costs! Let human civilization continue."

Perhaps being protected by gods makes many people who believe in self-improvement look down upon them. But Luo Ji doesn't see it that way. He just wants mankind to live longer and happier than the original historical trajectory...

He cannot be the protector of mankind. Then choose a real god!

Luo Ji's expression became firm, he took out his mobile phone from his pocket and made a call,"Da Shi? Please help me contact the person in charge of the Wall Facing Project……"

"Well, I'm going to reveal my plan... enough to save the world, the Wallfacer Plan!"_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download the Faloo Novel APP!

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